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*** "Official" February 11- March 15th Team Winrate Challenge Rules/SignUp Thread*** *** "Official" February 11- March 15th Team Winrate Challenge Rules/SignUp Thread***

02-07-2011 , 12:10 AM
I could possibly be a captain can u explain what all i need to do? I have the free time..
02-07-2011 , 01:04 AM
Registration is closed. Thanks to all who have signed up. Tomorrow I will give you the information regarding specific time of draft. It will be done via google online documents where all should be able to see the captains make their decisions live. Tentatively it will take place on Tuesday Feb.9th around 4-6pm est. I'll give the specific time tomorrow evening.
02-07-2011 , 02:22 AM
Originally Posted by Men"the master"fan
No win-rate is too low. Negative win-rates in this contest are not multiplied in a negative manner. The lowest score one can get is a 0. One of the best and most exciting aspects of this team challenge is the dark horse. Last year the top points getter was a 1-1.5 BB/100 winner who put up 14 points during the challenge to carry his team to victory. By getting sweats by better teammates at higher limits it can only help you get better. The main purpose of this challenge is to build a better sense of community amongst the micro full ring community. (Never thought about it like this, but $11 or $27.50 is pretty cheap to get some coaching by a 100nler or 200nler on your team.)
very cheap
02-07-2011 , 05:59 AM
Originally Posted by Men"the master"fan
Registration is closed. Thanks to all who have signed up. Tomorrow I will give you the information regarding specific time of draft. It will be done via google online documents where all should be able to see the captains make their decisions live. Tentatively it will take place on Tuesday Feb.9th around 4-6pm est. I'll give the specific time tomorrow evening.
im excited to watch this draft live
02-07-2011 , 08:53 AM
Originally Posted by Men"the master"fan
Registration is closed. Thanks to all who have signed up. Tomorrow I will give you the information regarding specific time of draft. It will be done via google online documents where all should be able to see the captains make their decisions live. Tentatively it will take place on Tuesday Feb.9th around 4-6pm est. I'll give the specific time tomorrow evening.
Also very excited to watch the draft live. For clarification, is the draft Tuesday or Wednesday? Tuesday is Feb. 8th...
02-07-2011 , 09:21 AM
How do the captains choose their teams? Do they do a PTR scan of all of the players and select by current winrates? Or do they need us to provide further info regarding our win-rates / stats etc.

Really looking forward to this now, looks like a great turn out.
02-07-2011 , 10:00 AM
Originally Posted by NJD77
How do the captains choose their teams? Do they do a PTR scan of all of the players and select by current winrates? Or do they need us to provide further info regarding our win-rates / stats etc.

Really looking forward to this now, looks like a great turn out.
It's just a wild guess on my part, but maybe that's why we had to provide our stats from the last 3 months...
02-07-2011 , 10:58 AM
oh damn i should not have been away all weekend

GL teams!
02-07-2011 , 11:57 AM
Damn. Just hoping the draft isn't like the dodge ball drafts when I was a kid. And yes, I was the fat kid.
02-07-2011 , 11:59 AM
Originally Posted by Cangurino
It's just a wild guess on my part, but maybe that's why we had to provide our stats from the last 3 months...
I sense a touch of sarcasm there!

A lot of people (myself included) didn't supply a bb/100...yeah ok you can work it out relatively easily, but a 3 month sample doesn't really give a great picture of a person's long term win rate, especially if it's only a 60k sample. We weren't asked to provide win-rate proof, just volume proof. So all I'm asking is whether the captains are going to use any further info to pick their teams or is it just what has been provided ITT.
02-07-2011 , 12:06 PM
My guess is that the captains will have to work with what's provided here.
02-07-2011 , 12:15 PM
if you aren't doing your pre draft scope then you're not in it to win it
02-07-2011 , 12:18 PM
Originally Posted by stranglylucid
Damn. Just hoping the draft isn't like the dodge ball drafts when I was a kid. And yes, I was the fat kid.
Will the order of the draft be published (for those of us who can't watch it live)?
02-07-2011 , 12:23 PM
that would be cool! publish the order of the draft

in before I am teh last one
02-07-2011 , 12:49 PM
If there is some PTR scoping going on, won't the captains need to know SN's relating to each 2p2 name?

I am NJD1977 on stars if needed.
02-07-2011 , 01:00 PM
This will be the final update; I am told registration is now closed.

Ricepaw: please PM me the site and screen name you used to sign up so I can confirm that you have sent the money.

Originally Posted by mpethybridge
Team Win Rate Challenge Buy-Ins Received Into Escrow 2/1/11-2/7/11

All players identified by 2+2 handle

Paid on Stars:

uthanak $11
Cangurino: $11
Tigerman: $27.50
spellofmaya: $27.50
illini43: $55
FreeShot, $27.50
BouletSpecial, $11
TMRtheJeci, $11
sk345di, $27.50
Michigan13, $70 ($55 buy in, +$15 for <20k)
sexdotcom, $27.50
DonkDonkDonkDonk, $55
Flippn Corner, $11
Ship_it_Trebek, $110
Don Melchor, $55
Alex0r, $110

Stars payments new to this update

Jonaferm; $55
CrazyNL, $11
blackrazor7, $27.50
PokerRon427, $55
da_bomb, $55
Men "the master" fan, $11
Raw_force, $110
Zenzor, $110

Paid on Full Tilt

Pele02: $27.50
Shane5495: $11
enprinte: $11
tiltn'noob: $110
Pajala: $11
UK Raz, $55
Gadolparah, $110
3Bet_Junkie, $55
NJD77, $27.50
ChessterFish, $55
TheBoot, $110
QQ-Quad-QQ, $110
StranglyLucid, $27.50
isunkurbttlshp, $110

Full Tilt payments new to this update

d_smith77, $110
ambitiousdreamer, $55
Bill A Bong, $55
Huskers, $55
blame hoffman, $55

This list is current as of 6:14 p.m. ET, February 4, 2011.

If you are the subject of an error or omission, please PM me immediately.
I'll correct this to add Ricepaw after he sends me his additional information; otherwise, we're done receiving escrows.

Last edited by mpethybridge; 02-08-2011 at 06:49 PM.
02-07-2011 , 01:14 PM
OK, I just tallied up the buy ins. other than the unknown amount of money I received from Ricepaw, I have received:

Stars Money: $1082

FTP Money: $1160.50

It would be very helpful if somebody double-checked my math.
02-07-2011 , 01:19 PM
checks out
02-07-2011 , 01:26 PM
TYVM, sir.
02-07-2011 , 01:29 PM
Originally Posted by tiltn'noob
Do we need more bodies? I'd be willing to put up escrow for, say, two 10NLers or one 25NLer. Any other SSNLers willing to do the same? The more the merrier I always say...

PM me if you're interested, first come first served. I will be superbowling today, so may not get back on until tomorrow sometime. (Can we extend entry deadline a bit?)
No takers, so I guess everyone that wants in is in.
02-07-2011 , 01:49 PM
I wanted to get in on this i PM'd OP but he hadn't gotten back to me i assumed it was to late by now.
02-07-2011 , 02:21 PM
Is it too late for me to join now? I was too busy this weekend and didn't check my PMs
02-07-2011 , 03:19 PM
Thanks for the interest guys, would have loved to have you in it but registration is closed.

The draft board is up:
When the draft occurs and a captain types in his pick you will see it in live time letter by letter.(assuming that having lots of people on the same page will not slow things down) I have a back up page for captains only if the webpage slows things down too much)

The captains are over to the right of the pool of players. The numbers under the captains indicate the draft order. The order the captains pick has not been set as well as draft time tomorrow. I will update today when I have more info.
As of the moment the draft will probably occur either before 2:30 est or at 7pm est.

looking forward to the draft
02-07-2011 , 05:07 PM
[QUOTE=NJD77;24663169]How do the captains choose their teams? Do they do a PTR scan of all of the players and select by current winrates?

I have the same concerns, I mean we want the teams to be as fair as possible so I think the captains need to know some win rates in order to select the teams the best they can.. I am sure some won't have huge samples but I think most will have a large enough sample to at least give an idea... What do you guys think? I guess not everyone posted a BB/100 with their stats...
02-07-2011 , 05:08 PM
And obv I don't know how to reply to a quote and get it to work right.. hahaha
