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Preflop: QQ vs UTG [3bet or call?] Preflop: QQ vs UTG [3bet or call?]

08-20-2016 , 05:01 AM
how do you play against button when u have QQ?
many people say call is standard play. However, I'd like 3 betting rather than calling because it makes clear his hand. if UTG 4bet, especially in microstake where people do not bluff 4 bet enough, there is high possibility that he holds KK+. On the other side, if he calls, he might have under pair than QQ and maybe AK.

Also, it is little bit hard for me when I against squeeze. So I use mixed strategy-sometimes flat and sometimes 3bet-.

How about u guys?
Preflop: QQ vs UTG [3bet or call?] Quote
08-20-2016 , 05:25 AM
I donīt think I can find a lot of, if any good reasons to flat UTG raise from the BTN wth QQ in a cashgame. Maybe if I knew that one of the blinds is a 3-bet / squeeze monkey and I can get them to put some more money into the pot by flatting but thatīs it.
Preflop: QQ vs UTG [3bet or call?] Quote
08-20-2016 , 05:25 AM
I only flat if I know both blinds - not one, but both - are very aggressive preflop and like to squeeze. Then you can backraise them with a cold 4bet, or fold if UTG 4bets which is basically QQ+/AK. But only if I know the blinds sense an opportunity - if they've been quiet for 2 or so orbits and feel they've built up sufficient image to get credibility, and I know they know UTG folds to 3bets a lot so I have reason to think it's a 3bet bluff. This maximizes the EV of the hand.

II might also call UTG, then flat SB/BB's 3bet preflop if I know they have a polarized strategy where they're 3betting hands like J4 or K2o, I might even risk flatting from the BTN, then shoving over the c-bet (and I know they'll try to c-bet to take down the pot). I'll risk the overcards on the flop because I know they'd have just flatted preflop with pocket pairs, meaning I don't need to fear flopped sets and on a board of 952 because my overpair is basically always good.

I usually just 3bet for value though, because if you call, and you DON'T get squeezed, then it's gross to go 4-way to the flop with queens. Disgusting. Unless you can soulread SB/BB and know by game flow that they're going to take the bait, it's safest to 3bet.
Preflop: QQ vs UTG [3bet or call?] Quote
08-20-2016 , 05:29 AM
woops I think I knew the wrong strategy.
3bet from all position vs UTG is standard, then?
hmm.. how about AKo? I definitely 3 bet with AKs vs UTG but not AKo.
Preflop: QQ vs UTG [3bet or call?] Quote
08-20-2016 , 06:18 AM
All depends on his behavouver against 3-bets.
If i have AK and he folds tons i think you can 3-bet because dead money is pretty much but you can also call and hope you make more money or to provoce squeezes from people with high valus.
If you play against an oppoent only folding like 40% against 3-bets but also either 4-et light enouph to call a 4-bet (new Standard with AK against an opponent who is capable of hafving like KK+,AQ in his range.
The second hand.

Depends all on how you think UTG is playing against you.
Against a decent reg its never a 3-bet/fold (maybe against me, because i have to less light 4-bets and some others) but generally i think if he calls enouph then you can 3-bet, if he 4-bets all depends on if you think he is capable of have light hands in his range.
If opponent is inbetween, folds pretty much but also light 4-bets, then i dont like to 3-bet, also if you call (i haD this situationen) and there is a squeeze then you look for the squeeze value, if its more then 5% you can 4-bet this hand surely.
I show you an expample, opponent was folding a lot, he had only a 2% 4-betting range and i called, after this the squeezer had 7% squeeze value.
Then the first raiser called, now i now he have like TT,JJ most ly or some AK or AQs, so i 4-betted and he made the big mistake of shoving because my range is QQ,AK and if i call KK,AA sometimes ofcourse that to but i didnt only call KK+ the last time.
So important to know, if a squeezer has a high value you should 4-bet liht some lower pp you dont want to call like 99,88 against a 13 bb squeeze, you can make it 28 if you think he is more then 50% not on QQ+,AK.
With my hand i block AA,KK totaly and the squeezer with 7% has only like 10% of his hands are KK+, he has some QQ i think he should shove here, for that reason i made it big, i cant fold then.
But he folds like 75% of the time and this is enouph dead money, unfortunately the other player with more ten 50% equity shoved, even he is so behind my range of QQ,AK

partypoker - $0.10 NL (6 max) - Holdem - 6 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4

BB: 55.9 BB (VPIP: 23.48, PFR: 20.13, 3Bet Preflop: 6.02, Hands: 941)
UTG: 101.8 BB (VPIP: 22.71, PFR: 18.80, 3Bet Preflop: 5.32, Hands: 2,026)
MP: 105 BB (VPIP: 22.54, PFR: 17.99, 3Bet Preflop: 8.36, Hands: 862)
Hero (CO): 111.3 BB
BTN: 207.6 BB (VPIP: 36.60, PFR: 31.37, 3Bet Preflop: 24.64, Hands: 157)
SB: 100 BB (VPIP: 16.13, PFR: 12.90, 3Bet Preflop: 7.14, Hands: 422)

SB posts SB 0.5 BB, BB posts BB 1 BB

Pre Flop: (pot: 1.5 BB) Hero has A K

fold, MP raises to 3 BB, Hero calls 3 BB, fold, SB raises to 13.5 BB, fold, MP calls 10.5 BB, Hero raises to 55 BB, fold, MP raises to 105 BB and is all-in, Hero calls 50 BB

Flop: (224.5 BB, 2 players) J 7 7

Turn: (224.5 BB, 2 players) A

River: (224.5 BB, 2 players) Q

Hero shows A K (Two Pair, Aces and Sevens)
(Pre 43%, Flop 23%, Turn 95%)
MP mucks T T (Two Pair, Tens and Sevens)
(Pre 57%, Flop 77%, Turn 5%)
Hero wins 214.5 BB

This is somehow new standard, if you play against an oppoent with a ligh 4-bet in hiis range.
Now i called with AK and hitted an A and he broked.
This call 4-bet told me a nl200 player instead of 5bet because he onnly have like KK,AA,AQo and he calls with KK+ and folds AQo.
partypoker - $0.10 NL FAST (6 max) - Holdem - 6 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4

Hero (BTN): 100 BB
SB: 111.4 BB (VPIP: 23.54, PFR: 18.71, 3Bet Preflop: 8.25, Hands: 709)
BB: 37.9 BB (VPIP: 20.90, PFR: 16.72, 3Bet Preflop: 4.35, Hands: 319)
UTG: 46.9 BB (VPIP: 23.31, PFR: 21.47, 3Bet Preflop: 25.37, Hands: 335)
MP: 100 BB (VPIP: 23.99, PFR: 19.23, 3Bet Preflop: 6.42, Hands: 539)
CO: 207.3 BB (VPIP: 24.50, PFR: 19.50, 3Bet Preflop: 8.55, Hands: 621)

SB posts SB 0.5 BB, BB posts BB 1 BB

Pre Flop: (pot: 1.5 BB) Hero has K A

fold, MP raises to 3 BB, fold, Hero raises to 9 BB, fold, fold, MP raises to 23.5 BB, Hero calls 14.5 BB

Flop: (48.5 BB, 2 players) A 3 9
MP bets 23 BB, Hero calls 23 BB

Turn: (94.5 BB, 2 players) 6
MP bets 53.5 BB and is all-in, Hero calls 53.5 BB and is all-in

River: (201.5 BB, 2 players) 8

MP shows Q A (One Pair, Aces)

Hero shows K A (One Pair, Aces)

Hero wins 191.5 BB

So generally QQ,AK in not tight situations are call 4-bets and in SB vs BTN or Co vs BTN or SB vs BB its a 5-bet shove instead.
But if you think yur oppoent has just to less (and this is often common) light hands and is weighted heavily towards KK+ then you fold or dont 3-bet.

Last edited by philkill; 08-20-2016 at 06:31 AM.
Preflop: QQ vs UTG [3bet or call?] Quote
