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Polarized 3betting range, some hands, NEED HELP! Polarized 3betting range, some hands, NEED HELP!

03-20-2015 , 01:45 PM
Hello, so i've been playing some MTTs, moved to Hyper HUs and than moved to grinding spin n goes(worst idea in my life, however now im so good at handling swings ) . So I've decided to move to cash games, pretty much playing 5NL to get an idea how to play it, because i have forgotten how the flow goes on in cash games (used to play 10NL some time a go) .
1. I know that in general you 3bet top of your folding range(or bottom of your calling range) but in some spots (BBvSB) i pretty much can call so many hands like Q9s Q8s and 3-betting such hand like Q7s seems useless because it doesnt flop well as suited connector or 1 gapper so i feel unsure about such spots.
2. How to exploit polarized 3-betting ranges if:
2.1.1 Opponent has air-heavy 3-betting range?
2.1.2 Opponent has value-heavy 3betting range?
2.2. Should i Merge my range if opponent adjust to my polarised (let's say 4% bluff 5% value range)

As i've been playing a lot Hyper HUsngs i tend to cbet so much and barrel so much but i've noticed it doesn't work so much in cash games. And i feel cbeting is my leak and I was always unsure about such spots like:
1.MP opens, I 3bet w/ AKs , everyone folds, MP calls, board is 565. I tend to cbet, but here i pretty much valuebet myself.
2. i open from BTN w/ K5s BB calls. board A79r Is there any point of cbetting here?
3. same scenario as in 2nd spot, but we have 54s. We can cbet here?
4. we got A4s on JJ6 board. Do we cbet here OOP? We cant get folded by better so it is basically bet to fold their equity share? So do we bet in general to fold their equity share OOP? or do this only IP? on what boards?How ? When?
As i understand cbet is not always just to fold better hands, sometimes we cbet to fold equity share, but when should we do that? When their range misses the board and our hard cant get folds from better hands?
Some hands i feel i played bad and got me thinking about cbetting so much.
i pretty much value bet myself against PPs?
what rivers do we jam bluff here against fishy player with no post-flop reads?
There is no reason to cbet as well? we pretty much valuebet our self pretty hard here?

I know i'm pretty bad and these hands might be funny, but all of those hands are spots where i basically do not know what is the best option and i am just allowing my tendencies to do their job, which is huge leak. Of course i think i beat 5NL pretty hard even if i basically 6-9 table it , depends on how my brain works at a time.
Polarized 3betting range, some hands, NEED HELP! Quote
