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Official September Thread: General Discussion, whining .. etc Official September Thread: General Discussion, whining .. etc

09-03-2007 , 01:39 PM
basketball games get louder its so sick
Obviously you've never been to a proper soccer game. Watch England or Italy play a big international game and the noise is deafening.
09-03-2007 , 01:41 PM

... 200$?
09-03-2007 , 01:42 PM
aesop rock is sick.
09-03-2007 , 01:47 PM

... 200$?
a little over 1300 i think
09-03-2007 , 01:47 PM
aesop rock is sick.
09-03-2007 , 01:58 PM
new aesop rock is pretty good, esp the production
09-03-2007 , 02:02 PM
i agree, though i liked float and labor days (as full albums) much more.
09-03-2007 , 02:03 PM
basketball games get louder its so sick
Obviously you've never been to a proper soccer game. Watch England or Italy play a big international game and the noise is deafening.
Penn State games probably rival them
09-03-2007 , 02:03 PM

... 200$?
a little over 1300 i think
you have $1300 worth of gold coins lying about? thats kind of awesome.
09-03-2007 , 02:06 PM

I induced 3 4bets with Ak in my AA and won all 3 times and get a set as well payed off.

Uhm, only very good players are able to induce 4bets from AK.


everyone who played vs me respects my game.

Ever heard of the 'don't tap the glass'-phrase?

I've played you, and you are very easy to play against.
09-03-2007 , 02:07 PM
basketball games get louder its so sick
Obviously you've never been to a proper soccer game. Watch England or Italy play a big international game and the noise is deafening.
Penn State games probably rival them
you have PSUvND tickets?
09-03-2007 , 02:07 PM
nope gl hearing ever again after tho if you are going
09-03-2007 , 02:08 PM
zomg will student section is gonna be ridic for that game

09-03-2007 , 02:09 PM
Ya game is gonna be unreal.

Wait are you a PSU student I don't remember..
09-03-2007 , 02:10 PM
09-03-2007 , 02:30 PM
lets start a new topic of discusion, im bored
09-03-2007 , 02:31 PM
HEY, do you guys trim your pubes
09-03-2007 , 02:33 PM
lets start a new topic of discusion, im bored
What kind of hooker is the best to snort coke off of?
09-03-2007 , 02:35 PM
basketball games get louder its so sick
Obviously you've never been to a proper soccer game. Watch England or Italy play a big international game and the noise is deafening.
thanks 4 da nfo!
09-03-2007 , 02:35 PM
A: craigslist hooker amirite?
09-03-2007 , 02:37 PM
lets start a new topic of discusion, im bored
What kind of hooker is the best to snort coke off of?
ur mom posts on 2p2
09-03-2007 , 02:38 PM
How much does she charge?
09-03-2007 , 02:39 PM
seriously, can we just all reflect on that fact again. imsakids mom posts on 2p2.
09-03-2007 , 02:45 PM
fwf sits down @ my table, I haven't played w/ him in forever. fish gets levelled:

FoldTOcash: omg its prahlad
SpreeForThree: where?
FoldTOcash: DaEvils = prahlad
SpreeForThree: really?
SpreeForThree: prahlad, u got a good game man
09-03-2007 , 02:52 PM
Im looking to buy a large Full Tilt datamine of 5/10 6 max from past month or so. PM me
