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Some 6max questions Some 6max questions

07-12-2008 , 02:54 AM
Hey guys, i've been playing FR for a while, and i tried 6max for the first time today. I LOVE IT. The players are more fishy, its faster, and the pots seems to get bigger, faster. Any ways, I just want to ask some very basic questions about it.

What's a reasonable MP raising range. I'm much more of a TAG than a LAG, but i'm not nitty.

What's reasonable for UTG raises?

What's reasonable to three bet with against tags and lags?

Any other advice or tips to get me started with 6max would be great.

Also i've read every sticky on the forum but if you have one that you could think of for me to review, name it.
07-12-2008 , 03:08 AM
it all depends.
07-12-2008 , 03:13 AM
When you call or have people call you, you should have the best hand. If you have the worst hand, try to make them fold. Sometimes it's not worth it though.
07-12-2008 , 03:22 AM
Try to sit at a table with a dealer who'll let you suck him off for cards.
07-12-2008 , 03:52 AM
Originally Posted by VEfreak
Also i've read every sticky on the forum but if you have one that you could think of for me to review, name it.

No, you didn't. DUCY

Last edited by fozzy71; 07-12-2008 at 03:55 AM. Reason: IB4L
07-12-2008 , 04:18 AM
Players vary a lot. I play 26/22 and I am happy with that. Some would prefer to play a much tighter style because it is easier on them. I cannot give you specific ranges because that almost always depends on what players are acting after you. Just some software if you don't have it get good reads on teh players. You should be able to figure the rest out for yourself.

Last edited by Melina Perez; 07-12-2008 at 04:35 AM.
07-12-2008 , 04:21 AM
Originally Posted by Melina Perez
I play 22/26
07-12-2008 , 04:32 AM
"At a typical 6max table, what's your typical UTG opening range?

Under certain conditions (usually if there is a fishy player in the blinds or if the players behind me are very tight):
Occasionally other junk, JTo, 84s or something. Not too often though.

Do you ever open limp? If so, when? (6max)

Nope. Well, actually if it is folded to me on the button and the blinds are shortstacked occasionally I will, but certainly not often.

If you're willing to do so, discuss your preflop re-raising range with 100BBs compared to 200BBs or more.

This is so dependent on the orginal raiser's opening range, his position, and my position. I'll go over a few situations.

1) 24/18 TAG opens from the CO. I'm on the BTN.
100BBs: reraise 99+, AQ+, AJs always. Reraise 22-88, SCs, S1Gs, S2Gs sometimes. I don't reraise light with Axs. With 200BBs I'll reraise these speculative hands more often. Deception is important when you are trying to play a big pot.

2) 18/12 TAG opens UTG. I'm on the BTN.
100BBs: reraise TT+, AKo, AQs+, rarely speculative hands. 200BBs: sometimes small pairs and other speculative hands.

3) 30/20 good LAG opens from the BTN. I'm in the SB and the BB is a tight passive player. I basically never call here.
100BBs: reraise always 22+, AJo+, ATs+. Reraise a lot of the time random SCs/S1Gs/S2Gs, broadway stuff. 200BBs: more suited stuff.

I'm not sure how good these examples are but if you have a more specific question feel free to ask. I think most regulars in general play poorly in reraised pots, and I think this is one of the strong parts of my game, so I reraise quite a bit."

This is from CTS's well post .

I think some good advice I got was play a lot tighter than you think you should out of position but a lot looser than you think you should in position. If a player raises UTG and you're in the BB with K-Jo this is a situation where you don't want to be calling because you're going to out of position with a hand that is easily dominated. This may be stuff you already know but I think if you concentrate on position it your preflop play a ton. And don't ever open limp 6-max, you always want to be coming in with a raise.
07-12-2008 , 04:35 AM
Don't forget Cole is talking about mid and highstakes games, not micros.
07-12-2008 , 04:36 AM
Originally Posted by PKS Ace
I think you know what I meant. FMP
07-12-2008 , 04:41 AM
Originally Posted by basementproject
Don't forget Cole is talking about mid and highstakes games, not micros.
Yeah but I think his UTG range can still be pretty solid at micros. Maybe make it a little bit tighter and it should be fine.
07-12-2008 , 05:12 AM
The replys here say it all ... whatever works for you, ranges are wider action is faster and it all becomes more situatinal/player dependent.

Welcome to uNL, may I suggest posting hands
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