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Official Stars Regulars Thread: Part II Official Stars Regulars Thread: Part II

03-11-2008 , 02:28 PM
Originally Posted by AlanDyer
t almeida is good
03-11-2008 , 02:28 PM
Originally Posted by Spurious
Were your notes on only or on Napalm or on both?
Only napalm. I'm just apparently too stupid to quote.
Anyway, my comments are basically just for those times when you have a hand you want to play, anyway. Like, if he raises and you have 88, I think it plays much easier if you just 3bet in position. This might actually be generally better than calling, but then again, what do I know.

Take that with a grain of salt, though, I have merely 150 hands on him at 2 limits, and if stats over that sample are any indication at all, he actually played them quite different. My comment is just something that struck me in general, but there's a good chance I might be off here.
03-11-2008 , 02:35 PM
Originally Posted by kolotoure
so what are your notes on him?
and what's your screenname, so I can avoid playing you.

Another question:
Is anyone of you only playing the fast tables (like I do) or do you play both kind of tables?
03-11-2008 , 03:59 PM
Originally Posted by Spurious

Any thoughts on those NL50 players?

P.S. What's up with everyone asking about himself? I mean you got your own stats, are you looking for information on yourself?

napalmduo seems kinda scared on NL50,just my impression by the stats i got from him over 100 hands(16/10/3),att to steal 14 and folding to steals a lot

edit:whats your SN?
03-11-2008 , 04:01 PM
Originally Posted by TimberAAA
napalmduo seems kinda scared on NL50,just my impression by the stats i got from him over 100 hands(16/10/3),att to steal 14 and folding to steals a lot

edit:whats your SN?
Scared? Or ****ing terrible...
03-11-2008 , 04:06 PM
Originally Posted by ShipitFMA
Scared? Or ****ing terrible...
he's 18/13/5 over 500 hands on NL25 with 26 att to steal
dunno maybe he's just new to NL50 and scared,maybe he just sucks

edit:thx spurious,Timberinho here
03-11-2008 , 04:06 PM
Originally Posted by TimberAAA
napalmduo seems kinda scared on NL50,just my impression by the stats i got from him over 100 hands(16/10/3),att to steal 14 and folding to steals a lot

edit:whats your SN?
mine is SpuriousGer
03-11-2008 , 09:27 PM
Originally Posted by Hebel
king of the nits

that distinction belongs to Ultimateboy imo
03-12-2008 , 12:02 AM
ultimateboy is the ultimate nit
03-12-2008 , 01:22 AM
anyone seen me play recently? last shot at $50 was pretty successful but I had to cash out some to get my car fixed so have been back at $25NL doing well.
03-12-2008 , 05:37 AM
hey guys, any of you play bmitch88? he plays really micro limits, was wandering wat you all thought of him?
03-12-2008 , 06:25 AM
still waiting for notes on camojy, I know he plays all the time...
03-12-2008 , 09:40 AM
any data on me ?
i usually play PT so would be nice to get some info....i suck imo
03-12-2008 , 09:50 AM
Originally Posted by Spurious
Another question:
Is anyone of you only playing the fast tables (like I do) or do you play both kind of tables?
I am only playing fast tables, screenname Burcak.

What's yours?
03-13-2008 , 12:44 AM
I am Flashy Bull on Stars

Trying to get to the big tourneys eventually down the road.

a few questions for you guys.

1/ How do you keep notes on players?

2/ Also I suck at protecting my Blinds. Great now all will come after them. Lol

How do you protect with crappy cards?

have more questions but don't know if this the proper part of the forum.
03-13-2008 , 01:36 AM
the trick for protectingw ith crappy cards[anything under t] is juts to smooth call before the flop in the bb and sb against any position raise

check fold any flop without trips or a straight, but if u got it, HANG HIm!
03-13-2008 , 02:07 AM
Originally Posted by AlanDyer
the trick for protectingw ith crappy cards[anything under t] is juts to smooth call before the flop in the bb and sb against any position raise

check fold any flop without trips or a straight, but if u got it, HANG HIm!
This is awful? The trick for protecting with crappy cards is to not play them when the pot is raised.
03-13-2008 , 02:21 AM
Thanks for the responses I don't go in with crappy cards. I missed a few good opportunities with connectors.
03-13-2008 , 02:30 AM
I'm not going to expand on this too much, as it's been covered in numerous anthologies and stickied posts and videos and whatnot. But you basically should be pretty tight from blinds. SCs aren't going to be profitable from blinds, unless there's quite a few (at least 2) limpers in addition to the original raiser. If there's no raise, they can be profitable, but don't go crazy.

Same thing with pocket pairs. I used to love any and all pocket pairs because they make sets. So if a solid TAG with steal attempt of 32 opened from CO for 4BBs, assuming 100BB stacks, I'd happily call any pocket pair in the BB. This is wrong. You can't apply the 5/10 rule in that case, because you just aren't going to stack him often enough to make up for your 4 BB loss there. You flop a set, and he folds to your CR or donkbet, or turn bet whatever it may be. Against fish, this is okay, but against solid players, I'd just fold anything below 9s in that situation.

Another mistake I see a lot is people calling like AJ, KQ, or QJ there. These hands are easily dominated, and are going to be horrible to play from position because of reverse implied odds. If a good player has position on you, he's going to charge you if you both have top pair, and check behind when his top pair is worse than yours.

In summary, play tight from the blinds until you know better. You'll know when you know better.
03-13-2008 , 02:56 AM
thanks mookboi I do play tight from the blinds.

Right now I think the blinds is a big problem in my game. Cause when and if I go deep in a tourney I get too tight at times and don't bet and then don't make the bubble.
03-13-2008 , 03:18 AM
Tourneys and cashgames are fundamentally different though. If anything, I recommend going to the tourneys forum & finding the "Things it took me a while to learn" parts 1-11 I think, by Bond18. Those helped my tourney game tremendously. Here's a link to the 1st one:
03-13-2008 , 03:34 AM
Originally Posted by mookboi
Tourneys and cashgames are fundamentally different though. If anything, I recommend going to the tourneys forum & finding the "Things it took me a while to learn" parts 1-11 I think, by Bond18. Those helped my tourney game tremendously. Here's a link to the 1st one:
If you really want to improve your game i suggest reading "Things it took me a while to learn part XX, what would Phil Hellmuth do." Improved my game 10 fold
03-13-2008 , 04:06 PM
Prime example today.

Cutoff guy calls all in and I am in the BB with 7 7
I call all in cause I am card dead. I figured I had the better odds before the flop cause of the pair.

He shows his cards and A Q guess what happens on the flop....

Q and I get knocked out.

I had a hand yesterday that has killed me ever since that game. I bet 3 times the big blind 2nd hand of a $3 tourney with a A A and guy re-raises me and I call and the flop shows 4 8 9. He goes all in I call. His cards are K Q. I am the favorite at this point. Turn K and River Q and I am out of the tourney. Brutal
03-13-2008 , 07:45 PM
Originally Posted by blitzology
Just recently moved from MTT/STT back to cash.

Thoughts on blitzology at 50nl
I have about 1000 hands on you and you seem really solid.
03-14-2008 , 11:01 AM
Anyone familiar with MisterPed? Had him on my left at 10NL earlier (not sure he's a reg, but I guess), not fun.
