Was playing 25nl Zone poker on Bovada.
Preflop - Hero: Raise (3bb) UTG 8


and Button calls - (Both started the hand about 110 BBs deep) - Pot = (7.5bb)
Flop: 8



- UTG Raises (4.5bb), Villian reraises (13.5bb - Pot at this time = 25.5bb), UTG 3 bets (40bb - Pot = 65.5bb), Villian moves all in (93.5bb - Pot = 133.5bb) and UTG calls
Turn: 3

- River: 2
Villian shows 9


, hero wins with 2 pair
The ones one of the worst hands I could see besides a straight or set, but after running the numbers I am not sure of the correct way to play the hand. I feel like I am missing something since you would think all in on the flop or at least the turn should be okay, but the numbers don't support it.
Once I 3 bet I can never fold since I have pot odds, but I am not sure if this is the best way to play the hand. After the hand I started thinking about what he moves all in on this flop and the range I came up with is: [66+, 54, 87, 76, 86, T9, AcKc, Kc8c, AcQc, KcQc, Ac8c, 9c8c, AcJc, AcTc, KcJc, KcTc] Do you think I am missing anything? Could put other high card flush draws in, but not sure if the math is really going to change much at this point.
My exact equity vs this range is 48.8%. The crazy part is, against this range when the 3

came off I was still only a 52.2%
It seems so weak and weird to just call down on this flop, but does it make sense to do this so long as a 5, 6, 9, T or any club doesn't come on the turn and river to allow someone to bluff/bet clubs or over pair? I also feel like if the person checks the turn he pretty much turns his hand face up. You get bluffed off the best hand sometimes, but when it comes a 5 of spades I feel like AcKc is going to be really scared to bluff you.