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Possible Move-Up NL100 Possible Move-Up NL100

11-24-2008 , 01:03 PM
I'm taking King Spew advice on being overrolled for comfortability. I considered one of two things:

Either 8 tabling 100NL

Splitting it half and playing simulataneously 4 at 50NL and the other 4 at 100NL

I did the 4-table split at 25NL and 50NL and did fairly well when I was trying to build my bankroll and now I just 8 table 50NL. A few months ago I jumped to 100NL with only 1500 and got smoked and had to move back down.

You think 3k would be enough. I considered moving up at 2,500, but maybe I just need to look myself in the mirror and ask myself what amount would work comfortablity for me
Possible Move-Up NL100 Quote
11-24-2008 , 01:06 PM
I wouldn't immediately start with 8 tables of 100NL... I'd say either just 4 100NL or 4 100NL and 4 50NL...

Now at 50NL myself and a roll of about $2300 there so within a month or 2 I hope to move up as well. 2.5k should be enough for shots but if you're really planning on 4 to 8 tabling there I'd wait for 3k. But yeah, just what you're comfortable with...

How many hands do you have at 50NL and what winrate? Good luck
Possible Move-Up NL100 Quote
11-24-2008 , 01:07 PM
I probably should refer to the bankroll index lmao haha
Possible Move-Up NL100 Quote
11-24-2008 , 01:08 PM
#hands/winrate at 50nl?

why do u play poker? side income? hobby w/ benefits? just like to gamble?

if playing for side income that is needed, I wouldn't move up w/o 40-50BI.

Otherwise 25BI seems fine for 100nl shots.
Possible Move-Up NL100 Quote
11-24-2008 , 01:12 PM
don't its a Pokerstars Tarp.

Give up and go fishing.
Possible Move-Up NL100 Quote
11-24-2008 , 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by DiggertheDog
don't its a Pokerstars Tarp.

Give up and go fishing.
LMAO...luckily I don't play at stars so thanks for the advice.
Possible Move-Up NL100 Quote
11-24-2008 , 01:26 PM
Originally Posted by notontilt09
#hands/winrate at 50nl?

why do u play poker? side income? hobby w/ benefits? just like to gamble?

if playing for side income that is needed, I wouldn't move up w/o 40-50BI.

Otherwise 25BI seems fine for 100nl shots.
I just play for fun...Don't really need the money, but I do take the game seriously. Hell I make more in rakeback each month then my underperforming 401k. I have been playing these stakes forever since like 06 haha. I just end up taking the money, but through 100k hands I think I'm around 1.5-2.5 bb per 100. But I just want to see how far I can go with it. I play for the challenge and I love learning about people's styles and situations. So it's a little bit of everything...obviously the money is part of it. I don't think anybody loves a hobby were you go broke LMAO
Possible Move-Up NL100 Quote
11-24-2008 , 01:27 PM
seems like there's no reason not to mix in some 100nl then
Possible Move-Up NL100 Quote
11-24-2008 , 01:30 PM
Originally Posted by dagrim1
I wouldn't immediately start with 8 tables of 100NL... I'd say either just 4 100NL or 4 100NL and 4 50NL...

Now at 50NL myself and a roll of about $2300 there so within a month or 2 I hope to move up as well. 2.5k should be enough for shots but if you're really planning on 4 to 8 tabling there I'd wait for 3k. But yeah, just what you're comfortable with...

How many hands do you have at 50NL and what winrate? Good luck
Well I hope to see up there haha...
Possible Move-Up NL100 Quote
11-24-2008 , 02:04 PM
Originally Posted by delasoul
I'm taking King Spew advice

garbage in, garbage out.

Either 8 tabling 100NL

You think 3k would be enough?
I am mixing 200/400 myself right now and feel comfortable with 70/35 buy-ins.

If you are looking for my comfort level..... 5K minimum imo. It makes suck-outs a laughing matter, as there should be no crying or throwing things in poker.
Possible Move-Up NL100 Quote
11-24-2008 , 02:14 PM
I'd start with 100NL on weekends and stick to 50NL on weekdays at first since the difference in the level of play / fishiness is significant (weekends compared to weekdays).

If things go wrong at 100NL you have some time to grind it back during the week and it doesn't mess with your confidence so much when your plan was to play 100NL on the weekend only anyway.
Possible Move-Up NL100 Quote
11-24-2008 , 02:52 PM
Originally Posted by King Spew
I am mixing 200/400 myself right now and feel comfortable with 70/35 buy-ins.

If you are looking for my comfort level..... 5K minimum imo. It makes suck-outs a laughing matter, as there should be no crying or throwing things in poker.
To be honest I'm not really sure if 3k will be comforting for me...I know 1,500 wasn't that's for sure lmao. I assume 4-5k would be really idea. I mean I 8 table 50NL with 2k and feel fine and I play somewhat lag so I know people will sometimes stack off light to me and hit and I'm okay with that. The only time I ever get angry is when I'm the donk. So I guess if I am doubling the stakes it would make sense to be around 4k-5k.

I think the mental part you feel in having a good bankroll is so key since it makes you feel comfortable in making moves even if they are the wrong moves at times and not have to worry about your bankroll going down the tube.
Possible Move-Up NL100 Quote
11-24-2008 , 02:53 PM
Originally Posted by kflip
I'd start with 100NL on weekends and stick to 50NL on weekdays at first since the difference in the level of play / fishiness is significant (weekends compared to weekdays).

If things go wrong at 100NL you have some time to grind it back during the week and it doesn't mess with your confidence so much when your plan was to play 100NL on the weekend only anyway.
That strategy crossed my mind as well... I'll probably mix some stuff up and see what works and what doesn't.
Possible Move-Up NL100 Quote
11-24-2008 , 03:07 PM
Originally Posted by kflip
I'd start with 100NL on weekends and stick to 50NL on weekdays at first since the difference in the level of play / fishiness is significant (weekends compared to weekdays).

If things go wrong at 100NL you have some time to grind it back during the week and it doesn't mess with your confidence so much when your plan was to play 100NL on the weekend only anyway.

Game select well for 100nl and just play when there are decent games going if there isn't anything decent then just find some 50nl tables. Well this is what I've been trying to do atm. I'm basically doing this till I'm over rolled (or somewhere very comfortable) for 100nl.

I wish I had some programs that could datamine for the new levels. I never have any info on the players so taable selection is harder.
Possible Move-Up NL100 Quote
11-24-2008 , 04:54 PM
Originally Posted by delasoul
I just play for fun...Don't really need the money, but I do take the game seriously. Hell I make more in rakeback each month then my underperforming 401k. I have been playing these stakes forever since like 06 haha. I just end up taking the money, but through 100k hands I think I'm around 1.5-2.5 bb per 100. But I just want to see how far I can go with it. I play for the challenge and I love learning about people's styles and situations. So it's a little bit of everything...obviously the money is part of it. I don't think anybody loves a hobby were you go broke LMAO
your barely beating NL 50, why on earth would you move up?
Possible Move-Up NL100 Quote
11-24-2008 , 05:03 PM
100k is a small sample IMO of your bb per 100. I just threw that out in the air...My understanding is a 3-6 bb per 100 is a good indicator of how you are doing at those stakes... The reason why I just said 1.5-2.5 is because I have pokertracker on two different computers with 50k hand samples each. One is at 5 and the other is at 1.5
Possible Move-Up NL100 Quote
11-24-2008 , 05:05 PM
Originally Posted by RRizGod
your barely beating NL 50, why on earth would you move up?
cuz if u beat 50nl for 1.5PT/100 8 tabling (500hands/hr on FTP, so $7.5/hr+RB ($3/hr), so $10.5/hr) then you will make double+ at 100nl (at 1.5PT/100 8 tabling you will make $15/hr+$6RB, so $21/hr)

very much dependent on what ur goals are OP. i would personally shottake weekends, and i would never mix levels during a session. best of luck
Possible Move-Up NL100 Quote
11-24-2008 , 05:18 PM
Originally Posted by RRizGod
your barely beating NL 50, why on earth would you move up?
Because stakes play differently. FWIW, I don't / can't keep my head above water at 50NL. I did well at 50NL last year, but it has since because such a rock garden, I fail to WANT to adjust LOL.

Proofrock made a comment in one of the "Move from 200NL to 400NL" threads not too long ago that kinda hits this home. Someone was asking why it seemed that some ALWAYS have a tough time making the move up and proofrock said something like:

"Because they don't spew enough. Seriously"
Possible Move-Up NL100 Quote
11-24-2008 , 05:24 PM
Originally Posted by *Split*
and i would never mix levels during a session.
*split*, you might want to reevaluate this one. I one-leveled my whole "career" until earlier this summer when I was having trouble finding 8 REALLY good 100NL tables. However, now that I have started to span a range of stakes, finding quality tables is very easy. What a nice change it has been to have all 8 tables profitable

Follow da Fishies
Possible Move-Up NL100 Quote
11-24-2008 , 05:34 PM
After my normal sessions I'll usually put on a video and cut down my tables to 2 or 3. You might want to do this too. Just play your regular 50NL session then afterwards put up 2 100NL tables and put on a video to study. This will allow you to judge how ready you are for 100NL, let you see if you're ready without suffering from huge variance, lower your losses if you aren't ready, and finally it will really allow you to see hand by hand how 100NL is different from 50NL
Possible Move-Up NL100 Quote
11-24-2008 , 05:40 PM
i started playing 100nl with 900, to each his own. just have a plan for moving down etc.
Possible Move-Up NL100 Quote
11-24-2008 , 05:53 PM
Originally Posted by Tumaterminator
i started playing 100nl with 900, to each his own. just have a plan for moving down etc.

I agree tho, if your comfotable to move down if you loose a few BI or what ever. Maybe you can reload and not care.
Possible Move-Up NL100 Quote
11-24-2008 , 06:19 PM
Originally Posted by King Spew
Because stakes play differently. FWIW, I don't / can't keep my head above water at 50NL. I did well at 50NL last year, but it has since because such a rock garden, I fail to WANT to adjust LOL.

Proofrock made a comment in one of the "Move from 200NL to 400NL" threads not too long ago that kinda hits this home. Someone was asking why it seemed that some ALWAYS have a tough time making the move up and proofrock said something like:

"Because they don't spew enough. Seriously"

this is a terrible excuse. if your not smart enough to adjust your game to beat NL50, then your not that good.
Possible Move-Up NL100 Quote
11-24-2008 , 06:22 PM
If he is beating 200 and 400NL then why would he readjust his game so he can move down and beat 50NL?

Money > bragging rights on the internets
Possible Move-Up NL100 Quote
11-24-2008 , 06:25 PM
Originally Posted by Bluegrassplayer
If he is beating 200 and 400NL then why would he readjust his game so he can move down and beat 50NL?

Money > bragging rights on the internets
the point is not why won't he. its obvious why someone wouldn't go back down.

the point is why cant he.
Possible Move-Up NL100 Quote
