The pot-odds when you're short-stacked and villain is all-in
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 444
When I'm short-stacked and villain is going all-in for a large amount (but will get most of it back because I can't cover his bet) and i try to calculate the pot-odds I'm getting, I'm tending to mistakenly think I'm getting wildly better odds than i really am, because the pot is bloated by
his large bet. I will never win the amount in the pot because i can't cover villains bet. Is there a script that will calculate the pot-odds, or another convenient way to know the pot odds in this situation?
Join Date: Aug 2007
Posts: 807
chips in the middle + your stack + your action : your stack - your action?
Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 457
The pot size for the call is the effective stacks (his + yours) plus the pot. So just ignore his raise amount and calculate the pot + 2x your stack (assuming a heads up situation). That is the pot that you can win with your call.