Only 15 hands on villain, vpip:47, pfr:47. He was multitabling rush.
Preflop: Standard raise on button, KQs was at the bottom of my calling range after a 3-bet from the small blind against an unknown.
Flop: Villain checks, with good equity I decide to fire around a 60% pot bet. Villain calls which makes me think he has some sort of weak pair like A10 or K10.
Turn: Villain checks and I decide to shove, any decent sized bet would have basically put a majority of my stake in anyway and left me in terrible position if i had been called and the river was a brick. I assume that he had some sort of pair and that he may fold to a shove on the turn and if not i'd still have a decent chance of winning.
Any comments or criticisms would be much appreciated.
I think the opponent can have some A combos, missed AQ AJ AK etc. So that's one argument for betting smaller. Weird if he checks QQ+ on this board... His line looks like xc flop xf turn.