Game started at: 2014/3/3 16:10:38
Game ID: 259790196 0.01/0.02 Elenite - 4 (Hold'em)
Seat 1 is the button
Seat 1: iminyahead7 (2.75).
Seat 2: StraightValue (2.31).
Seat 3: Stre3t (2.17).
Seat 5: MatKauton (2.03).
Player StraightValue has small blind (0.01)
Player Stre3t has big blind (0.02)
Player StraightValue received a card.
Player StraightValue received a card.
Player Stre3t received a card.
Player Stre3t received a card.
Player MatKauton received a card.
Player MatKauton received a card.
Player iminyahead7 received card: [8s]
Player iminyahead7 received card: [10s]
Player MatKauton folds
Player iminyahead7 raises (0.06)
Player StraightValue calls (0.05)
Player Stre3t calls (0.04)
*** FLOP ***: [7s Jh 10d]
Player StraightValue checks
Player Stre3t checks
Player iminyahead7 bets (0.12)
Player StraightValue calls (0.12)
Player Stre3t folds
*** TURN ***: [7s Jh 10d] [As]
Player StraightValue checks
Player iminyahead7 bets (0.30)
Player StraightValue calls (0.30)
*** RIVER ***: [7s Jh 10d As] [8c]
Player StraightValue checks
Player iminyahead7 bets (0.64)
Player StraightValue calls (0.64)
Player StraightValue mucks cards
------ Summary ------
Pot: 2.19. Rake 0.11
Board: [7s Jh 10d As 8c]
*Player iminyahead7 shows: Two pairs. 10s and 8s [8s 10s]. Bets: 1.12. Collects: 2.19. Wins: 1.07.
Player StraightValue mucks (does not show cards). Bets: 1.12. Collects: 0. Loses: 1.12.
Player Stre3t does not show cards.Bets: 0.06. Collects: 0. Loses: 0.06.
Player MatKauton does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
Game ended at: 2014/3/3 16:11:59
Villian is 50/25 over 22 hands
Are these ok spots to value bet and if so how much for each?
Hand 1 - as played fold the flop. Prefer a 3bet pre
Hand 2 - don't mind the flop bet as worse will call, but why are you betting the turn?
When you are the aggressor, think how strong your hand is and how much money you want to get into the pot with that strength of hand, then play it accordingly. Betting 2 streets with 2nd then 3rd pair makes no sense unless you have VERY good reads that villain will call down with worse frequently.