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02-20-2011 , 02:15 AM
lol wow agdci almost shipped every pool. close one on that skills challenge. gg all it was fun!! oh and btw, i really was just messing around saying rigged. hope that wasnt taken seriously anyways congrats to the winner/winners!! hope its a fun game to watch tomorrow cause im sure everyone misses nfl like i do.......
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02-20-2011 , 07:29 AM
Want the Chicago Bulls to win the Eastern Conference Playoffs (aka to GO TO the Finals).

Pinny has the vig line at +741 right now, I'll take +800 (unless someone knows/can figure out the vig free on this) risking up to $100 (min $50). Stars only, regs QTB, others PM for escrow.
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02-20-2011 , 01:30 PM
I will take any Daytona 500 matchups for base of $100. Just post what you want here. Race starts in about 45 minutes.
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02-20-2011 , 01:33 PM
Does any reg want to give me 14-1 on FIELD to win Daytona 500? List is on Pinny, race starts in 30 minutes. I'll take 50-100 on it
Official Sports Discussion Thread Quote
02-20-2011 , 01:44 PM
Originally Posted by All In Wind
Want the Chicago Bulls to win the Eastern Conference Playoffs (aka to GO TO the Finals).

Pinny has the vig line at +741 right now, I'll take +800 (unless someone knows/can figure out the vig free on this) risking up to $100 (min $50). Stars only, regs QTB, others PM for escrow.
ill take this.. +800 chicago goes to finals.

escrow the $100 to stars.

Official Sports Discussion Thread Quote
02-20-2011 , 01:53 PM
Originally Posted by stass13
ill take this.. +800 chicago goes to finals.

escrow the $100 to stars.

lol he a reg bro
Official Sports Discussion Thread Quote
02-20-2011 , 02:02 PM
Originally Posted by MR GOODBAR
lol he a reg bro
i never dealt with him before, so i didnt knwo that.

if all agree hes a reg, thenn its not needed.

If someone doesnt please say so, and escrow..
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02-20-2011 , 02:08 PM
he is a reg and 99.9% sure he is vouched for by $killgame anyway

no escrow should be needed on his end.
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02-20-2011 , 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by Zima421
he is a reg and 99.9% sure he is vouched for by $killgame anyway

no escrow should be needed on his end.
Ok cool

I see now hes on sd as well

Booked no escrow needed
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02-20-2011 , 02:22 PM
want cal +1 vs ucla for $50(+106). will swap for similar amount.
Official Sports Discussion Thread Quote
02-20-2011 , 02:25 PM
Originally Posted by Zima421
no escrow should be needed on HIS end.

Official Sports Discussion Thread Quote
02-20-2011 , 02:28 PM
Originally Posted by All In Wind
Want the Chicago Bulls to win the Eastern Conference Playoffs (aka to GO TO the Finals).

Pinny has the vig line at +741 right now, I'll take +800 (unless someone knows/can figure out the vig free on this) risking up to $100 (min $50). Stars only, regs QTB, others PM for escrow.
we are booked

no escrow..

(just cleaning it up from teh multiple posts)
Official Sports Discussion Thread Quote
02-20-2011 , 02:56 PM
want chicago blackhawks vs penguins (-.5) for 200. Will do smaller and swap action
Official Sports Discussion Thread Quote
02-20-2011 , 06:57 PM
Originally Posted by stass13
we are booked

no escrow..

(just cleaning it up from teh multiple posts)
Yeah I've been a solid reg for awhile bro haha. Not to be a pr*ck and turn the tables but do people think I should get escrow from stass? From what I've seen you're a stand up guy and I've seen you try to help people ITT out by helping with the ktulu situation, the only concern I have is that you haven't been here for very long which comes into play on a long-term bet like this one... you know what I mean?
Official Sports Discussion Thread Quote
02-20-2011 , 07:21 PM
Originally Posted by All In Wind
Yeah I've been a solid reg for awhile bro haha. Not to be a pr*ck and turn the tables but do people think I should get escrow from stass? From what I've seen you're a stand up guy and I've seen you try to help people ITT out by helping with the ktulu situation, the only concern I have is that you haven't been here for very long which comes into play on a long-term bet like this one... you know what I mean?
same stance as not being a dick, stass, you're a good guy and all, but even I would escrow for this one. you don't bet a ton per game (neither do I) and I'm not saying you're going to scam, because on the off chance AIW wins, I don't think you would, but if I were you, I wouldn't be offended if AIW asked for an escrow.

Last edited by MR GOODBAR; 02-20-2011 at 07:27 PM. Reason: if he wants you to escrow, yes
Official Sports Discussion Thread Quote
02-20-2011 , 07:23 PM
Originally Posted by MR GOODBAR
same stance as not being a dick, stass, you're a good guy and all, but even I would escrow for this one. you don't bet a ton per game (neither do I) and I'm not saying you're going to scam, because on the off chance AIW wins, I don't think you would, but if I were you, I wouldn't be offended if AIW asked for an escrow.
are u saying i should escrow the winnings to him?
Official Sports Discussion Thread Quote
02-20-2011 , 07:36 PM
ive never escrowed winnings in 20 years.

we can void if he wants
Official Sports Discussion Thread Quote
02-20-2011 , 07:39 PM
He told me his limit on SD is $400 and he sees no reason for escrow. I told him the amount he is risking on this single bet alone is TWICE his limit on SD, which is definitely reason enough to escrow. He still refuses, so yes this bet is NO ACTION because I am definitely not booking this with this guy without escrow... kind of shady that he claims he has no problem paying out $800 but refuses to escrow. Gl though.

In other news, I am now happier than ever because my Bulls are now a LOCK to go to the finals since I didn't get this action down!!
Official Sports Discussion Thread Quote
02-20-2011 , 07:41 PM
fwiw he did mention a thrid party escrow atleast

ive never done it in 20 years

ive never had a problem itt either. by anyone.

but void is fine..
Official Sports Discussion Thread Quote
02-20-2011 , 07:42 PM
Originally Posted by All In Wind
He told me his limit on SD is $400 and he sees no reason for escrow. I told him the amount he is risking on this single bet alone is TWICE his limit on SD, which is definitely reason enough to escrow. He still refuses, so yes this bet is NO ACTION because I am definitely not booking this with this guy without escrow... kind of shady that he claims he has no problem paying out $800 but refuses to escrow. Gl though.

In other news, I am now happier than ever because my Bulls are now a LOCK to go to the finals since I didn't get this action down!!
i said fwiw my limit on sd is 400...

i ahve no problem with that payout.. ur post in the thread is slightly slamming me.. and i have a perfect rep here
Official Sports Discussion Thread Quote
02-20-2011 , 07:49 PM
Originally Posted by stass13
i said fwiw my limit on sd is 400...

i ahve no problem with that payout.. ur post in the thread is slightly slamming me.. and i have a perfect rep here
I'm sorry if I offended you in any way. I didn't mean to question your integrity or rep thus far, I was referring solely to your decision not to escrow to either myself (very solid reg) or any third party you felt comfortable with (which I suggested). I just don't see how that could be a problem as you would not get scammed in any of those situations. If it is strictly an "ego" thing, that is fine, but please understand where I am coming from when asking a relatively new poster to escrow a bet much larger than his usual bet size.
Official Sports Discussion Thread Quote
02-20-2011 , 07:53 PM
Originally Posted by All In Wind
I'm sorry if I offended you in any way. I didn't mean to question your integrity or rep thus far, I was referring solely to your decision not to escrow to either myself (very solid reg) or any third party you felt comfortable with (which I suggested). I just don't see how that could be a problem as you would not get scammed in any of those situations. If it is strictly an "ego" thing, that is fine, but please understand where I am coming from when asking a relatively new poster to escrow a bet much larger than his usual bet size.
ive never done it, and see no reason to escrow thoeretical winnings for 3 months. or whatever..

ive never dealt with ya before and afer the squares, im rather pissy on the reputable regs...

i have no problems with a 800 payout..

also, running for the hills for a 800 score, is clearly not my style.
Official Sports Discussion Thread Quote
02-20-2011 , 07:53 PM
betting vig free, and in my poker account is worth more to me then 800..

or atleast it was before the squares.. i ahvet bet much since.
Official Sports Discussion Thread Quote
02-20-2011 , 07:55 PM
nothin for nothin, but if a bet is DOUBLE your limit on sd you should 100% escrow. this bet falls within my limit on sd and i would probably still escrow
Official Sports Discussion Thread Quote
02-20-2011 , 07:58 PM
Originally Posted by MR GOODBAR
nothin for nothin, but if a bet is DOUBLE your limit on sd you should 100% escrow. this bet falls within my limit on sd and i would probably still escrow
well ive been on sd, for wht 2 months?

Just syaing ive never done it before on winnings. ever in my life.

i ahve no problem with the payout, 0 rep issues..

bet was voided,
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