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QQ → 2NL QQ → 2NL

06-05-2015 , 12:24 PM

does anyone think that flatting might be better pf, because i can get value of hands like AQ that will probably c bet? or it might be more +EV to 4 bet gii?
remember thats 2nl, there is not much 3 betting light going on, when i gii its usually against AA KK QQ and sometimes AK but there are a lot of people who flat them

Last edited by fr4m3ofm1nd; 06-05-2015 at 12:30 PM.
QQ → 2NL Quote
06-05-2015 , 12:26 PM
Flatting's not terrible depending on the villain as 3-betting an UTG raise is strong.

Getting it in with QQ is obviously fine as well.
QQ → 2NL Quote
06-05-2015 , 12:28 PM
wp, you just got unlucky and ran into kings
QQ → 2NL Quote
06-05-2015 , 12:37 PM
What's villain's profile?

If he is a fish, u played it right. You can't really do anything to prevent this from happening.

If villain is not a fish, i don't think he will 5bet shove anything under KK. So folding is the way to go there.
I think you can flat the 3bet preflop. You have position on him.
The plan postflop is to call his cbet on a Qhigh or less board, drawy or not. I think you can fold on a K or Ahigh board because if he is good, his 3bet range will be close to AQo+,AQs+,QQ+.
On the turn, i'd be suspicious if he barrels a low board once again, i would fold if he doesn't double barrel often, and call if he does so. If a K or an A falls, i'll just fold if he barrels.
On the river, if the board remains low and he bets, i'd just fold.
QQ → 2NL Quote
06-05-2015 , 12:45 PM
sorry, always forget to say, its zoom so no reads
QQ → 2NL Quote
06-05-2015 , 02:33 PM
I think every1 thats posted so far is wrong in this thread srs, you should flat this 100% at 2nl, especially considering positions/situation, I think by 4 betting you are isolating yourself against AA KK maybe AK QQ, we aren't making money against these hands

Yes will you find yourself in alot of tough spots postflop but overall I think thats the superior play/optimal

What to do after the flop?
Continue 1-2 streets on non A K high boards, evaluate river (remember general tendency in these games is that ppl do not 3 barrel bluff for the most part, do you recall a time you 3 barrelled with nothing??)
On ace/king high boards I like to continue one street especially since ppl love cbetting 100% in 3bet pots but thats probably up to you (also kind of depends on the bet sizing) if he pots i fold. By calling you yourself rep an Ace, it will be very difficult for ppl to bluff you so you don't have to be worried about this you can safely fold turn
QQ → 2NL Quote
06-05-2015 , 02:54 PM
Originally Posted by mamzicles
I think every1 thats posted so far is wrong in this thread srs, you should flat this 100% at 2nl, especially considering positions/situation, I think by 4 betting you are isolating yourself against AA KK maybe AK QQ, we aren't making money against these hands

Yes will you find yourself in alot of tough spots postflop but overall I think thats the superior play/optimal

What to do after the flop?
Continue 1-2 streets on non A K high boards, evaluate river (remember general tendency in these games is that ppl do not 3 barrel bluff for the most part, do you recall a time you 3 barrelled with nothing??)
On ace/king high boards I like to continue one street especially since ppl love cbetting 100% in 3bet pots but thats probably up to you (also kind of depends on the bet sizing) if he pots i fold. By calling you yourself rep an Ace, it will be very difficult for ppl to bluff you so you don't have to be worried about this you can safely fold turn
Thanks, thats what i wanted to hear, because every time i 4 bet gii in similar situations, its always AA or KK for the most part. You probably play or played 2nl as well
QQ → 2NL Quote
06-05-2015 , 03:39 PM
Agreed with mamzicle except for the "at nl2" part.
QQ → 2NL Quote
