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spew ?? .10/.25 spew ?? .10/.25

01-13-2014 , 02:12 PM
im playing on carbon poker
v1 SB-22/18 AF9 $22
v2-BB-whale 40/25 AF 1.75 $32

not much history with villains worth noting, theyve been just folding to my cbets most of the time.
i dont have any notes yet on the player ive played about 75 hands with each at the time

im playing slightly looser at 27/16 AF 3.22, BTN

I have J7ss

Sb raises to .75 bb calls, i call(pot-2.20)

flop comes JAA rainbow gets checked to me i bet out $2, V1 min raises me to $4 i call with no plan

turn brings up 8s giving me a flush draw(pot-10.20)
v1 checks i check

rivers a 9d not really changing anything

he bets 2.50 i thought he might be going for a check raise so i just call again .

what do you guys think?
spew ?? .10/.25 Quote
01-13-2014 , 02:14 PM
What is your position pre?
Fold pre.
Check back flop. Fold to min raise.
It is spew.
spew ?? .10/.25 Quote
01-13-2014 , 02:42 PM
Would have been nice to see an actual hand history, but it looks like you are getting schooled by a whale here. Your flop bet is WAY too big. You don't have to bet more than 1/2pot to get him to fold all his trash that he raise with. Once you get check/min-raised by a player like this, it's an easy fold. Fold river, he's milking you.

On another note, it looks as though you limped the button. Keep this ingrained in your memory for the rest of your poker career: Never, ever, ever open limp. Especially the button!! (Unless it's in early position with AA or KK on an aggressive table where you are 100% sure you are getting raised. And even then, you need to be doing it with other hands to balance out your range)
spew ?? .10/.25 Quote
01-13-2014 , 02:51 PM
sb raises to 0.75bb

spew ?? .10/.25 Quote
01-13-2014 , 03:00 PM
Did you limp the BTN or something? Raise pre, xb flop as played, fold flop fast to the minraise (it's almost always Ax), turn is good, call river cuz lolpotodds/the random times he has some weird air or KQ/KT type crap.

If you are gonna bet the flop which I don't like it shouldn't be that big. Even a whale is folding almost everything worse than Jx to that size, and continuing only with stuff that has you basically dead.
spew ?? .10/.25 Quote
