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Set vs. strange line from a TAG Set vs. strange line from a TAG

02-06-2012 , 06:53 PM
No Limit Hold'em $0.10/$0.25
> Merge Network
> 6 players
> Formatted by - Mac OS X hand history analysis and tracking
> Stacks:
> UTG - eastbayniggy ($31.13)
> MP - Hero ($46.25)
> SB - givemedamuni ($20.02)
> CO - izgubicu2 ($20.49)
> BTN - menoetius ($25.00)
> BB - yourenotmysupervisor ($25.25)
> Preflop: ($0.35, 6 players) Hero is MP with 8s 8c
> eastbayniggy raises to $0.75, Hero calls $0.75, 3 folds
> Flop: 8d 9c 5s ($1.85, 3 players)
> eastbayniggy bets $1.38, Hero calls $1.38
> Turn: Kh ($4.61, 3 players)
> eastbayniggy bets $3.07, Hero raises to $7.75, eastbayniggy calls $4.68
> River: 7h ($20.11, 3 players)
> eastbayniggy bets $3.99, Hero bets $36.37 (all-in), eastbayniggy bets $17.26 (all-in)
> Total Pot: $77.73
> Hero shows 8s 8c (8s 8c)
> eastbayniggy shows Ts Js (Ts Js)
> Hero wins $15.12
> eastbayniggy wins $60.61

What is the correct play here?
Is it OK to shove river, or is it better just to call?
Guy is playing 18/14/AF 3.56 and c-bet of 59%, no relevant history

Last edited by PuntXx; 02-06-2012 at 07:01 PM.
Set vs. strange line from a TAG Quote
02-06-2012 , 10:37 PM
delete players names.
On the river he outplayed u, his hand looks like an ak, 2pair, small set or bluff.
I would prob shove, however i would also raise bigger on T and then his small on R would be less suspitious.
Min raising very bad, coz u give him good price for his draws and gutshots bc when he hits u will have tough time folding/not stacking off.
Also if u raise bigger its good 4 ur metagame since the turn is K and he will now wonder if u really have it or are just bluffing the **** out of him.
Set vs. strange line from a TAG Quote
02-07-2012 , 12:41 AM
yes id raise bigger on the turn for value and to make things clearer on river
Set vs. strange line from a TAG Quote
02-07-2012 , 02:20 AM
raise flop, there are alot of bad turn cards

why would you ever want to jam otr is beyond me.
Set vs. strange line from a TAG Quote
02-07-2012 , 02:36 AM
As played just call the river. I fully understand why you raised to get value from all the wonky 2 pair hands but with that coordinated board a lot of those hands are folding and you are behind way too much.
Set vs. strange line from a TAG Quote
