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QJ played non-standard QJ played non-standard

01-30-2011 , 05:16 AM
This is one of the situations when I mix-up my play and change the betting patterns and behaviour.

Game: $50, NLH, full ring

Stacks: Hero: $49.70, Villain: $108.10

A fish limps UTG and everyone folds to me in CO and I also limp with QJ but the villain on the button min-raises to $1 (his style appeared to be the one of a TAGfish). Blinds fold, me and the fish both call.

Pot: $3.75
Flop: 6 J 9

The fish checks and I bet into the raiser (my hand could be the best, board is wet and check-calling doesn't really seem a good option) $2.50. Villain calls and the fish folds.

Pot: $8.75
Turn: 3

I bet again $6 and the villain min-raises me to $12.

What should I do here? And what is his range?

Seems that I'm beat or I'm up against a strong draw but i cannot put him on 66, 99 or AJ caz he would've raised more preflop and maybe even raise the flop. KJ wouldn't have this line either. Maybe he's got like A3 ?

Last edited by chojrak; 01-30-2011 at 05:20 AM. Reason: spelling
QJ played non-standard Quote
01-30-2011 , 05:20 AM
QJ played non-standard Quote
01-30-2011 , 05:28 AM
I know that I shouldn't limp and I very very rarely do that. But this was one of the cases because my hand wasn't so strong and the fish UTG was always calling raises so I decided that seeing a flop in position with a marginal hand is better than bulding a big pot against a fish who can have almost any 2 cards.
QJ played non-standard Quote
01-30-2011 , 05:31 AM
I'm not sure your read is right that he would have raised more with pocket pairs or AJ. If I'm villain I might make this play with a JT type hand. Rather than having to call another bet on the river I'll just raise turn, if you fold KJ/QJ great. If not, I get to showdown for the same price as if I had called twice. I don't think calling then c/f the river is that bad. Folding now is probably best. And don't limp, this is a standard raising spot. I used to limp a lot here too and once I learned to raise my winnings went up quite a bit.
QJ played non-standard Quote
01-30-2011 , 05:39 AM
I folded the hand on the turn actually. Yeah, like I said, I rarely limp but in this case I was raising only to isolate the fish and gain "the button" not for value and not as a bluff either. It would have been a raise for the position only (the button may have called my raise with JT in this spot).
QJ played non-standard Quote
01-30-2011 , 05:57 AM
Originally Posted by chojrak
I folded the hand on the turn actually. Yeah, like I said, I rarely limp but in this case I was raising only to isolate the fish and gain "the button" not for value and not as a bluff either. It would have been a raise for the position only (the button may have called my raise with JT in this spot).
this hurts me
QJ played non-standard Quote
01-30-2011 , 06:12 AM
Originally Posted by As1an1nvas1on
this hurts me
Can you please me more specific
QJ played non-standard Quote
01-30-2011 , 10:58 AM
Why wouldn't you want to play a raised pot in position vs a fish that can have any two?
QJ played non-standard Quote
02-01-2011 , 09:37 AM
Because I don't think there is too much value in raising in this spot. Or at least this is what I felt during the hand.

The normal play here is to raise because of the strength of the hand in the relation with the position and the possible payout in case I'll hit a very strong hand. But in this situation where I know I cannot make the fish fold and most of the times I will have position even by calling (the button wasn't an aggressive player or too loose) I don't see the benefits of raising - others than the c-bet on the flop.
QJ played non-standard Quote
02-01-2011 , 10:31 AM
Originally Posted by chojrak
Because I don't think there is too much value in raising in this spot. Or at least this is what I felt during the hand.

The normal play here is to raise because of the strength of the hand in the relation with the position and the possible payout in case I'll hit a very strong hand. But in this situation where I know I cannot make the fish fold and most of the times I will have position even by calling (the button wasn't an aggressive player or too loose) I don't see the benefits of raising - others than the c-bet on the flop.
How bout playing a big pot IP with card advantage, initiative and HU vs. fish
QJ played non-standard Quote
