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Slowplaying soo stupid - Flopped Full House and checked all the way down :/ Slowplaying soo stupid - Flopped Full House and checked all the way down :/

01-15-2008 , 09:59 PM
$0.1/$0.25 No Limit Holdem
6 players
Converted at

UTG ($27.00)
UTG+1 ($24.10)
CO ($9.40)
BTN ($8.50)
Hero ($26.65)
BB ($10.95)

Pre-flop: ($0.35, 6 players) Hero is SB 7 8
3 folds, BTN calls $0.25, Hero calls $0.15, BB checks

Flop: 8 8 7 ($0.75, 3 players)
Hero checks, BB checks, BTN checks

Turn: Q ($0.75, 3 players)
Hero checks, BB checks, BTN checks

River: T ($0.75, 3 players)
Hero checks, BB checks, BTN checks

Mhh, I saw my FH and the crippled deck and thought that hopefully someone would catch a pair or try to bluff and bet. But... they checked it down (

What would you do?

Bet right out on the flop? Valuebet on the river (small bet)? Is there ANYTHING one can do to get money in the pot?


Last edited by itsavest; 01-15-2008 at 10:05 PM.
Slowplaying soo stupid - Flopped Full House and checked all the way down :/ Quote
01-15-2008 , 10:03 PM
Wow just wow,you have the nuts get some money in the pot ASAP.
Pot flop,pot turn pot river.
Slowplaying soo stupid - Flopped Full House and checked all the way down :/ Quote
01-15-2008 , 10:05 PM
The problem is that both players judging by their actions probably have absolutely nothing, so they will probably just fold to your bet in a limped 3 way pot. But you have to bet by the river, just make it 0.65c-pot and hope to get a call from a ten.
Slowplaying soo stupid - Flopped Full House and checked all the way down :/ Quote
01-15-2008 , 10:13 PM

Checking the river is sooo bad

so is checking the turn and flop

you're never going to win a big pot by slowplaying. You might win an ok sized one if someoone picks up a pair, but the only way you'll win a big pot is by betting each street. If they don't have anything they're not calling you anyway.
Slowplaying soo stupid - Flopped Full House and checked all the way down :/ Quote
01-15-2008 , 10:13 PM
Start by betting the flop, if they all fold ah well, if someone calls, bet turn, then you guessed it bet the river!!!
Slowplaying soo stupid - Flopped Full House and checked all the way down :/ Quote
01-15-2008 , 10:24 PM

Next time you're in that spot, lead the flop. It doesn't have to be potsized, 2/3 should do the job as well. It might look like you have the deck crushed, but there are hands that are willing to play with you. Sevens, pocket pairs, straight draws and the occasional stubborn ace. Either they want to play or they don't, think of it as simple as that.

One thing to add, if the reason you decided to slowplay is to deceive your hand and to keep your opponents in the hand, you should think about how the hand would have played out and consider leading the flop next time solely because it's probably more deceptive. Think about it, if you check the flop out of position and no one makes a stab at the pot, you probably have to do something later on, which means leading out on a turn that essentially might be a scare card or even check-raising somewhere, both of which might potentially display more strength than just betting out on the flop, where calling is a relatively small investment for your opponents with two cards to come.
Slowplaying soo stupid - Flopped Full House and checked all the way down :/ Quote
01-15-2008 , 10:47 PM
Sticky please.
Slowplaying soo stupid - Flopped Full House and checked all the way down :/ Quote
01-15-2008 , 10:48 PM
I thought you were scared that one of the two villains had pocket queens.
Slowplaying soo stupid - Flopped Full House and checked all the way down :/ Quote
01-15-2008 , 11:38 PM
The flop and turn are great boards to bet, because there are lots of draws your opponents might call with.
Slowplaying soo stupid - Flopped Full House and checked all the way down :/ Quote
01-16-2008 , 12:56 AM
You should bet flop. Here is why: because if an opponent also has an 8 you will get a lot of money out of them. If you don't bet then the guy with the 8 could slow play like you (most people have a slow play reflex) and you end up most likely with a smaller pot. If you build early against the guy there is potential to get his entire stack, especially if he has a high kicker. That is the way I see it.

Anyway, whatever the reasoning, you have the nuts and the only way you can get money is by making bets... opponents are unlikely to improve their hand much.

One exception, if the pot was massively multiway i.e. the whole table is in it then I would consider checking just the flop but even then I would probably bet as there is going to be someone who thinks they have something half decent against you.
Slowplaying soo stupid - Flopped Full House and checked all the way down :/ Quote
01-16-2008 , 01:02 AM
Not much to add here, I had a hand exactly like this when I checked with 76o and the flop is 776.

I stacked the guy, after a 3 hit the turn, with him holding 54o, my point is, BET, in addition when you C/R or raise someone its so oBv most times that you have a monster.

Like when a player UTG raises and the flop is A72 rainbow and he checks in position....*duh*
Slowplaying soo stupid - Flopped Full House and checked all the way down :/ Quote
