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09-24-2009 , 06:25 PM
isnt that pretty crazy as far as messing w/ ppls ability to take notes/make reads?
09-24-2009 , 06:30 PM
why is it that everytime i sharkscope someone before i play him and hes a big losing player I already know I am going to lose 70 percent of the time? i guess i should start reg hunting.. i do so much better vs someone with at least half a brain
09-24-2009 , 06:33 PM
Originally Posted by yaqh
isnt that pretty crazy as far as messing w/ ppls ability to take notes/make reads?
notes stay the same
09-24-2009 , 06:35 PM
lol not if the person has a different screename

oh and thats awesome paster
09-24-2009 , 06:35 PM
neoen wanna team the four man 55's or 105's on stars? pm me details and we'll hop to!
09-24-2009 , 06:49 PM
Originally Posted by React1oN
lol not if the person has a different screename

oh and thats awesome paster
Notes carry over...let's say some dude's name is "IBLUFFALOT" and I take notes on him. A month later I play against a dude called "INEVERBLUFF" long as they're the same guy, the notes will stay the same.

It's practical to change your name if you're playing guys who don't take notes on you (90% of ppl), but pretty useless against guys who do take notes
09-24-2009 , 06:50 PM
Originally Posted by IcarusJam
neoen wanna collude the 55's or 105's on stars? pm me details and we'll hop to!
let me get back to you on that
09-24-2009 , 06:52 PM
Want 1k On Ole Miss -4 tonight, can escrow to nemoindenial on ftp, unless I know your good for it, any takers?
09-24-2009 , 06:58 PM
LOOOOOOOOOOL!!! Gaddafi moved the 2 Swiss hostages to a "secure location" because he's worried the Swiss army will try a rescue operation...what a funny little man. If he'd only knew that all our army does is help out during natural catastrophies...and smoking a lot of pot and drinking beer during breaks.

Can't believe the UN let him talk 96min instead of only 15min like he was supposed to.

Probably just pissed the Donald wouldn't allow him to set up his tent
09-24-2009 , 07:22 PM
got action nm
09-24-2009 , 09:29 PM
Originally Posted by ICMoney
let me get back to you on that
Is this a reference to a joke or are you mistaken about Stars policy on 4 mans (they are ok)?
09-24-2009 , 11:34 PM
09-25-2009 , 01:06 AM
09-25-2009 , 02:16 AM
09-25-2009 , 09:42 AM

09-25-2009 , 10:46 AM
Originally Posted by NemoInDeniaL
Want 1k On Ole Miss -4 tonight, can escrow to nemoindenial on ftp, unless I know your good for it, any takers?
Pay Up.. Ole Miss didn't belong in top 5 for sure.
09-25-2009 , 01:32 PM
teaming 4 mans is legal on stars illegal on ftp.
09-25-2009 , 02:04 PM
Originally Posted by IcarusJam
teaming 4 mans is legal on stars illegal on ftp.
if you say so.. let it be known!
09-25-2009 , 02:08 PM
Originally Posted by r1tony
if you say so.. let it be known!
He speaks truth!

Thought everybody knew that though.

Full Tilt seems to be all about placating whiners, though, since I can't imagine why else they would not allow teaming.

Teaming up for 4 mans *does* give you a winrate advantage over soloing 2mans, but that advantage comes because you're both (ideally, anyway) better than the field, and the fact that you're a team doesn't add any extra disadvantage to players soloing the 4mans over what they'd already have just by having 2 players in who are better than the field.
09-25-2009 , 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by TNixon
He speaks truth!

Thought everybody knew that though.
We do (its been discussed numerous times) thats why I was being sarcastic... but I guess that didn't come across.
09-25-2009 , 02:27 PM

i wish they sold these mongolian war hats in the ftp store. i would buy the one at 20 seconds into the vid. how baller would that be to wear that hat while i ride my bicycle around SF?
09-25-2009 , 02:35 PM
Originally Posted by r1tony
We do (its been discussed numerous times) thats why I was being sarcastic... but I guess that didn't come across.
Could you please be more obvious about your sarcasm in the future sir?

thank you
09-25-2009 , 02:51 PM
Originally Posted by TNixon
Could you please be more obvious about your sarcasm in the future sir?

thank you

09-25-2009 , 07:16 PM
Originally Posted by filthyvermin
This movie seems pretty badass.
09-25-2009 , 07:44 PM
yeah, i def liked the movie. i recommend it for the hats alone! (and it's good besides the hats)
