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Pre flop AK. Bet sizing Pre flop AK. Bet sizing

08-01-2015 , 06:12 AM
Originally Posted by Markulous
They'll for sure call if they have a pair. From this late of position I may c-bet more than check simply because even the average fish knows we could be raising light and they are calling lighter whereas an early position raise there aren't going to be many 7s or 2s in their range.
I get what you're saying except I'd go the reverse of what you first said. You should be c-betting AK 100% until you have some reads that make you want to check. If you know villain leads turn some high % vs. missed c-bets, spazzes out with bluffs or whatever, then I see the credibility in checking.

But for our check back range I'd far rather use weaker Kx (particularly from UTG I'd consider a check with one of KTs/KJs, and I'd check KK) that can't bet three streets. Checking back AK and hoping an unknown gives you 2 streets of bluffs is likely to be burning money in missing value, and messing up our c-bet range.
Pre flop AK. Bet sizing Quote
08-01-2015 , 09:41 AM
Originally Posted by Bladesman87
I get what you're saying except I'd go the reverse of what you first said. You should be c-betting AK 100% until you have some reads that make you want to check. If you know villain leads turn some high % vs. missed c-bets, spazzes out with bluffs or whatever, then I see the credibility in checking.

But for our check back range I'd far rather use weaker Kx (particularly from UTG I'd consider a check with one of KTs/KJs, and I'd check KK) that can't bet three streets. Checking back AK and hoping an unknown gives you 2 streets of bluffs is likely to be burning money in missing value, and messing up our c-bet range.
You make a good point. I realize that at some point I need to start doing this because it'll be exploitable also since I'm c-betting these flops 100% with any other hand. Out of curiosity, why are you checking KK but not AK? Just because with us having KK it makes it more unlikely that they have a K?
Pre flop AK. Bet sizing Quote
08-01-2015 , 12:14 PM
Having KK only leaves one more K for him so yeah, his combos are slashed. The board being super dry makes our hand invulnerable to something like 78s/A2 turning two pair. If we choose to have a check back range here KK makes a lot of sense. And you're not really weakening your range too much since you still have 77/22.
Pre flop AK. Bet sizing Quote
08-01-2015 , 12:22 PM
I dont really understand your original text but...

As played I think that bet sizing pre is bad, 3x is OK.
Flop bet sizing is OK I think not really sure... I guess we dont have many pure bluffs here on a MW pot.
Turn definitively betting bigger. SB hands here are pretty much closed to 77 and worse Kx, so im going for full value.
Pre flop AK. Bet sizing Quote
