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04-09-2013 , 07:26 PM
Originally Posted by ryhenicee
Well since no one wants to take the bull by the horns and run the masters pool I will.

Here is what I propose I take the odds from Pinny and sort from best to worse and put in 7 groups. You select one golfer from each group, to make your team. Each golfer gets a score for each round and you take the top 4 players from each team each day(different golfers can count on different days). When a player misses the cut you get the highest score from the players still remaining from that round(3 and 4).

Here are the groups

Buy In will be 100 and will be limited to Regs only. Meaning you have bet in this thread and had a balance with me/or other regs in last 2 weeks or are 100% vouched for.

All entries must be email by Midnight on Wed no questions asked to

Let me know with any questions

I already have my team picked and in a google doc and once 1st person emails me their team I will send link showing my team.
I thought everyone wanted random. This sounds like it takes a little bit of skill.
Official Sports Discussion Thread Quote
04-09-2013 , 07:27 PM
Want 600 max

Hornets +8
Raptors +3.5
TWolves +6.5
Official Sports Discussion Thread Quote
04-09-2013 , 07:28 PM
Originally Posted by JRock7997
I thought everyone wanted random. This sounds like it takes a little bit of skill.
Not much just don't forget to take Tiger. And it's 100 dollars nits
Official Sports Discussion Thread Quote
04-09-2013 , 07:30 PM
Originally Posted by EmpireMaker2
Want 600 max

Hornets +8
Raptors +3.5
TWolves +6.5
Lakers -8 for 400
Official Sports Discussion Thread Quote
04-09-2013 , 07:30 PM
Originally Posted by EmpireMaker2
Want 600 max

Hornets +8
Raptors +3.5
TWolves +6.5
Ill take bulls -3.5 if you want for 100$ Can escrow to you via PayPal
Official Sports Discussion Thread Quote
04-09-2013 , 07:32 PM
Originally Posted by GordonHayward20
Ill take bulls -3.5 if you want for 100$ Can escrow to you via PayPal
No have someone vouch for you from no on or I won't bet with you
Official Sports Discussion Thread Quote
04-09-2013 , 07:32 PM
Official Sports Discussion Thread Quote
04-09-2013 , 07:33 PM
Originally Posted by JRock7997
I thought everyone wanted random. This sounds like it takes a little bit of skill.
im in for a random, if NO ONE wants to set it up, i'll make nbb help me tomorrow night

would also like to eliminate "the field" as a player and say that highest finisher wins if everyone agrees... im sick of losing to the field in these ****in things
Official Sports Discussion Thread Quote
04-09-2013 , 07:37 PM
Originally Posted by MR GOODBAR
im in for a random, if NO ONE wants to set it up, i'll make nbb help me tomorrow night

would also like to eliminate "the field" as a player and say that highest finisher wins if everyone agrees... im sick of losing to the field in these ****in things
As in random do you mean each person gets one player and if they win you win?
Official Sports Discussion Thread Quote
04-09-2013 , 07:38 PM
I'm in for a random masters pool, and possibly even the one posted above. Plan on looking through the rules and field in a bit.
Official Sports Discussion Thread Quote
04-09-2013 , 07:40 PM
Originally Posted by EmpireMaker2
Not much just don't forget to take Tiger. And it's 100 dollars nits
Not really much skill pick one from each group and hope and pray just like you would in the random pool. And if random pool is only one player at least this give you more then one guy to root for and your team isn't ruined if Tiger misses the cut.
Official Sports Discussion Thread Quote
04-09-2013 , 07:40 PM
in for random and the other
Official Sports Discussion Thread Quote
04-09-2013 , 07:40 PM
Originally Posted by ryhenicee
As in random do you mean each person gets one player and if they win you win?
no, depends on number of entrants, think its usually everyone gets between 5-7 golfers depending on number of entrants
Official Sports Discussion Thread Quote
04-09-2013 , 07:43 PM
yeah I'm down for random , not everyone here was born into country clubs like ploooer and rhyenice
Official Sports Discussion Thread Quote
04-09-2013 , 07:45 PM
Yea, I just don't know dick about golf. I know maybe 3 names, that's it. Was just going to treat it as a lotto ticket.

Last edited by JRock7997; 04-09-2013 at 07:47 PM. Reason: Not to act like I know dick about any of the other sports...
Official Sports Discussion Thread Quote
04-09-2013 , 07:58 PM

Cardinals ML over Reds
Diamondbacks ML over Pirates
Brewers ML over Cubs (200 max)
Rays ML over Rangers
Twins ML over Royals
Mariners ML or RL over Astros


Suns +14.5 over Rockets
Bobcats +13.5 over Grizzlies

Jazz/Thunder under 198.5


quote to book with updated vfl
Official Sports Discussion Thread Quote
04-09-2013 , 08:00 PM
Here is sample of scoring and how it works for my pool, these scores were made up obv
Official Sports Discussion Thread Quote
04-09-2013 , 08:01 PM
would be down for both random and ryhenicee's format, doesn't matter to me
Official Sports Discussion Thread Quote
04-09-2013 , 08:04 PM
Originally Posted by Ploooer

Cardinals ML over Reds
Diamondbacks ML over Pirates
Brewers ML over Cubs (200 max)
Rays ML over Rangers
Twins ML over Royals
Mariners ML or RL over Astros


Suns +14.5 over Rockets
Bobcats +13.5 over Grizzlies

Jazz/Thunder under 198.5


quote to book with updated vfl
I'll take all three NBA for 400
Official Sports Discussion Thread Quote
04-09-2013 , 08:23 PM
Originally Posted by NYC's Finest
empiremaker2 +739
bigpotpoker +150
kobe2odom +140
ryhenicee +499
gaffon +200
fsu2010 +50

noledges -200
chronicfever -135
iggymcfly -190
card08 -149

let me know if something's off, or I missed a swap...
Swap 190 off of iggy and I will reduce our number by the same and you 2 are square
Official Sports Discussion Thread Quote
04-09-2013 , 08:24 PM
after above
My Numbers

Bromanes +100
Card08 +100
Empiremaker2 +200
Gaffon +584
Iggymcfly +486+100jrock=+586+300SS=+886-190nyc=+696
Raffdogg +161
Ploooer -1100-469=-1569-1582=+13

Nutshot2 -500(4man pool) -200seatseller=-300
NYC Finest -436-63jrock=-499-190 iggy =-309

WithcitaDM +1482+100jrock=+1582-1582ploooer=0
Jrock -332-100iggy-63nyc-100witch-469ploooer=0
Seatseller +500(200 included for 8 man pool)-200nutshot2=+300-300iggy=0
Official Sports Discussion Thread Quote
04-09-2013 , 08:33 PM
Updated Numbers with swaps, my head hurts. way too many swaps

card +799-12 to jrock = +797
jrock +677-469 to ry = +208+200 from toocrispy +12 from card+59 from chronic-120 to homanga = +359-178=+181
raf +223
rhyen +1100+469 from jrock = +1569-1582 to wichita = -13
chronic +59-59 to jrock=0
bromanes +6 (from rollover)

hven +537-537 to seatseller = 0
homanga +407+120 from jrock= +527-100 to kobe+100 from seatseller-100 to EM2=+427-427 to seatseller = 0
toocrispy +800-200 to jrock = +600+178 from jrock = +778-778 to seatseller =0

iggy -794 -298 from wichita = -794 +215 to seat = -579
seatseller -3183 -406 from wichita = -3589 -40 for pool -200 from JD = -3829 -300 from EM2 -215 from iggy = -4344 +750 paid bank transfer = -3594-100 to homanga=3694+778 from toocrispy+537 from hven+427 from homanga = -1952
jdwarrior -780-200 to seat = -580
bigpotpoker -215

kobe -105 +6 roll = -99+100 to homanga= +1
empiremaker -2365 +300 to seat = -2065-100=-1965 paid = 0
nutshot -500 paid =0
wichita -2286 +1582 to rhy + 406 to wichita +298 to iggy = 0
Official Sports Discussion Thread Quote
04-09-2013 , 08:34 PM
Mariners ml to win $200, want full amount only.
Official Sports Discussion Thread Quote
04-09-2013 , 08:41 PM
Originally Posted by EmpireMaker2
Want 600 max

Hornets +8
Raptors +3.5
TWolves +6.5
Warriors -6.5 for 400
Official Sports Discussion Thread Quote
04-09-2013 , 08:46 PM
empiremaker2 +739
bigpotpoker +150
ryhenicee +309
gaffon +200
fsu2010 +50

noledges -200
chronicfever -135
card08 -149
Official Sports Discussion Thread Quote
