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Some basic turn spots o-0 Some basic turn spots o-0

06-08-2008 , 10:10 PM
A little rusty after playing too much call of duty 4, pretty sure these are some fine spots to double barrell but want to make sure my reasoning is good.

#1: Villain has taggy stats, not much in the way of specific reads or history however. I made this turn bet with the intention of betting almost any river card figuring that when he calls the turn it's almost never a flush and he has just top pair or some other bluff catcher. Stuff like 77-88 I think he peels, as well as obv stuff like 9x. All these hands should be folding the turn, and like I said when he calls his hand is pretty faceup and I believe I can profitably bet tons of rivers.

Party Poker $600 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players
2+2 Hand Converter Powered By DeucesCracked

BB: $609.85
Hero (UTG): $608.10
MP: $614.75
CO: $592.75
BTN: $900.50
SB: $453.85

Pre Flop: Hero is UTG with A J
Hero raises to $24, 2 folds, BTN calls $24, 2 folds

Flop: ($57.00) K 9 4 (2 players)
Hero bets $42, BTN calls $42

Turn: ($141.00) Q (2 players)
Hero bets $114

Hand 2: Similar spot, another relatively unknown tag villain. Think the flop bet is fairly standard, I pick it up a lot right there. When he check called his hand looks like a marginal Ax hand that he doesn't want to face a raise with, or something like 99-KK that also can't take much heat. I was planning on giving up on the turn but another spade hit and I feel like he's going to be forced to fold a lot of hands. Most one pair Ax hands I believe are folding unless he has a spade as well. Given he raised preflop and checked this flop I don't think he really ever has a flush himself at this point, so almost his entire range consists of marginal hands that I can get him off later on in the hand. I was planning on betting blank rivers to fold out stubborn Ax hands with or without a spade.

Party Poker $600 No Limit Hold'em - 5 players
2+2 Hand Converter Powered By DeucesCracked

CO: $1363.25
Hero (BTN): $600.00
SB: $609.85
BB: $600.00
UTG: $981.17

Pre Flop: Hero is BTN with 6 6
UTG raises to $18, 1 fold, Hero calls $18, 1 fold, BB calls $12

Flop: ($57.00) A 2 8 (3 players)
BB checks, UTG checks, Hero bets $42, BB folds, UTG calls $42

Turn: ($141.00) Q (2 players)
UTG checks, Hero bets $111

Hand 3: I didn't really have any read on this player except he appeared to be playing a little loose, but nothing really too fishy. On the flop I think most people are peeling very lightly on this board. Lots of over+straight draw type hands that will call once, and ace high / underpairs I think also call the flop often. Because of that I felt the turn is a good spot to get those hands out. If he calls I planned on giving up, his range for calling the turn I feel is going to be mostly made hands, and it's hard to rep trips. Thoughts on all these basic spots would be appreciated, thanks.

Party Poker $600 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players
2+2 Hand Converter Powered By DeucesCracked

BB: $300.55
Hero (UTG): $2298.65
MP: $1020.10
CO: $739.65
BTN: $616.15
SB: $978.17

Pre Flop: Hero is UTG with Q A
Hero raises to $24, MP calls $24, 4 folds

Flop: ($57.00) T 9 T (2 players)
Hero bets $42, MP calls $42

Turn: ($141.00) 2 (2 players)
Hero bets $111
Some basic turn spots o-0 Quote
06-08-2008 , 11:06 PM
In hand #2 I don't understand why would Villain want to lead weak aces from UTG unless he's gonna c-bet them to a drawy board. Seems illogical. KK-99 seems reasonable.

If you're gonna 2-barrel here, I agree that it's a must 3-barrel when blank river hits. Although he's not probably peeling anymore even with single big spades. 22, 88, QQ he could probably slowplay, but you'll probably hear them on turn if he has any of those.

Flush seems very unlikely.

Hand 3 is close, but nowadays I'm probably giving it up more than firing a second barrel.
Some basic turn spots o-0 Quote
06-08-2008 , 11:49 PM
I like hand 1. I don't like the flop bet in hand 2 (and I think you've got very little FE on the turn, and your only hope is shoving river). Hand 3 I'd only do against a good tag (who I thought is capable of leveling himself - as in why would I double barrel air on such a bad double barrel card), I don't like it against loose unknowns (fishy or otherwise).
Some basic turn spots o-0 Quote
06-09-2008 , 12:37 AM
1: don't like, I feel that card hits too much of his range

2 & 3: like, prolly bet a bit bigger though
Some basic turn spots o-0 Quote
06-09-2008 , 01:17 AM
Hand 1: I don't see why him calling the turn can't be the nuts. And what if he pops the turn? Are you folding? He could easily raise your turn bet with a multitude of hands that have you drawing live still...

Hand 2: I would like it SO much more if the A was a K on the flop. You have the right idea with utilizing your position and the spades as scare cards. I just think the A brings a whole different dynamic to the situation. If you had spades would you bet if checked to or would you take the free card in hopes of trapping the trapper...

Hand 3: I think you have the best hand here way more often then not. But what it comes down to is if you think your opponent is capable of bluff raising the turn. The problem here is that unless you have a T you really can't handle any heat whatsoever. This is a classic situation where you are bluffing with the best hand quite often. The alternative though is often worse as it creates a situation for you to get bluffed out or drawn out. Overall a bet will make you much more difficult to play against and if you think you will be at this guys table for a bit then I like the bet very much.
Some basic turn spots o-0 Quote
06-09-2008 , 01:28 AM
Originally Posted by jk3a
1: don't like, I feel that card hits too much of his range

Hand 2; I like!

Hand 3; I don't really like, not a very good double barrel card imo, and ppl play lighter in these paired board situations. I think he ain't fold a 9 here, he might fold open enders when you bet big, bit I think you shouldn't invest too much money to win any pot with a 3barrel or expensive 2barrel. We also have showdown value against draws.

And I make bigger flop bets except for hand 3. I bet like 46!
Some basic turn spots o-0 Quote
