Questions about equity. Can spots be win-win for both players?
Join Date: Jul 2012
Posts: 95
Hoping to get enlightened about some postflop questions. Previously, my flop cbet was very very low and fold to F cbet was very very high. Those stats are now 56.65 and 44.96 respectively. Improvements came from just thinking about equity whereas previously I'd just fold or not bet what wasn't top pair.
When facing a bet on the flop, is it really as simple as if you have enough equity, call? Does this mean that when facing a bet on the turn, and your equity decreases by half (when chasing outs), you will fold way more often?
I'm also having trouble wrapping my mind around this concept: So let's say there are 2 players postflop, #1 with a made hand and #2 chasing outs (let's say flush draw). #1 bets half pot. #2's equity is roughly 36% (9 outs multiplied 4) and his equity required is 25% so #2 calls. Is this not a win-win situation for both players? Statistically #1 will win most of the time, so he wants to put money in the middle. However, #2 is getting good odds, so making this call is profitable. Am I missing something here? Hopefully I was able to formulate my thoughts understably enough.
Join Date: Oct 2022
Posts: 349
Yes, it can be +Ev for both players because there is already “dead" money in the pot of which both players have some equity.
However, in your example, keep in mind that the drawing player likely will have to pay to see the river as well
Join Date: May 2022
Posts: 1,242
With two players the dead money already in the pot can make it so even a underdog should call but the actual bet itself only favors one player(the underdog is willing to call but would prefer no bet). With three or more players it is possible for the actual bet to favor multiple players.