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08-09-2010 , 01:55 AM
Originally Posted by Ewindz475
Just FTR... This didn't happen.

I only bet Cincy, and lost... Had $0 on Dallas.
o, my apologies then. But it was talked about and you were thinking of arbing, which is how we got on this subject.
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08-09-2010 , 01:57 AM
i agree with pokerking's post
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08-09-2010 , 02:09 AM
Originally Posted by All In Wind
That's the ONLY thing I'd be worried about if we allowed arbitrage betting, but I also think it is highly unlikely that someone would actually do that consistently. I think it should be allowed if done casually since it increases thread action and doesn't harm anyone. Besides, if someone were to come in here and start scalping games on a consistent basis we could obviously reevaluate the situation, so I don't see any cons to allowing it.
I think having a decision on if its allowed or not allowed is much better, so nobody gets upset if this starts happening, always better to not have any grey areas and make something allowed or not allowed I believe
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08-09-2010 , 02:13 AM
Anyone planning to predict/exploit line movements, arb, or anything other than fun/casual betting in this thread please post your intentions now. This way even if people vote to allow it, I will know who not to give action to.

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08-09-2010 , 02:18 AM
Originally Posted by PokerKing213
I'm sure you could find many instances throughout the day where there are freeroll opportunities. I just think that is a terrible thing to promote and will eventually lead to more and more of that behavior.

The "intent" of all wagers in here should be to get action and have fun sports betting, not to find ideal prices and take advantage when the line moves dramatically.
I agree with these points.

I would like to avoid people consistantly trying to scalp, but I wouldn't mind it happening every once in a while if someone has a change of heart about a game or finds out their favorite player won't be starting and doesn't want to bet it anymore or something like that. Of course there will be changes in lines sometimes, but that could go either way (in their favor or against). As long as their intention is cancelling out action or booking double on the other team to swap sides, I think that's fine. Basically, any buyout that is based on anything besides solely pricing should be okay.
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08-09-2010 , 02:21 AM
Want for Monday:
Mariners -105 for 100 (Mazzaro/Fister)
Cubs/Giants Over 8 (+120) for 90 (Zambrano/Bumgarner)

Quote to book at updated lines, I'll take them no matter line moves
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08-09-2010 , 02:30 AM
Want Yankees at whatever the line is to win $200

regs just QTB and post the line
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08-09-2010 , 03:04 AM
Originally Posted by PokerKing213
How are more bets being made? What happened earlier was someone posted they wanted Dallas and Ewindz booked it. Then later in the day someone posted they wanted Cincy and Ewindz booked that because moneyline had gone in dallas' favor. Ewindz is essentially acting as the middle man b/w these 2 bets and is getting a freeroll. I'm sure you could find many instances throughout the day where there are freeroll opportunities. I just think that is a terrible thing to promote and will eventually lead to more and more of that behavior.

I really dont think that is the same idea as hedging fwiw (which i dont have an issue with).

If you are making a long-term wager and eventually get to a point where you are standing to win a lot of money or lose your original wager then go ahead and hedge however much you want (I did this when i had a future bet on Spain to win the WC in HSNL).

The "intent" of all wagers in here should be to get action and have fun sports betting, not to find ideal prices and take advantage when the line moves dramatically.
More bets are made because in your situation the guy that came on looking to bet Cinci had his bet booked when it otherwise may not have been. I'm sure the guy that had his bet booked doesn't care what ewind's situation may be. 2 bets were booked and nobody was negatively affected.
Official Sports Discussion Thread Quote
08-09-2010 , 03:13 AM
Originally Posted by ktulu22
More bets are made because in your situation the guy that came on looking to bet Cinci had his bet booked when it otherwise may not have been. I'm sure the guy that had his bet booked doesn't care what ewind's situation may be. 2 bets were booked and nobody was negatively affected.
ya guess thats how i kinda feel too but earlier in thread as mentioned this happened (i dont rememember who it was but it was 2 regs) and one was pissed and said it was super douchy or something and they would no longer bet with that person
Official Sports Discussion Thread Quote
08-09-2010 , 03:15 AM
Originally Posted by ktulu22
More bets are made because in your situation the guy that came on looking to bet Cinci had his bet booked when it otherwise may not have been. I'm sure the guy that had his bet booked doesn't care what ewind's situation may be. 2 bets were booked and nobody was negatively affected.
Not exactly. If I said i wanted Dallas, then it would have been booked by the guy that wanted Cincy and there would be no need for the "middle man" trying to arb. The "arber" is actually taking some value away from the original bettor. The guy who initally wanted Dallas would have had his line "updated" by the Cincy bettor and both parties would be happy.

Last edited by PokerKing213; 08-09-2010 at 03:26 AM.
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08-09-2010 , 09:13 AM
kcannon, pokerking213

money sent =)
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08-09-2010 , 09:21 AM
Cusipz, I will be available Tuesday to do betting limits.
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08-09-2010 , 09:40 AM
Baseball: Brewers -134 to win 500$

qtb w updated line
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08-09-2010 , 10:02 AM
Originally Posted by PokerKing213
Want Yankees at whatever the line is to win $200

regs just QTB and post the line
booked but pinny has no lines up right now for the yanks game. I'm headed out and won't be at a comp before the start of the game. We can consider the game booked and we'll use the final vig free pinny line as quoted on SBR. If for some reason pinny lines are unavailable for this game, we'll use the final vig free 5dimes line. Or you can quote the line at anytime before the start of the game and we'll just use that.
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08-09-2010 , 10:04 AM
ah I refreshed and pinny just put the line up. I have BOS at +121 for 200. GL!
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08-09-2010 , 10:27 AM
ill also take yankees for 200$ of anybody wants
Official Sports Discussion Thread Quote
08-09-2010 , 11:05 AM
My opinion on arbitrage betting:

I find it very situational on how I feel, but I don't think its harmful at all. If a guy really likes a pick and cant get action and swaps a bet, and later finds the other side of the swapped game to put action on...fine.
On the other hand if someone is just lurking to try and middle game numbers, ehh seems pretty pathetic and desperate at this level, but to each his own.
I think this thread is more about fun and trash talking than to find free money everyday.
Like I said, its harmless and people do it for a living, but at this level it seems absurdly pathetic.


Edit **If you really want free money just hope that Kcannon books your bets. GL
Official Sports Discussion Thread Quote
08-09-2010 , 11:43 AM
I don't really see a problem with the arbitrage. It adds liquidity.

Granted, I don't like the idea of people taking a bunch of positions with the hope of getting out of them at a better price. But if a guy takes the Bengals +6 vs Pats, and Brady goes down in practice, line opens at +2.5 later in the week I have no problem with him taking the -2.5 and going for the middle.

Keep in mind that when he does that, he's giving action to someone who now wants the Bengals +2.5, of their own free will. He didn't steal EV from the guy he bet against early in the week - that guy just got unlucky that Brady went down. The new Bengals +2.5 guy is just happy his action got filled.

That said, if bet 1 is part of a swap, it goes against the premise of a swap (taking something you don't really want in order to get your action filled). In that case, you are taking advantage of the fact someone bailed you out of your swap obligation while the other side still has a bet they may not really want. That's the only slimy part.
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08-09-2010 , 12:23 PM
Looking for Yankees for 200 (behind Zacharrrr)
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08-09-2010 , 12:25 PM

Sea (even) $100
Atl (-123) $100
St. Lou (-126) $100

Will take higher if you ask. Cheese!
Official Sports Discussion Thread Quote
08-09-2010 , 01:33 PM
Want NYY/BOS Over 8.5 -109 to win $100 (Lester/Hughes)

Only have Pokerstars, regs QTB.
Official Sports Discussion Thread Quote
08-09-2010 , 01:48 PM
Originally Posted by All In Wind
Want NYY/BOS Over 8.5 -109 to win $100 (Lester/Hughes)

Only have Pokerstars, regs QTB.
booked, gl.
Official Sports Discussion Thread Quote
08-09-2010 , 01:56 PM

Atlanta Braves -123 (Minor/Norris) to win $100

Second in like behind B_O_K_E. Only have Pokerstars, regs QTB.
Official Sports Discussion Thread Quote
08-09-2010 , 02:47 PM
Originally Posted by B_O_K_E

Sea (even) $100
Atl (-123) $100
St. Lou (-126) $100

Will take higher if you ask. Cheese!
i take your seattle (up to 500$)
if you take my brewers -138

qtb (i will need you to escrow, its nothing personal but i dont know you !)
Official Sports Discussion Thread Quote
08-09-2010 , 02:56 PM
Want Cubs +151 my 50 vs. someone's 76
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