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Session reviewing Session reviewing

08-18-2009 , 11:06 PM
Maybe this is better aimed at coaches... or not.
Anyways, when your doing a session review, what exactly do you look for? Do you run down all your major stats tho keeping in mind its probably a small sample size. Would it be good to create a checklist so to speak to run down each review? How many people take notes and go over those notes periodically? I know of course we're gonna go over hands as well but other than hands we obviously had no business being in, what do ya look for?
Session reviewing Quote
08-18-2009 , 11:31 PM
I have seen guys look at the biggest pots they won and lost after a session to see if they played those hands well.
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08-19-2009 , 01:24 AM
I mark hands that I want to look at and review them with pokerstove the next day. Usually they're the hands that made me stop annd think during the play. I'll also review some of the medium sized pots I played and look at my bet sizing. If I'm trying to fix a leak, I'll look at hands that are examples of what i'm trying to fix and see how I responded. For example, if I find that I'm having alot of trouble playing 3bet pots oop, I'll bring up all those hands and see if I could have done something differently.
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08-19-2009 , 05:15 AM
How about this.... Say ya got yer HH's and your gonna review them for mistakes. Now say ya have a checklist to go down looking for those mistakes. What should be on that checklist of mistakes to look for?
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08-19-2009 , 05:57 AM
i actually can't wait till this is discussed in a CotW post
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08-19-2009 , 07:00 AM
Originally Posted by Flippn Corner
i actually can't wait till this is discussed in a CotW post
Yea Im surprised it hasnt been done already.
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08-19-2009 , 07:21 AM
1. Have a look at every button you played.
2. Have a look at every blind you defended.
Try to do more of 1. and less of 2.
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08-19-2009 , 07:26 AM
Originally Posted by DiggertheDog
1. Have a look at every button you played.
2. Have a look at every blind you defended.
Try to do more of 1. and less of 2.
Cool, something sounds like it should go on da list. What goals for this should we shoot for?
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08-19-2009 , 07:29 AM
Start thinking that your range has to be stronger when OOP.
Conversely that your range should be weaker on the Button.

A possible area you could think about expanding your BTN range is cold-calling IP with a wider range vs weaker non regular players - particularly when there are no shortstacks in the blinds.
Session reviewing Quote
08-19-2009 , 11:44 AM
Originally Posted by stry67
How about this.... Say ya got yer HH's and your gonna review them for mistakes. Now say ya have a checklist to go down looking for those mistakes. What should be on that checklist of mistakes to look for?
Do you have hands where you wonder if you should have folded/called/raised? That's the first step. After that do you have hands where you fail to get stacks in, or you get stacked with a marginal holding? Are you ever watching a hand and wonder, 'Hmmm, I wonder what I would need to call there?'. Mark it and stove it after. Should I have folded my OP to that 13/9? Should I have called that sser with A9? Did I have enough equity to play my flush draw in that spot? Practice these hands away from the table and they become easier to handle on the table.
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08-19-2009 , 12:22 PM
I am looking at my biggest pot I won and celebrating...
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