set oop, flush hits turn vs 2 - tuff spot
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 65
Hi, Reposting in 6max due to limited feedback in FR forums and the fact I usually play 6max and think this is a very interesting spot regardless of 6max or FR.
Sorry no proper HH due to playing on a diff computer that didnt have save HH ticked! In this hand the SB is a fish, UTG2 unknown reggish player and button is also a fish. Really unsure of turn play in this spot so any advice is appreciated:
Hero r UTG with 55hd ($550), UTG2 calls ($400), But calls ($600) and sb calls (178).
Flop 4c5s6c, pot $49.40, sb cks, Hero bets $38, Utg2 calls, but folds, sb calls.
Turn Tc, SB cks, Hero ???? (pot 163, sb has 178, hero has 500, and utg2 350).
I'm really torn between BFing and C/Cing. The more I think about it C/fing might not be bad either. I think that UTG2 is very unlikely to bluff due to SB being a fish and having a psp left however i think that if I ck it turns my hand face up and allows his to have a stab on turn, and if SB folds he can bluff alot of rivers knowing i never have a flush.
Other questions:
How does your play change if you have AdAh? Easy c/f?
Advice is much appreciated!
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 5,275
you could make a gay bet here, or check/decide
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 65
Gay bet fold obv? Yeah thats seems like a viable options. Again though, what do you do when he calls say $56, sb jams his $178? is it then a re-jam due to the sb being a fish and UTG2 rarely having a flush if he just flats?
And what if he flats, and so does the SB, then we get cked to on a blank riv? has to be a c/f doesnt it?
Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 15,363
Shouldn't b/c be in your range of actions? Probably a leak on my part but I like to take lines that are generally going to be unexploitable, don't give out free cards to a wide range of hands that have equity, free cards to hands we beat but won't pay us off on scary rivers, and get our hand to s/d. it's hard to flop sets!
here, specifically, utg+2 shouldn't have that many flush draws in his range on this board given two guys behind him and is more likely to have an overpair 77-JJ, and half of those have clubs in. Some of those hands might jam the turn, hoping to have fold equity or sometimes just the best hand when we sometimes spazz-bet the turn. so the risk of bet-folding away the best hand, combined with having 25% equity against his flushes means that bet-fold just can't be good, let alone the best line.
following range is ofc v debatable but I just don't see people folding 77-JJ with a club when we bet.
Text results appended to pokerstove.txt
748 games 0.001 secs 748,000 games/sec
Board: 4c 5s 6c Tc
equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 40.241% 40.24% 00.00% 301 0.00 { 5d5h }
Hand 1: 59.759% 59.76% 00.00% 447 0.00 { JcJs, TT, 9c9s, 8c8s, 7c7s, 66, 44, AcJc, Ac7c, Ac5c, KcJc }
so that leaves c/f, c/c and b/c. we're usually going to get implied odds when we check and they bet, and if we're still ahead, we usually get our hand to s/d, but again that's debatable. in any case, we have no idea where we're at when we check and face a bet, and with no solid idea of their ranges and how they end up playing it, c/f and c/c don't seem to far away from each other.
which is why i prefer b/c - safest, simplest play imo. if their turn ranges are narrow enough that they're only jamming made flushes, flip a coin between c/f and c/c.