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the pot that change a session set ott then facing a big shove otr while all draws completed the pot that change a session set ott then facing a big shove otr while all draws completed

02-04-2014 , 11:04 AM
Hi guys, a lot of time a poker session is determined by 1-2 big pots. I always say that I am 1 or 2 pot away from being a good poker player hahahha (I know I have to work on almost every pot I play ...just joking)

Here is the pot that changed my last session

vilain is 30/21 with 25% 3 bet and wtsd 56%, cbets 50% but cbet ott and otr are 100%!! only 50 hands with him though...

on the flop I have position and my TT might still be good here so decide to call to see how he acts ott. ott I got a set and now want all chips in the middle. since he bet again I go for repop (also board is drawy). then worst possible card otr and he overbets all in. Against this type of player would you call or not?

Except for QhJh I dont see a straigth here. I think AA reraises me ott. KK would have folded to my raise ott and possibly would fear flush. So only a flush possible but again what hand would he raise EP that has no Ah or Kh and that fit here? I think some vilain like him might be playing AK this way...

What you think?

    Poker Stars, $0.02/$0.05 No Limit Hold'em Cash, 9 Players
    Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite.

    BTN: $10.82 (216.4 bb)
    SB: $4.74 (94.8 bb)
    BB: $5.08 (101.6 bb)
    UTG+1: $8.14 (162.8 bb)
    UTG+2: $5.75 (115 bb)
    MP1: $2.12 (42.4 bb)
    MP2: $4.51 (90.2 bb)
    Hero (MP3): $6.53 (130.6 bb)
    CO: $5.24 (104.8 bb)

    Preflop: Hero is MP3 with T T
    UTG+1 raises to $0.15, 3 folds, Hero calls $0.15, 4 folds

    Flop: ($0.37) 4 A 3 (2 players)
    UTG+1 bets $0.20, Hero calls $0.20

    Turn: ($0.77) T (2 players)
    UTG+1 bets $0.55, Hero raises to $1.48, UTG+1 calls $0.93

    River: ($3.73) K (2 players)
    UTG+1 bets $6.31 and is all-in, Hero ?
    the pot that change a session set ott then facing a big shove otr while all draws completed Quote
    02-04-2014 , 11:30 AM
    Originally Posted by gosmaster
    Except for QhJh I dont see a straigth here.
    You mean a flush? I see QJo as a possible hand in his range for a straight. QJh is the only likely flush. 89s open-raise from EP is risky even for villain, not impossible but I would say unlikely.

    What has V been showing down? If V's WTSD is as high as 56% then you must know V's style - does V chase draws or bet to protect them? Is V bluffing alot? Or is V actually making good hands? What is his W$SD? That massively influences the hand because V's range is wide. Anything from 44, 33, QJ, AK, Ax, Kxs... to total air. Given your are two of the larger stacks at the table, shoving with air is a huge risk and not something I would give much credit to, so I expect V to have a hand here.

    If I were in V's place I would not be shoving with two pair here on this board - I would bet it, but not a shove. Minimum of a lower set, straight or flush. But then I fold too often post flop so what do I know?

    Last edited by Cerro; 02-04-2014 at 11:37 AM.
    the pot that change a session set ott then facing a big shove otr while all draws completed Quote
    02-04-2014 , 01:27 PM
    I would personally raise turn a lot bigger, like 2,2+.

    He almost has the odds to call turn profitably, but def makes profit if he completes on the river and you call any decent sized bet.

    As weak as it may sound, but i would fold river unless you have crazy reads that he's keen on bluffing really wet boards.

    Don't mind postflop stats too much after 5 orbits.
    the pot that change a session set ott then facing a big shove otr while all draws completed Quote
    02-04-2014 , 01:32 PM
    We block Th, no Ah or Kh he can have, but if we add AK some AT we have some hands we beat but not sure if he shoves those.
    the pot that change a session set ott then facing a big shove otr while all draws completed Quote
    02-04-2014 , 01:39 PM
    Why is it at all relevant that this or another big pot can shape your session? You just make the most +EV decision and don't care whether winning or losing this pot puts you in the + or -.

    As for the hand, I am not a fan of the flop float. And river is close tbh, but it all comes down to how he plays hands like AK/AT like David mentions. My guess, without to many reads, you'll see hands here better than TT a lot off the time.
    the pot that change a session set ott then facing a big shove otr while all draws completed Quote
    02-04-2014 , 02:20 PM
    @Dovidiu...Yeah I really suck at protecting vs draw...I always pot raise, but should over pot raise...Ill try this for sure, it was one of my concerned lately and I read a lot about it...I'm always torn between protection and greediness and Always feel like over raising will make fold any TPGK so I want AQ,AJ or even AK to stay here while protecting from draws...but probably they won't fold AK or AQ either cause actually they might think I'm on a semi bluff here...I'll try to bet more next time...

    @Mzbourg I understand the point...just saying that when I review a session, usually it all comes down to 1 or 2 big pots you played well or bad and that it changed the whole session but you are right about trying to make +EV calls on each street of each hand.

    I ended up calling here...just won't say if I won or lost but I called because of his stats and because of all blockers we had. Just wanted to know if you would call. I know it's close
    the pot that change a session set ott then facing a big shove otr while all draws completed Quote
