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Some Poker, and a little about me. (0.25-0.50) NL-6max Some Poker, and a little about me. (0.25-0.50) NL-6max

03-24-2010 , 11:59 PM
Hello, im new here, so i'm sure none of you know me, but that's besides the point..

I deposited 10$ and got that quickly up to 20$ I went into a 27 person 10+1$ SNG.

I came 3rd for 48$, and was at around 60$ by then.

I joined a 0.25-0.50$ table and 3 hands in, I was dealt AA in the big blind.
Everyone folded around to SB who raised to 1.50, I re-raised to 3.50, and he re-re-raised me to 11$ I pushed all-in with 28.50$ and he thought for a bit then called.

The flop came J35 rainbow.. the turn and river doesn't matter because he had 33 and flopped a set against my AA.

I had exactly 30$ left, so I rebought in.

45 minutes in I was doing good, up to 47.75 when this hand happened.

I was dealt 10 Q in the BB, when the SB raised to 1.50.
I knew he was capable of calling a 28.50$ all-in with 33, so I knew he was pretty loose..

I re-raised to 3.50 and the button, and SB called.

[AKJ] came up on the flop.. it was my dream flop, I had the nut straight, and the nut flush draw, with the Jc giving me the royal..

SB bet 5$ I raised to 10$ Button pushed all in for around 21$ total
SB called, and I called also.

[4] came up on the turn, im still holding the nuts

SB bet 15$, I didnt have much left, so I pushed with the absolute nuts.

He insta-called..

[4] on the river.. and he turned over KK, for a fullhouse.. the button had AQ for just Aces and 4s.

My 60$ was gone within an hour by two relatively bad beats.. although on the hand where I had 10-Q he had quite a bit of outs.

That's it, and I can't buy in for another 2 weeks, as I cant buy in with my CC, and I have almost no money in the bank for a week and a half.

I know this isn't the appropriate sub-forum but if one of you could stake me low amount of money (10-15$) for Stars that would be great, even though I just started on their..

I used to play on Paradise Poker, but i'll write on that later
03-24-2010 , 11:59 PM
in b4 lock

nice minraise btw
03-25-2010 , 12:01 AM
money sent
03-25-2010 , 12:11 AM
lol degen
03-25-2010 , 12:20 AM

Last edited by Bigheadarch1; 03-25-2010 at 12:20 AM. Reason: in b4 lock, and after busto
03-25-2010 , 12:30 AM
Read the new user's guide.

And don't ask for money here again.
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