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SBvsBB3bet Pot SBvsBB3bet Pot

07-23-2020 , 02:55 PM
Hand History driven straight to this forum with DriveHUD Poker HUD and Database Software

NL Holdem 0.10(BB)
BTN ($14.22) [VPIP: 23% | PFR: 17.7% | AGG: 43.5% | Hands: 409]
SB ($12) [VPIP: 23% | PFR: 15.4% | AGG: 16.5% | Flop Agg: 19% | 3-Bet: 6.1% | 4-Bet: 10.3% | Hands: 2671]
HERO ($12.30) [VPIP: 24.6% | PFR: 21.5% | AGG: 35% | Flop Agg: 40.9% | 3-Bet: 10.8% | Fold to 3-Bet: 55.5% | 4-Bet: 16.4% | Hands: 285719]
UTG ($15.39) [VPIP: 26.8% | PFR: 17.1% | AGG: 31% | Hands: 86]
HJ ($8.64) [VPIP: 12.4% | PFR: 8.6% | AGG: 30.8% | Hands: 107]
CO ($10.78) [VPIP: 23.2% | PFR: 20.4% | AGG: 35.6% | Hands: 4794]

Dealt to Hero: J J

UTG Folds, HJ Folds, CO Folds, BTN Folds, SB Raises To $0.30, HERO Raises To $0.90, SB Calls $0.60

Hero SPR on Flop: [6.17 effective]
Flop ($1.80): 6 4 3
SB Checks, HERO ?
SBvsBB3bet Pot Quote
07-23-2020 , 03:05 PM
Bet about 38% of the time ~1/4 pot and check the rest. Or range check if you want to simplify your strategy for whatever reason.
SBvsBB3bet Pot Quote
07-23-2020 , 03:33 PM
Originally Posted by WorldzMine
Bet about 38% of the time ~1/4 pot and check the rest. Or range check if you want to simplify your strategy for whatever reason.
Thx. Did you nodelock SB to have 0% Donk lead range in your sims?
SBvsBB3bet Pot Quote
07-23-2020 , 04:20 PM
Am I completely off for thinking that BB's polarized 3b range connects very well with this board equity and nut wise vs SB 3b flatting range..

I feel that SB should never donk this and BB should bet range
SBvsBB3bet Pot Quote
07-23-2020 , 04:55 PM
Originally Posted by Shipnickle
Am I completely off for thinking that BB's polarized 3b range connects very well with this board equity and nut wise vs SB 3b flatting range..

I feel that SB should never donk this and BB should bet range
SB has a very high frequency donking range here. SB has all sets and BB has almost none. The flush advantage goes to SB as well. Most Axs should be flatting preflop vs an SB open

BB has all TT-AA but that doesn't matter since SB has more sets/flushes. So BB should range check back here if we node lock SB to never donking.
SBvsBB3bet Pot Quote
07-23-2020 , 05:04 PM
Originally Posted by DooDooPoker
SB has a very high frequency donking range here. SB has all sets and BB has almost none. The flush advantage goes to SB as well. Most Axs should be flatting preflop vs an SB open

BB has all TT-AA but that doesn't matter since SB has more sets/flushes. So BB should range check back here if we node lock SB to never donking.
Ok, interesting. I was thinking BB connects better with the low cards (other than sets) and also has more of the better suited broadways + more offsuit broadways and Axo combos with the NFD. And obviously the overpairs. But you are probably right that the condensed SB range just is more likely to have a nutty hand.

Interesting spot.

Do you mind sharing the BB's equity?

Last edited by Shipnickle; 07-23-2020 at 05:10 PM.
SBvsBB3bet Pot Quote
07-23-2020 , 05:10 PM
Originally Posted by DooDooPoker
Thx. Did you nodelock SB to have 0% Donk lead range in your sims?
SBvsBB3bet Pot Quote
07-23-2020 , 05:13 PM
Originally Posted by Shipnickle
Ok, interesting. I was thinking BB connects better with the low cards (other than sets) and also has more of the better suited broadways + more offsuit broadways and Axo combos with the NFD. And obviously the overpairs.

Interesting spot.

Do you mind sharing the BB's equity?
yeah it's a pretty cool spot. I guess since SB's range is more condensed (I have SB at 160 combos postflop and BB at 250 combos) + nut advantage it becomes a lot more important to play passively OTF.

That is SB's equity so BB's equity is 49.17%
SBvsBB3bet Pot Quote
07-24-2020 , 02:02 PM
wtf ranges are you using?
SBvsBB3bet Pot Quote
07-24-2020 , 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by pokerforumposter
wtf ranges are you using?
Looks like monkersolver ranges.
SBvsBB3bet Pot Quote
07-24-2020 , 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by pokerforumposter
wtf ranges are you using?
pstars 50nl rake ranges
SBvsBB3bet Pot Quote
07-24-2020 , 02:26 PM
Originally Posted by DooDooPoker
pstars 50nl rake ranges
Who created them?

Bb appears to be heavily weighed toward not so great os hands.
SBvsBB3bet Pot Quote
07-24-2020 , 02:48 PM
Originally Posted by bailashtoreth
Who created them?

Bb appears to be heavily weighed toward not so great os hands.
Yeah BBvSB 3bet ranges are probably the only ones in optimal poker that are incredibly polarized. It looks like the crappy old school hands you are referring to are weighted somewhere between 25% and 50% each. J8o, Q8o, J4s, T3s, 94s are examples of hands that solvers like to 3bet in BBvSB. Crazy huh :-)
SBvsBB3bet Pot Quote
07-24-2020 , 03:51 PM
Originally Posted by bailashtoreth
Who created them?

Bb appears to be heavily weighed toward not so great os hands.
Simple preflop.
SBvsBB3bet Pot Quote
