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Official September 2010 MSNL **** Thread:  General Discussion Official September 2010 MSNL **** Thread:  General Discussion

09-27-2010 , 08:41 PM
Originally Posted by Yeti
this decade has really sucked for comedies.

i would say i laughed more at stuff like zombieland and 500 days of summer than nearly all the recent 'true comedies' from the latter half of the decade.

my #1 could well be something like american pie 2.
Funny thing is 500 Days of Summer is like my #1 film in the past decade and zombieland is DEF in top 5-10 comedies as a whole in decade, but for pure comedic value I prob wouldn't rate either in top 3 of decade.

I'd prob go

3) Anchorman (overrated, but soooooooo many quotables it has to be included)/Old School (Only picking one Ferrell comedy)
2)Knocked Up (anyone who thinks Superbad is the best comedy of its year, or even best one starring Seth Rogan is overrating it)
1.5) Wedding Crashers
1)Thank You For Smoking

And everyone knows American Wedding was the best American Pie this decade

Oh, and to everyone who likes Jackass: You are part of the problem with this world we live in and my God throw napalm down on all of you. You sicken me

Last edited by Buff Disciple; 09-27-2010 at 08:51 PM. Reason: fk jackass
09-27-2010 , 08:43 PM
the only movies that really had me laughing to the point of tears were the jackass movies.

i am really looking forward to jackass 3.
09-27-2010 , 08:51 PM
Originally Posted by Buff Disciple
Funny thing is 500 Days of Summer is like my #1 film in the past decade
wow, sentimental much? I thought it was a really cool movie but that i would be in the minority cos its kind of emo and girlie.

And am i the only poker plr who favours this kind of music in lieu of rap?
09-27-2010 , 08:53 PM
I got a lil bit of nemo (negro emo, I coined it first!) in me ldo, but in terms of screenplay it was near perfection. Funny, incredibly well written, and well directed. Most comedies are lucky to have 1 of those 3
09-27-2010 , 09:00 PM
Originally Posted by Buff Disciple
Oh, and to everyone who likes Jackass: You are part of the problem with this world we live in and my God throw napalm down on all of you. You sicken me
Originally Posted by Clayton
the only movies that really had me laughing to the point of tears were the jackass movies.

i am really looking forward to jackass 3.
09-27-2010 , 09:03 PM
if we're counting movies like thank you for smoking, then burn after reading has to be included but id consider both to be more satire/drama.

god wow i almost totally forgot along those lines

the royal tenenbaums

and re: 500 days of summer i knew exactly the formula it was following but god damn did it work so well on me. cute girl with flowery dresses and big eyes from the midwest to the big city, guy with skinny ties and thin pants dreams of being an artist of whatever sort, throw in a healthy dose of the pixies/the smiths/the cure/the kinks/whatever ***** band you want and bam you have something right up my alley its so sickening
09-27-2010 , 09:05 PM
also just throwing this out there for what kind of movie it was i thought mean girls was really friggin funny
09-27-2010 , 09:05 PM
oh god, do NOT get me started on what an atrocious travesty 'burn after reading' was.
09-27-2010 , 09:07 PM
yea i hated that movie as well, all sorts of fail imo

although i did enjoy Brad Pitts character.
09-27-2010 , 09:08 PM
did you guys like being john malkovich
09-27-2010 , 09:15 PM
wow i almost forgot, best in show came out in 2000
09-27-2010 , 09:15 PM
Originally Posted by waow
also just throwing this out there for what kind of movie it was i thought mean girls was really friggin funny
**** how did i forget mean girls. SUCH A GOOD MOVIE. I know im gonna get a lot of haters for this, but She's the Man was a heeecka good movie. I was conned into seeing it, but happy that I saw it afterwards.
09-27-2010 , 09:15 PM
wet hot american summer (2001) !!!
09-27-2010 , 09:22 PM
Originally Posted by oldjude

And am i the only poker plr who favours this kind of music in lieu of rap?
I'd pick creedence, rolling stones, led zeppelin and w/e the genre brings over all kind of (c)rap (alright, some is actually ok/good).
09-27-2010 , 09:24 PM
how has there been no love for You Got Served so far?
09-27-2010 , 09:27 PM
jeff knowing you thats probably a serious suggestion
09-27-2010 , 09:43 PM
lol are you guys kidding Burn After Reading was absolutely amazing
09-27-2010 , 09:51 PM
Originally Posted by PenelopeCruz
lol are you guys kidding Burn After Reading was absolutely amazing
09-27-2010 , 10:00 PM
why is my poop green
why is the sky blue
why is a raven like a writing desk

09-27-2010 , 10:06 PM
i cannot find it for the life of me now, but a few months ago i had one that said something to the effect of:

"Does anyone else tape their thumbs to their palms and act like a dinosaur?"

i could not stop laughing, im sure it was a joke by some forums to make it a popular suggestion or whatever but it had me rollin
09-27-2010 , 10:24 PM
Originally Posted by m_reed05
why is my poop green
why is the sky blue
why is a raven like a writing desk

wtf boom
wtf is my gear score
wtf blanket
wtf mate
09-27-2010 , 10:53 PM
Originally Posted by waow
im pretty sure something like fast times at ridgemont high or ferris bueller's day off or even animal house would bomb at theatres today
this def, I've gone back and watched some of these and while some are good a lot don't hold up well at all. Esp a bunch of the Eddie Murphy/Steve Martin/etc don't really do it for me. Some of them are have some awesome classicness that still makes me like them like Weird Science

Originally Posted by waow
did you guys like being john malkovich
yeah i thought this and eternal sunshine of the spotless mind were both really awesome to watch
09-27-2010 , 10:59 PM
Originally Posted by oldjude
wow, sentimental much? I thought it was a really cool movie but that i would be in the minority cos its kind of emo and girlie.

And am i the only poker plr who favours this kind of music in lieu of rap?

Originally Posted by olof86
I'd pick creedence, rolling stones, led zeppelin and w/e the genre brings over all kind of (c)rap (alright, some is actually ok/good).
nahh I'm with you guys, I do listen to a fair amount of the new music you guys pick out for me here, but I'll take some old rock n' roll any day.

Stones->Sticky fingers

Led Zep-> I can never pick a fav between I, II, III, IV or House of the Holy


also if you guys have netflix streaming they have this documentary called It Might Get Loud that is awesome

Davis Guggenheim, creator of the Oscar-winning An Inconvenient Truth, directs this fascinating profile of three contemporary guitarists: Jimmy Page of Led Zeppelin, U2's The Edge and Jack White of the White Stripes. Each talks about their creative process, technique and influences as cameras follow them to key locations in their own music history. A jam session featuring all three musicians is woven into their discussions.
preview link

Last edited by mrw8419; 09-27-2010 at 11:07 PM.
09-27-2010 , 11:04 PM
Originally Posted by Buff Disciple
Oh, and to everyone who likes Jackass: You are part of the problem with this world we live in and my God throw napalm down on all of you. You sicken me
Man, you think you're gonna hate me now, wait until Georgia beats Colorado!
09-27-2010 , 11:12 PM
Originally Posted by Clayton
Man, you think you're gonna hate me now, wait until Georgia beats Colorado!
Dude, I'm just happy we still field a team :P. If you lose to us you might as well fire the coach, start a new QB, maybe give some redshirts a chance cuz your season will be officially over
