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*** Official October Microbrew *** *** Official October Microbrew ***

10-01-2009 , 08:44 PM
Originally Posted by saymond
Oh I forgot I can tell everyone now.

I'm going to be an uncle! My sister is a little more than 3 months along with her first kid. I've known for a couple months but couldn't tell anyone until after the first trimester
Thank god you finally said something, it's been killing me not telling everyone about my future mossy with your sister.
10-01-2009 , 08:44 PM
ud have to give odds

Last edited by PJo336; 10-01-2009 at 08:44 PM. Reason: lol mossy
10-01-2009 , 08:45 PM
Originally Posted by PJo336
ud have to give odds
i just like quoting you cause you're the man
10-01-2009 , 08:48 PM
Originally Posted by lilaznboi
i just like quoting you cause you're the man
i have to be the only person you dont brown-nose around here

Last edited by mrmossy84; 10-01-2009 at 08:48 PM. Reason: & plz dont start imo
10-01-2009 , 08:48 PM
Originally Posted by udbrky
i love how that is soooo much longer than his poker guides .

Originally Posted by fopah
yeah thats fine. im playing 5nl right now on tilt and up a massive 3 dollars today
omg you may be one of the first brewers i run into on a cash game table! i still have grind up my 2nl roll tho

Originally Posted by d_smith77
ud make a terrible texan

Originally Posted by Carmellio
where the heck is everyone? lol.. it's so early! and Thursday, so a bit early in the week to be getting drunk.
was at the gym

Originally Posted by saymond
Oh I forgot I can tell everyone now.

I'm going to be an uncle! My sister is a little more than 3 months along with her first kid. I've known for a couple months but couldn't tell anyone until after the first trimester
congrats! imma call you uncle until i get tired of it . might i add that if the baby is a boy, 'jeremy' is a mighty fine name! not too popular but not weird.
10-01-2009 , 08:49 PM
Originally Posted by mrmossy84
i have to be the only person you dont brown-nose around here
if you really think that's what i'm doing then you should probably spend more time talking to me to understand that's not it at all
10-01-2009 , 08:50 PM
just let mossy hate. makes him feel big imo
10-01-2009 , 08:51 PM
my grind anthem of the night:

Jay Z - Death of Autotune

Last edited by Jer672; 10-01-2009 at 08:51 PM. Reason: along with most of the blueprint 3
10-01-2009 , 08:51 PM
Originally Posted by saymond
Oh I forgot I can tell everyone now.

I'm going to be an uncle! My sister is a little more than 3 months along with her first kid. I've known for a couple months but couldn't tell anyone until after the first trimester
Congratulations!!! That is so exciting!! Are you gonna be the godfather too or have they said anything yet? Aww... you are gonna be such a cool uncle to that little baby. I bet your mom is freaking out about being a grandma!!

Originally Posted by mrmossy84
i have to be the only person you dont brown-nose around here
Haha no he doesn't brown-nose me either, he's actually kinda mean, but like a brother would be mean, so I don't mind it.

Also Mossy, have you decided if you are gonna start playing basketball again?
10-01-2009 , 08:52 PM
Originally Posted by mrmossy84
Thank god you finally said something, it's been killing me not telling everyone about my future mossy with your sister.
Oh, you decided to switch back to the home team for one last go round before returning to Club Manhole?
10-01-2009 , 08:53 PM
Originally Posted by Jer672
my grind anthem of the night:

Jay Z - Death of Autotune
brag: saw him do it live
10-01-2009 , 08:54 PM
Originally Posted by Jer672
congrats! imma call you uncle until i get tired of it . might i add that if the baby is a boy, 'jeremy' is a mighty fine name! not too popular but not weird.
We know a loooot of people named Jeremy so that's pretty unlikely. My sister really wants Eva if its a girl (lolhitler'swife) and they are talking about Connor or Max if its a boy. All options are on the table though.

Originally Posted by Carmellio
Congratulations!!! That is so exciting!! Are you gonna be the godfather too or have they said anything yet? Aww... you are gonna be such a cool uncle to that little baby. I bet your mom is freaking out about being a grandma!!
My parents are ecstatic. I'd be honored if I were the godfather but I really don't know if I will be. Up to them.
10-01-2009 , 08:55 PM
ugh I feel like crap. I hate weather changes and sicknesses.
10-01-2009 , 08:55 PM
Originally Posted by Jer672

was at the gym

congrats! imma call you uncle until i get tired of it . might i add that if the baby is a boy, 'jeremy' is a mighty fine name! not too popular but not weird.
Oh right cause it's like right outside your door! Very cool sir, and i hope you had a nice workout. Hehehe, we should all call Saymond 'uncle', it's such a great idea! And I had a friend named Jeremy and also a boss named Jeremy, so it's not that uncommon. I think if it's a girl, a really cool name is Carmel. lmao
10-01-2009 , 08:57 PM
She'll probably name him after the father saymond. But don't worry, brky's a fine name.
10-01-2009 , 08:59 PM
Originally Posted by saymond
My parents are ecstatic. I'd be honored if I were the godfather but I really don't know if I will be. Up to them.
I can imagine. I'm assuming this is the first grandbaby they have? This kid is gonna get so spoiled and loved. Yeah, it would be pretty cool to be named godfather and I hope they pick you. My friend was gonna name me godmother when she had another baby, but then she and her fiancee broke it off so no baby.

Originally Posted by udbrky
ugh I feel like crap. I hate weather changes and sicknesses.
You poor thing!! I hope you get better really soon!! Believe it or not, it sounds cliche, but when I was sick last time, lots of water and campbells chicken noodle soup helped so much!! the soup at hand was the bomb, but the stuff from the can is ok too. Take it easy and get well soon!!

Last edited by Carmellio; 10-01-2009 at 09:00 PM. Reason: or is it a fiance if it's a guy? lol not sure
10-01-2009 , 08:59 PM
Originally Posted by PJo336
brag: saw him do it live
siiiiiiiiick sick brag

Originally Posted by saymond
We know a loooot of people named Jeremy so that's pretty unlikely. My sister really wants Eva if its a girl (lolhitler'swife) and they are talking about Connor or Max if its a boy. All options are on the table though.
omg not max, hed have a 90% change of being a nerd. connor is no jeremy but i could live with it i guess.

eva is awesome. all three eva's i know (including eva longoria) are incredibly hot.
10-01-2009 , 08:59 PM
Originally Posted by udbrky
She'll probably name him after the father saymond. But don't worry, brky's a fine name.
I thought really old men eventually go sterile?
10-01-2009 , 09:00 PM
Originally Posted by PJo336
brag: will see him do it live
10-01-2009 , 09:01 PM
Originally Posted by saymond
I thought really old men eventually go sterile?
I've heard that. I guess I'll find out in 50 years.
10-01-2009 , 09:02 PM
Originally Posted by dawade
oops!! thought we were talking about kanye!!! lmao!!! SORRy blonde moment.

Last edited by Carmellio; 10-01-2009 at 09:03 PM. Reason: JAy- Z>>>>>>Kanye
10-01-2009 , 09:03 PM
Originally Posted by Jer672
omg not max, hed have a 90% change of being a nerd. connor is no jeremy but i could live with it i guess.

eva is awesome. all three eva's i know (including eva longoria) are incredibly hot.
I'm not sure the naming process is with the intention of making the girl hot.

I'm not really attached to Connor or Max at this point. I've gone through thousands of names and haven't really found anything. Good thing its not my baby.

Last edited by saymond; 10-01-2009 at 09:04 PM. Reason: anotehr good thing that it isn't my baby- it won't have gills
10-01-2009 , 09:03 PM
Originally Posted by Carmellio
Oh right cause it's like right outside your door! Very cool sir, and i hope you had a nice workout. Hehehe, we should all call Saymond 'uncle', it's such a great idea! And I had a friend named Jeremy and also a boss named Jeremy, so it's not that uncommon. I think if it's a girl, a really cool name is Carmel. lmao
lol wtf i guess all the other jeremys in the world are avoiding me. ive only met a handful of other jeremys in my life. i still say its uncommon compared to names like mike and john tho
10-01-2009 , 09:06 PM

you're goin downhill Jer
10-01-2009 , 09:06 PM
I know 1 jeremy and he's a huge dbag. is gf wont even admit to her friends that she goes out with him
