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Short Stacks Short Stacks

12-11-2008 , 06:39 PM
What is up with all the goddamned short-stacks at 10NL? They're pissing me off, which probably means they're doing something right.

How do you beat a short-stack? A table full of short-stacks? A table with half short-stacks and half regular stacks?
Short Stacks Quote
12-11-2008 , 06:43 PM
I'm not sure where you play, but at FTP they have deep tables which tend to have 90%+ people with $10 or more. Check it out at your site, it plays the same as a 100BB table but people actually have full stacks.
Short Stacks Quote
12-11-2008 , 06:46 PM
I play at Poker Stars.
Short Stacks Quote
12-11-2008 , 06:52 PM
F*!@ em.... just bet 3xbb into them constantly in position, and when they start playing back at you call with any pp or ace. high variance, but it feels good cuz they start getting mad when you steal their blinds constantly
Short Stacks Quote
12-11-2008 , 06:54 PM
Drop down to 5NL. You can still buy in for $10, there are many fewer short stacks, you can find tables with 4-5 guys with 150-200BB stacks, the game is softer and you'll post a higher winrate. Grind 5NL until you have the roll to move up to 25NL, and then try some pot limit.
Short Stacks Quote
12-11-2008 , 07:08 PM
Originally Posted by Zeth
Drop down to 5NL. You can still buy in for $10, there are many fewer short stacks, you can find tables with 4-5 guys with 150-200BB stacks, the game is softer and you'll post a higher winrate. Grind 5NL until you have the roll to move up to 25NL, and then try some pot limit.
You saying I am better off just skipping NL 10? Is moving from 5 NL to 25 NL going to be to big a jump? I have winrate of 10+ptbb/100 at 5 NL if that matters at all.

As for original poster read the sticky at the top of page.
Short Stacks Quote
12-11-2008 , 07:12 PM
Originally Posted by johnnytt
You saying I am better off just skipping NL 10? Is moving from 5 NL to 25 NL going to be to big a jump? I have winrate of 10+ptbb/100 at 5 NL if that matters at all.

As for original poster read the sticky at the top of page.
Yes, because of the deepstacks you can make more money at 5NL than at 10NL. I used to mass table 5NL6max and made $15/hour which was a little more than 10ptbb/100 over a good sized sample.
Short Stacks Quote
12-11-2008 , 07:17 PM
Originally Posted by JediMethod
Yes, because of the deepstacks you can make more money at 5NL than at 10NL. I used to mass table 5NL6max and made $15/hour which was a little more than 10ptbb/100 over a good sized sample.
Cool thanks but when i move up to 25NL am i just going to get lit up?
Short Stacks Quote
12-11-2008 , 07:21 PM
Cool thanks but when i move up to 25NL am i just going to get lit up?

I'd advise playing some 10NL just to get yourself used to playing a short stacked game. 5NL is a deep stack game; at 10NL the max buyin is 100BB and half of the table, for most tables, is shortstackers playing between 20BB and 60BB stacks. That's a MUCH different game from a 100BB-200BB game. So you probably want to put in some time at 10NL to help yourself get used to it; 25NL is the most shortstacker-intensive level of them all, probably.

But for bankroll grinding, 5NL is superior. You want to play 10NL just to get yourself used to the shortstack game prior to moving up to 25NL, IMO.
Short Stacks Quote
12-11-2008 , 07:23 PM
Originally Posted by johnnytt
Cool thanks but when i move up to 25NL am i just going to get lit up?
There are going to be adjustments that need to be made when moving up to 25NL. You'll need to play a more TAG type game to be profitable whereas nitting it up at 5NL and playing 24 tables is actually a very good idea.

I'm grinding 25NL for the past few weeks and well I'm killing it and I dont think that I'm that good or anything. I'd say I play ABC TAG with a few tricks up my sleeve. Not too much room for FPS when you're on 18 tables.
Short Stacks Quote
12-11-2008 , 07:26 PM
Originally Posted by JediMethod
Yes, because of the deepstacks you can make more money at 5NL than at 10NL. I used to mass table 5NL6max and made $15/hour which was a little more than 10ptbb/100 over a good sized sample.
Crap. How many tables counts as mass? I find that more than five tables is too much to keep up with. Even with a HUD, the barrage of tables popping up can just be too much.

What's your method?
Short Stacks Quote
12-11-2008 , 07:38 PM
Originally Posted by Providence
Crap. How many tables counts as mass? I find that more than five tables is too much to keep up with. Even with a HUD, the barrage of tables popping up can just be too much.

What's your method?
Id say just tighten oop even middle and it will become easier. If you run anywhere near 10/12 10 tables should give you time to still type insults into the chat boxes to people with their children's pictures as their avatars...yuck.
Short Stacks Quote
12-11-2008 , 07:39 PM
Short Stacks Quote
12-11-2008 , 07:40 PM
Originally Posted by Providence
What's your method?
Jedi Method

It's very trancelike for me. I can remember when 2 tables seemed like a load but it became easy after awhile and I made it 4, then 6 then 9 then 12 then 16 .... you get the idea.
I used to be one of those Starcraft guys with an APM of over 150. I wasnt pro at the game or not even close to it but I was pretty good. I handle 1200 hands per hour pretty good while playing a 12/10 game. I'd be really interested in testing out a uber nit breakeven strategy with rakeback at 100nl while playing 50+ tables across multiple sites. That'd be sick.
Short Stacks Quote
12-11-2008 , 07:56 PM
Id say just tighten oop even middle and it will become easier. If you run anywhere near 10/12 10 tables should give you time to still type insults into the chat boxes to people with their children's pictures as their avatars...yuck.
I got so inspired I changed my avatar.
Short Stacks Quote
