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Positional and aggression question verse certain players Positional and aggression question verse certain players

07-22-2008 , 06:51 AM

Im a pretty reasonable micro stakes player who can easily outplay most loose passives, nits and regulars (to some extent).
But there are 2 types of players which i constantly lose money to maniacs who will always come along for the ride and are on my BB when im in position and people to my right who are reasonable players and always call my CO/ HJ PFR's with virtually ATC and call down most of my C-Bets and even double barrels (i usually am fairly aggressive 27/21 and isolate limpers alot from CO/button alot these players make it not profitable i find for me), and once the river comes i check and they fire out a half pot bet and I virtually always fold(not including made hands i always value bet my hands if i have one).
How should i play these 2 types of players should i tighten up in general and just don't bother stealing blinds and wait for decent hands then value bet the hell out of them (i've experimented with it small amount but to little or no profit as i turn into a nit who can be read like a book).
Also theres another smaller stake player who i generally lose alot of money to (just remembered) people who like gay betting multiple streets even if raised fairly strongly, usually the line is gay bet(i raise),gay bet (i call), they do a fairly big bet on river (or continue gay betting) and i have no idea what so ever what to do.
Cheers for any help,

Last edited by nuvan; 07-22-2008 at 07:02 AM.
07-22-2008 , 08:28 AM
So a huge thing in poker is to play the player, not your cards. You play much better not playing in a vacuum. So while stealing a bunch works against your average player who can fold, it does not work against uberlags. For that reason, yes play like a nit when they are in the pot. You won't steal as many pots but generallly you will get paid huge when you hit.

Golden rule: don't bluff lags
07-22-2008 , 09:28 AM
Originally Posted by nuvan

Im a pretty reasonable micro stakes player who can easily outplay most loose passives, nits and regulars (to some extent).
But there are 2 types of players which i constantly lose money to maniacs who will always come along for the ride and are on my BB when im in position and people to my right who are reasonable players and always call my CO/ HJ PFR's with virtually ATC and call down most of my C-Bets and even double barrels (i usually am fairly aggressive 27/21 and isolate limpers alot from CO/button alot these players make it not profitable i find for me), and once the river comes i check and they fire out a half pot bet and I virtually always fold(not including made hands i always value bet my hands if i have one).
How should i play these 2 types of players should i tighten up in general and just don't bother stealing blinds and wait for decent hands then value bet the hell out of them (i've experimented with it small amount but to little or no profit as i turn into a nit who can be read like a book).
Also theres another smaller stake player who i generally lose alot of money to (just remembered) people who like gay betting multiple streets even if raised fairly strongly, usually the line is gay bet(i raise),gay bet (i call), they do a fairly big bet on river (or continue gay betting) and i have no idea what so ever what to do.
Cheers for any help,
These are really the type of players you should be seeking out to win the most money from...esp. the maniacs to your right. They are pretty easy to a lot of raised pots. I often will reduce my PFR amount a bit as if they are going nuts and I whiff I can just let them have it. Go further with TP hands than usual. Play a lot of of SC's etc in addition to a liberal PFR range. Call his PFR's with the lower part of your PFR range and 3-bet his PFRs with the upper part. Don't bluff him without a specific read. Play back enough that he will continue to bet when you do hit. When you hit a decent hand us. let him bet though a RR is good if he is folding to playback...if he pushes call some and fold some once you know he is doing it too often. When you hit a big hand put in a RR when you think the time is right...earlier with TPGK+ and, if he's truly aggro maniac, you can let him bet and then RRAI on the river with 2-pair and better.

The ones that call all PFRs OOP are not decent players...they sound like they are probably rocks. Just tighten your PFR range a bit, maybe limp a bit with SCs but don't routinely raise them, increase the PFR amount a bit, get to post flop IP and play poker...realizing you started out ahead and will usually be ahead on the flop.

As for the "Golden Rule"...yes you can bluff LAGs but you often have to craft it like you are trapping them with a big hand. If they aren't a mindless maniac, that's what they are looking for as a signal to fold. The golden rule should be don't bluff rocks.

Last edited by Jouster777; 07-22-2008 at 09:46 AM.
07-22-2008 , 09:44 AM
ty for the post above jouster, very good advice. I have/had this problem as well. One of the more helpful things for me has been to really mix up my play. I may not tighten up my range pre-flop so much, but I def. won't be Cbetting my reg 80% of flops. I will however float them IP much more liberally and play their game back at them. Much more check flop, raise their bet on turn type plays with weaker holdings.... half pot bet to induce bluffs, weaker call downs. If nothing else I want them to have to tighten up against me cause they know I'm gonna look them up or put pressure on them in pos.

07-23-2008 , 10:25 AM
Cheers that makes sense, unfortunately i said wrong thing by right i mean that they're in position to me ie i raise from CO they're on the button and become a calling station to my c-bets or double barrels.

Also would you be able to explain further or give an example of crafting a bluff, the only bluff i have is someone has been raising button/CO constantly and i 3-bet light then c-bet virtually any flop.
Also with regards to zatoichi is it really worth it mixing up my range at micro stakes, i find people will call you down with TPNK regardless of whether your trapping or not.

Thanks for the quick reply,
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