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Overpair on paired flop, range check Overpair on paired flop, range check

04-17-2018 , 04:14 PM
PokerStars - $0.50 NL - Holdem - 4 players

CO: 301.58 BB
Hero (BTN): 268.88 BB
SB: 461.36 BB (VPIP: 36.82, PFR: 27.19, 3Bet Preflop: 12.95)
BB: 368.18 BB (VPIP: 40.58, PFR: 22.57, 3Bet Preflop: 4.38)

SB posts SB 0.5 BB, BB posts BB 1 BB, CO posts penalty blind 2 BB

Pre Flop: (pot: 3.5 BB) Hero has Q Q

Hero raises to 7.5 BB, SB calls 7 BB, BB calls 6.5 BB, fold

Flop: (24.5 BB, 3 players) 9 9 6
SB checks, BB checks, Hero bets 8 BB, fold, fold

Hero wins 24.5 BB

CO straddles, "SB" and "BB" flat, which is uncharacteristic of those two regs, as they tend to 3b/fold.

Hero's open range here is a smidge lighter than a standard CO opening range. What should Hero's multiway cbet strat be? Currently cbet's a bit merged to overpairs, various overcards, some trips and boats, weak draws, with my checking range being polarized to some trips, strong draws, and utter junk.
Overpair on paired flop, range check Quote
04-17-2018 , 04:32 PM
Raise more pre.
Overpair on paired flop, range check Quote
04-17-2018 , 04:47 PM
Originally Posted by .isolated
Raise more pre.
larger than PSB IP?

well I guess I do raise 4.5x against loosepassives anyhow...
Overpair on paired flop, range check Quote
