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Since we all like 4b pots...equity question Since we all like 4b pots...equity question

04-03-2020 , 06:54 AM
Is jamming the right play even though I have a little more than a PSB left? Or do I bet small and then shove any turn?

Noob question about equity. If I want to figure my equity. Do I plug in my hand against what I believe his entire range is, or just the range I think he would call me with?

Note, this is a 9 handed game. I just took out the other players to make it cleaner.

Hand History driven straight to this forum with DriveHUD Poker Tracking Software

NL Holdem $0.25(BB)
HERO ($24.85) [VPIP: 27.4% | PFR: 16% | AGG: 31.9% | Flop Agg: 35.8% | Turn Agg: 31.9% | River Agg: 21.3% | 3-Bet: 8% | 4-Bet: 11.9% | Fold to 4-Bet: 62.5% | Hands: 2682]

BB ($32.1) [VPIP: 12.5% | PFR: 12.5% | AGG: 20% | Flop Agg: 0% | Turn Agg: 50% | River Agg: 0% | 3-Bet: 25% | Fold to 3-Bet: 0% | 4-Bet: 0% | Hands: 16]

Dealt to Hero: Q K

UTG Folds, EP Folds, MP1 Folds, MP2 Folds, HJ Folds, CO Folds, BTN Folds, HERO Raises To $1, BB Raises To $3, HERO Raises To $5.86, BB Calls $2.86

Hero SPR on Flop: [1.62 effective]
Flop ($11.72): 7 A 6
HERO (Rem. Stack: 16.61)
Since we all like 4b pots...equity question Quote
04-03-2020 , 07:37 AM
wrt your question about equity: you figure out your equity vs. the range of hands that calls you. Part of figuring out if the jam is +ev is first figuring out your ev vs. his range that calls you and then figure out how much fold equity you need to make your play +ev.

I'd comment on the hand but I wouldn't want to take away from the solver crew's collective big O.
Since we all like 4b pots...equity question Quote
04-03-2020 , 07:39 AM
Originally Posted by .isolated
wrt your question about equity: you figure out your equity vs. the range of hands that calls you. Part of figuring out if the jam is +ev is first figuring out your ev vs. his range that calls you and then figure out how much fold equity you need to make your play +ev.

I'd comment on the hand but I wouldn't want to take away from the solver crews collective big O.
Thanks. Is there an easy way/formula to figure out the part in bold?
Since we all like 4b pots...equity question Quote
04-03-2020 , 07:53 AM
There's a fold equity calculator here. Find some hands like the one above and play around with it to get an idea so you can guesstimate in future hands.
Since we all like 4b pots...equity question Quote
04-03-2020 , 08:03 AM
xing range is probably solver aproved.
Since we all like 4b pots...equity question Quote
04-03-2020 , 09:18 AM
Why mini4betting?
You won´t accomplish too much using that size.

Fo example... If you made a 2x-2.5x 4Bet ($6-$7.5) you would have a SPR 1 OTF and a fine shove. Overbet shoving this flop doesn´t seen right.

You could make a 0.25p (1/4psb) bet and shove any turn.
Seens the best line imo.
Since we all like 4b pots...equity question Quote
04-03-2020 , 10:16 AM
Originally Posted by vini.barbosa
Why mini4betting?
You won´t accomplish too much using that size.

Fo example... If you made a 2x-2.5x 4Bet ($6-$7.5) you would have a SPR 1 OTF and a fine shove. Overbet shoving this flop doesn´t seen right.

You could make a 0.25p (1/4psb) bet and shove any turn.
Seens the best line imo.
Clearly not thinking with my 4bet sizing. I agree much too small, and yes it would have made flop decision easier.

I did end up doing what you suggested. Made a small flop bet, and shoved a blank turn. He snapped with A9o and I bricked the river.
Since we all like 4b pots...equity question Quote
