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QQ  -- Betsizing QQ  -- Betsizing

05-28-2008 , 01:24 AM
villain is 27/22/3 TAG

Full Tilt No-Limit Hold'em, $0.25 BB (5 handed) Full Tilt Converter Tool from (Format: 2+2 Forums)

saw flop|saw showdown

MP ($77.55)
Button ($24.95)
SB ($31.90)
Hero ($23.60)
UTG ($34.80)

Preflop: Hero is BB with Q, Q.
1 fold, MP raises to $0.85, Button calls $0.85, 1 fold, Hero raises to $3.75, MP calls $2.65, Button folds.

Flop: ($8.20) T, 2, 2 (2 players)
Hero bets $5, MP calls $5.

Turn: ($18.20) T (2 players)
Hero bets $15.1 (All-In), MP calls $15.10.

any reason to slow down anywhere here? once he calls my 3bet and flop, I suspect his range is narrowed quite a bit... I tend to minimize AA and KK because he likely raises again being 3 handed and out of position... How much am i ahead of that he calls here normally?
QQ  -- Betsizing Quote
05-28-2008 , 01:30 AM
I don't think there's a reason to slow down. During my time in NL25, I haven't seen a full stack TAG slowplay KK/AA yet. I would try to play it goofy though by raising ~$5ish on the turn, making him think we'll fold, but obviously your play is fine.
QQ  -- Betsizing Quote
05-28-2008 , 01:42 AM
I check turn alot here since its dry board and he looks like the kinda guy thats gonna float and go bat**** insane when u start checking, also theirs like only 6rivercards your rly worried bout and if it goes check check u can still get all in by betting river

Last edited by orlov; 05-28-2008 at 01:48 AM.
QQ  -- Betsizing Quote
05-28-2008 , 01:44 AM
Originally Posted by orlov
I check turn alot here since its dry board and he looks like the kinda guy thats gonna float and go bat**** insane when u start checking, also theirs like only 6rivercards your rly worried bout and if it goes check check u can still get all in by shoving river

wat do you mean when you say "you can still get all in by shoving river?"

isn't this true at any river in any hand?
QQ  -- Betsizing Quote
05-28-2008 , 01:49 AM
oh ya your rite I meant it somewhere long the lines of rivershove not being an overbet, edited post
QQ  -- Betsizing Quote
05-28-2008 , 01:54 AM
Originally Posted by orlov
I check turn alot here since its dry board and he looks like the kinda guy thats gonna float and go bat**** insane when u start checking, also theirs like only 6rivercards your rly worried bout and if it goes check check u can still get all in by betting river
Pretty much sums up my thoughts as well. Betting this turn will put a lot of pressure on lower pairs like 77-99 that peel the flop, but if you check I think they will often stab at this pot because they fear a ton of overs and this looks like a good spot to pressure you.
QQ  -- Betsizing Quote
05-28-2008 , 02:06 AM
this is a tough hand because villain is a TAG.

I'd check turn, maybe even folding to an AI.

his range is PP's or a T. It's all a matter of putting him on a hand.
QQ  -- Betsizing Quote
05-28-2008 , 02:23 AM
folding this is crazy
QQ  -- Betsizing Quote
05-28-2008 , 02:36 AM
you have to weight the fact that if you check the turn you're likely to lose a bet from JJ and maybe 99 if an AK or Q comes on the river. if none of those cards come, he'd have to be pretty ******ed to bet the river with a hand like that, but he might be more inclined to call with it than he would on the turn.
QQ  -- Betsizing Quote
05-28-2008 , 10:52 AM
Originally Posted by DaycareInferno
you have to weight the fact that if you check the turn you're likely to lose a bet from JJ and maybe 99 if an AK or Q comes on the river. if none of those cards come, he'd have to be pretty ******ed to bet the river with a hand like that, but he might be more inclined to call with it than he would on the turn.
Yeah... this is what I concern myself with about a lot. Any bet pretty much pot commits me. But I find I can often get a bet called on the turn but not on the river.

I originally posted the hand becaue I was concerned I was overplaying a decent pair in a reraised pot. I was trying to put him on a decent range. I was starting to question if I got a little lucky here since I was really putting the bottom of his range as 1010. Since he's tag I tend to assume he's not as likly to be calling with low pps for set value since I'm not deepstacked. AK probably folds that flop.

I'm hoping for JJ or a tie really, no?
QQ  -- Betsizing Quote
05-28-2008 , 11:11 AM
I would bet $6 on the flop. It's a small thing but the range that we are trying to get value from, 99 and the like will call $5 or $6 so you get an extra 4bb's there. Turn, meh I think you can go either way based on feel, bet or check to induce. I probably bet it. Not folding obv, if he has a T, w/e. If he's got AA/KK, cooler.
QQ  -- Betsizing Quote
05-28-2008 , 11:25 AM
I don't think this is a particularly deep hand so I'll post results.

Villain had JJ.

I can't help but think this was the bottom of his range that I get called on the turn. So in that sense I feel I got lucky.
QQ  -- Betsizing Quote
05-28-2008 , 11:56 AM
hes a 27/22, thats nowhere near tag and the kind of ******ed **** ive been called with by these guys when I 3bet them amazes me
QQ  -- Betsizing Quote
05-28-2008 , 12:24 PM
I don't think there's a big difference between checking the turn or betting but I like betting to keep the pressure on and most hands that call on the flop are going to be calling the turn also since no over-cards came and a big part of his range is pp's.
QQ  -- Betsizing Quote
05-28-2008 , 12:24 PM
Originally Posted by ajmargarine
I would bet $6 on the flop. It's a small thing but the range that we are trying to get value from, 99 and the like will call $5 or $6 so you get an extra 4bb's there. Turn, meh I think you can go either way based on feel, bet or check to induce. I probably bet it. Not folding obv, if he has a T, w/e. If he's got AA/KK, cooler.

The added advantage of a slightly bigger bet on the flop is it makes the turn all in easier for him to call with a marginal hand.
QQ  -- Betsizing Quote
05-28-2008 , 12:28 PM
Originally Posted by kurto
How much am i ahead of that he calls here normally?
Well, I sure hope you're not considering folding to a push if you check on the turn. That means you're paying off the cooler hands no matter what (because they will certainly bet the river). Taking that as a given, your thoughts should then turn to how you could best extract value from the hands that you do beat. I prefer putting it in myself (no free cards to AK), but I see merit to the checking-to-induce line.

Last edited by WhiteWolf; 05-28-2008 at 12:42 PM.
QQ  -- Betsizing Quote
05-28-2008 , 12:40 PM
Raise to 10bb pf. save $1.25 , lead for 6 otf, you could check the turn, if he has a T, then he might check behind, then check call the river maybe save yourself 7-10 bucks if in fact he has ATs or something.
QQ  -- Betsizing Quote
