BTN is 30/18.5/1.8 over 108 hands
Poker Stars $0.05/$0.10 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players
The Official
2+2 Hand Converter
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BB: $18.90
Hero (UTG): $11.90
MP: $10.90
CO: $6.95
BTN: $12.50
SB: $57.55
Pre Flop: ($0.15) Hero is UTG with Q

Hero raises to $0.40,
1 fold, CO calls $0.40, BTN calls $0.40,
2 folds
Flop: ($1.35) 4


(3 players)
Hero bets $1, CO folds,
BTN raises to $3, Hero folds
I didn't like where the size of this pot was going against who I saw to be a pretty solid player. I'm not sure how good I am against his range. Sets, made straights, monster draws, but I guess there are pairs that I beat, too. Too weak a fold? Thoughts? go for a call and maybe fold to a turn push?
Against KK+,JJ-33,AsKs,76s,65s,54s I'm 60% on this flop which I didn't realize. Am I missing hands that I should be including in this range?