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04-03-2012 , 12:40 PM

Warriors +7 $50

QTB with updated spread.

Last edited by bromanes; 04-03-2012 at 12:53 PM.
Official Sports Discussion Thread Quote
04-03-2012 , 12:56 PM
Here are my numbers before swaps

a1isha -$200
matt prob. -$106
ploooer $200
weeeminer -$100
seatseller $218
yale -$50
jhristo $100
h_ven $52.50

After swaps

a1isha 0 (-$200+200 ploooer)
matt prob. -6(-$106+100nyc's finest)
ploooer 0 ($200-200 a1isha)
weeeminer 0 ($100-100 seatseller)
seatseller $0 (218+100 jcjchristo-100 weeeminer -100nyc's finest-118 paid)
yale $0 (-$50+ 50 jchristo)
jchristo $0 (100-100 seatseller+50 h_ven-50yale)
h_ven $0 ($52.50 - 50 jchristo-2.50 payment)
nyc's finest $0 (-100 matt prob.+100seatseller)

This reflects me
- paying jchristo $50 for yale
- seatseller paying $100 to nyc's finest

Should be all done with swaps at this point.

Last edited by nimbus; 04-03-2012 at 01:21 PM. Reason: update
Official Sports Discussion Thread Quote
04-03-2012 , 12:58 PM
Originally Posted by A 1 i s h A
Want some action for NBA today


Spurs -9
Pistons +4.5
Grizzlies -7
Suns -2.5
Nets +9
Knicks +6

$200 each
Booked. I have:
Cavs +9 for $100
Orl -4.5 (-107) for $100
GSW +7 (+105) for $100
Sac +2.5 for $200
LAL -9 for $100
Indy -6 for $200
Official Sports Discussion Thread Quote
04-03-2012 , 01:05 PM
Want: Phi +8 for $100
Official Sports Discussion Thread Quote
04-03-2012 , 01:18 PM
My numbers for the week: Updated*
Jchristo( -112 - 50 from SeatSeller -100 from Alisha 162 from weeminer)0
yeal87 +100
CCx +426 (-168 from weeminer) 258
Micro 8
Bronames -164
Weeminer +355 (-162 JChristo, +168 CCx) 361
Alisha 0
NYC's Finest -150
SeatSeller 0
Yeabuddy (Homegames) +167
Official Sports Discussion Thread Quote
04-03-2012 , 01:28 PM
Originally Posted by bromanes

Warriors +7 $50

QTB with updated spread.
Booked, I have Memphis -7 -105

Last edited by dudeoflife; 04-03-2012 at 01:40 PM.
Official Sports Discussion Thread Quote
04-03-2012 , 01:30 PM
i will update my numbers with swaps this evening all swap are fine with me. i will also send to whoever i owe at that time.
Official Sports Discussion Thread Quote
04-03-2012 , 01:36 PM
Pacers -6
Spurs -9
Magic -4.5 (-106)

$50 each
Official Sports Discussion Thread Quote
04-03-2012 , 01:36 PM
Originally Posted by weeeminer
Want: Phi +8 for $100
Booked Heat -8 +105
Official Sports Discussion Thread Quote
04-03-2012 , 01:44 PM
Still have:

Spurs -9
Pistons +4.5
Grizzlies -7
Nets +9

$100 Each
Official Sports Discussion Thread Quote
04-03-2012 , 01:53 PM
K these are my remaining #'s:

Matt Prob +690
JChristo +460
bronbron +124
NBB -4
Official Sports Discussion Thread Quote
04-03-2012 , 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by gaffon
My numbers for the week: Updated*
Jchristo( -112 - 50 from SeatSeller -100 from Alisha 162 from weeminer)0
yeal87 +100
CCx +426 (-168 from weeminer) 258
Micro 8
Bronames 0 PAid
Weeminer +355 (-162 JChristo, +168 CCx)361, PAID
Alisha 0
NYC's Finest -150
SeatSeller 0
Yeabuddy (Homegames) +167
after swaps payments:
yeal87 +100
Micro +8
NYC's Finest -150
Yeabuddy (Homegames) +167
CCx +258
Official Sports Discussion Thread Quote
04-03-2012 , 02:40 PM
Originally Posted by dudeoflife
Booked, I have Memphis -7 -105
Official Sports Discussion Thread Quote
04-03-2012 , 02:52 PM
Want for $100 each:
CLE +9
NYK +6
GSW +7 +105

Regs QTB w/ updated VFL.
Official Sports Discussion Thread Quote
04-03-2012 , 03:04 PM
Originally Posted by SeatSeller
Want for $100 each:
CLE +9
NYK +6
GSW +7 +105

Regs QTB w/ updated VFL.

I'll take Spurs -9 and Grizzlies -7 (-105) for $100 each. GL
Official Sports Discussion Thread Quote
04-03-2012 , 03:10 PM
Originally Posted by yea buddy
Masters Pool Update. ryanmack and stickman have dropped out so right now we have 9 people. We are going to cap it at 12 but we will definitely be running this. If you have any friends or any one else you know that may be interested let them know. Thanks. Draft still set for 9:30 PM EST and klink10k has agreed to randomize the draft order.
Ill join if it is not too late.
Official Sports Discussion Thread Quote
04-03-2012 , 03:12 PM
Originally Posted by JRock7997
Ill join if it is not too late.
Yeah , you are the 11th. We have room for just one more. Could you please PM me your AIM?

Also, I was kind of thinking about switching the scoring format from just whoever has the highest finisher takes the whole thing to a 5 person best ball format. So the way that would work would of the 5 golfers on your team throughout the 72 hole tournament the best score by each player on each hole would be counted and whoever has the lowest 4 day total wins the entire thing. I know it might be kinda late to change this but it just seems like it would lessen the advantage of getting a top 2 pick aka Tiger and Rory. Any feedback would be welcome.

Last edited by yea buddy; 04-03-2012 at 03:18 PM.
Official Sports Discussion Thread Quote
04-03-2012 , 03:32 PM
I agree we shouldn't just do top finisher but I'm a little confused. Would we combine the best score on each hole for each day or for all 4 days.

Basically would we be making a 18 hole score by our 5 guys or a 72 hole score?
Official Sports Discussion Thread Quote
04-03-2012 , 03:32 PM
Originally Posted by kobe2odom8
Pacers -6
Spurs -9
Magic -5

$50 each
Official Sports Discussion Thread Quote
04-03-2012 , 03:36 PM
Originally Posted by weeeminer
I agree we shouldn't just do top finisher but I'm a little confused. Would we combine the best score on each hole for each day or for all 4 days.

Basically would we be making a 18 hole score by our 5 guys or a 72 hole score?
It would be a 72 hole score. So for example say your team is as follows:

Bubba Watson
Vijay Singh
Tom Watson
Ben Crenshaw

On the first hole on Thursday Tiger makes a 5, Bubba has a 3, Vijay has a 4, Tom Watson has a 6, Crenshaw has an 8. Your team's score on that hole would just be 3 since that was the best score in your group. And then do that same scoring for the remaining 71 holes.
Official Sports Discussion Thread Quote
04-03-2012 , 03:56 PM
I sent Weeeminer an email about prior masters pools i have done with my friends. i dont have everyones email so i told him to pass it on.
Official Sports Discussion Thread Quote
04-03-2012 , 04:06 PM
new #s, lemme know if i have something wrong
micro +65
seatseller +1193 (took jchristo's 990$ debt)(took Matt Prob 100$ debt)(-82 sent to weeeminer)
gaffon +150

I like bets -505 (-200 from what I owe Aisha)

yea buddy 0 (paid 63 PP) (-37 from what you owe me in homegames)
kobe2odom 0 (paid 200)
Matt Prob 0 (consumed by SS for 100$)
jchristo 0 (debt consumed by SS)
A1isha 0 (200 to I like bets)
yale87 0 (he 100 sends to bromanes)
Ploooer -5 (yale87 send 100 to bromanes) (carryover)
weeeminer 0 (SS paid weee 82$)

Last edited by NYC's Finest; 04-03-2012 at 04:24 PM.
Official Sports Discussion Thread Quote
04-03-2012 , 04:33 PM
NYK +6 200$
Heat/76ers OVER 184.5 (-105) 200$
Grizzlies -7 (-105) 200$

regs QTB
Official Sports Discussion Thread Quote
04-03-2012 , 04:39 PM
Alright, so I got scammed on a different site for like $200. I have the guys personals and stuff and in addition to taking my money he is now taunting me about what he is going to do with it and how dumb I am for trusting him (this guy was a reg on this site and the others on the site seem to share his opinion that me being "dumb" in escrowing entitles him to the money). I have filed a claim with Paypal which I don't think he will win. What would be the best course of action to warn others of these guys actions? Possibly create a website titled Problem is I really don't know how to create a website but I don't know any other options.

Gabe Logounov or Gabriel Logounov and Steven SCHWEITZER are the names of the two guys who scammed so be careful if they trickle on to here. It's only $200 but the fact they taunted me repeatedly and think it's funny is what has me motivated to take action here. Plus it is also just the principle.

Last edited by yea buddy; 04-03-2012 at 04:54 PM.
Official Sports Discussion Thread Quote
04-03-2012 , 04:52 PM
Originally Posted by kobe2odom8

I'll take Pistons +5 for 50
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