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ssnl hu hand ssnl hu hand

07-14-2009 , 03:33 PM
hey guys, after a super long hiatus, my booty from past success has almost ran out so ive returned to poker again, albeit lower stakes til i get back in the groove. i hope no one minds me posting a small stakes hand.

CO opens to $6, not many hands with him yet but seems TAGy. i reraise to $22 with T6 from SB.

flop comes 3 7 8. i bet $26, he calls quickly.

turn is T.

whats my action and plan?
ssnl hu hand Quote
07-14-2009 , 03:41 PM
c/jam. if it goes c/c then bet most rivers for value.
ssnl hu hand Quote
07-14-2009 , 03:45 PM
why cjam? doesnt he just check behind most of the hands i want value from?
ssnl hu hand Quote
07-14-2009 , 03:45 PM
I think he ch back alot of 88/99 79s etc and if we 2 barrel pretty heft here we looks like he have a lot better than Tx unles we have been 2baring in 3b pots often... I think i'd b/f the turn and c/f the river if he called again because I dont think he will turn many made hands into a bluff when we 2 bar and ch river. If he had been floating me at all or something id much rather c/c the turn

As a default I dont like b/f top pair in 3b pots but I think he checks back all the hands we are beating on the turn and its gonna be impossible to decide which river cards and what bet sizes to c/c on the river if we c/c the turn
ssnl hu hand Quote
07-14-2009 , 03:46 PM
I've been playing a bunch of 1/2 recently, I'd c/f, I think they check back worse made hands most of the time and barely ever show up with air here. If not that then c/c (or c/jam depending on how much is back, won't be much which is why ahnuld said c/jam im sure) can't be too bad.
ssnl hu hand Quote
07-14-2009 , 03:47 PM
check first. then call if he bets. then check and curse him if he bets river again (unless you improve, then thank him)
ssnl hu hand Quote
07-14-2009 , 03:48 PM
uhh, c/jam seems pretty bad
ssnl hu hand Quote
07-14-2009 , 03:50 PM
i mean... is he really folding 79, 89, 99, 76, 66 to a 2barrel, esp after he turned a gutter? it just feels like losing so much value when his most likely holding is a pair + straight draw. i mean goddamn double barrelin in three bet pots has to be profitable if he really folds those hands here.
ssnl hu hand Quote
07-14-2009 , 03:51 PM
also, what am i hoping to see when i check call the turn? doesnt he check back the hands i want value from?
ssnl hu hand Quote
07-14-2009 , 03:52 PM
bet/fold turn, some of the posts in this thread are laughable.
ssnl hu hand Quote
07-14-2009 , 03:53 PM
also how deep are we cuz that could change things
ssnl hu hand Quote
07-14-2009 , 03:54 PM
Originally Posted by luegofuego
i mean... is he really folding 79, 89, 99, 76, 66 to a 2barrel, esp after he turned a gutter? it just feels like losing so much value when his most likely holding is a pair + straight draw. i mean goddamn double barrelin in three bet pots has to be profitable if he really folds those hands here.
If he has a tight range, which I think he does, then there's not that much value in charging those hands since you will be paying all the better ones... esp if we can c/f the turn and avoid paying off, which we can do if villain's gonna be value-heavy and I think in general at 1/2 they will be.
ssnl hu hand Quote
07-14-2009 , 04:01 PM
100bb deep

requin i have no idea why u think his range is so heavily weighted towards nut hands... 78 raises flop most of the time. aces etc will 4b preflop some of the time and raise flop a lot of the time. if he do decides to just call preflop, i find it pretty unlikely he snapcalls both preflop and flop without hesitation with it - thats just not how people behave when slowplaying in my experience. in my mind his most likely hand is something like 89. am i off?
ssnl hu hand Quote
07-14-2009 , 04:06 PM
Originally Posted by craiggerz
bet/fold turn, some of the posts in this thread are laughable.
so is this one
ssnl hu hand Quote
07-14-2009 , 04:07 PM
Plenty of strong better hands in his range, overpairs, T9, JT + all the 2pair+ hands that flatted flop... Didn't notice the fast calling on the flop which does weaken his range towards 98 type hands but I still don't read that much into it.

Eh I guess betting is better than c/c (or c/jam), ensures our decent equity, still prefer the c/f above all tho

Last edited by Requin; 07-14-2009 at 04:14 PM.
ssnl hu hand Quote
07-14-2009 , 04:20 PM
but requin... if it is like u say it is and his range includes a lot of stuff that beats us here (that will SHOVE over a turn bet), aswell as a lot of pair + draw hands (that will CALL if we bet but CHECK BEHIND if we CHECK), isnt bet-folding far and away the best option...?
ssnl hu hand Quote
07-14-2009 , 04:27 PM
I think Requin is implying that his range is just much stronger than our hand and we should c/f rather than go for value against the hands we are ahead of
ssnl hu hand Quote
07-14-2009 , 04:31 PM
i b/c here all day lol
ssnl hu hand Quote
07-14-2009 , 04:31 PM
lines that involve folding the turn suck
ssnl hu hand Quote
07-14-2009 , 04:32 PM
Originally Posted by TronSpecial
lines that involve folding the turn suck
why does b/f turn suck? why does c/f turn suck?
ssnl hu hand Quote
07-14-2009 , 04:43 PM
Originally Posted by wdead
I think Requin is implying that his range is just much stronger than our hand and we should c/f rather than go for value against the hands we are ahead of

I'm assuming that by the turn we're not doing well against his total range for calling flop... here a range I think is reasonable:

Text results appended to pokerstove.txt

1,320 games 0.005 secs 264,000 games/sec

Board: 8c 7d 3h Th

equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 43.674% 42.80% 00.87% 565 11.50 { Td6d }
Hand 1: 56.326% 55.45% 00.87% 732 11.50 { QcQh, QdQh, QdQs, JJ-99, 77-66, JTs, Tc9c, Ts9s, 9s8s, 76s }

So a bet's not great and vs. his betting hands:

Text results appended to pokerstove.txt

1,012 games 0.001 secs 1,012,000 games/sec

Board: Th 8c 7d 3s

equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 69.664% 69.66% 00.00% 705 0.00 { QcQh, QdQh, QdQs, JJ-99, 77, JTs, Tc9c, Ts9s }
Hand 1: 30.336% 30.34% 00.00% 307 0.00 { Td6d }

So c/c isn't good (if he's not bluffing)

I might be wrong but I think the only reason to bet here would be a blockbet that's smaller than what he would bet if we checked (and won't be bluffraised), no? Which is a possibility but the pots getting bigger and there's not that much back, so I wouldn't feel too confident that worse hands won't be jamming. Anyways our equity is decent so no matter what we do what be that bad, and I am relying pretty hard on my read that we won't be bluffed, but I do think c/f is best (slightly) at 1/2
ssnl hu hand Quote
07-14-2009 , 04:46 PM
You will get value from only a couple hands like 99, 66, 89s.
You value town yourself sometimes vs T9s.
I would say c/f but if villain is betting/ for protection with hands like 55,99,66,89s it sucks to fold better.
Also another benefit of bet/folding is that if we aren't willing to c/f at least a bet will stop his flop floats since its doubtful he raises the turn as a bluff.

Given all that I am still not sure whats best line. If villain isnt betting 55,99,66,89s on turn than I think we can c/f turn. vbet river if checked thru. But I am pretty lost as to correct line if he is betting those hands.

Last edited by HustlerLA; 07-14-2009 at 04:53 PM.
ssnl hu hand Quote
07-14-2009 , 04:57 PM
u forgot a some hands in that stove, like 56, 86, 79... 66, 55, 44...

id say its kinda close between b/f and c/f. then comes b/c and worst of all options is c/c.

anyways i bet $62, he quickly called again and turn came 6

ssnl hu hand Quote
07-14-2009 , 05:03 PM
Originally Posted by luegofuego
u forgot a some hands in that stove, like 56, 86, 79... 66, 55, 44...

id say its kinda close between b/f and c/f. then comes b/c and worst of all options is c/c.

anyways i bet $62, he quickly called again and turn came 6

how funny. I was just thinking how I would hate to bet and get called and see a 6 on river. he has so many 9's in his range there, but also if he is decent he will value bet any two pair (you some of them) 67s,86s. Overall though I think a 6 is helping his range way too much to continue. I would c/f.
ssnl hu hand Quote
07-14-2009 , 05:12 PM
ok so we have top pair on the turn, towards the top of our range (not the top top but better then what we have most of the time), we usually have the best hand, and we are being floated a decent ammount on the flop which im not sure you guys have mentioned at all and you guys want to check fold lol?
ssnl hu hand Quote
