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*** Official October Microbrew *** *** Official October Microbrew ***

10-07-2009 , 12:04 AM
Originally Posted by lilaznboi
i'm pretty confident that's not my line.

if anything im trying to impress pjo because he's a legend

or mossy because he's the best rapper itt
It's okay, this is a safe place. But the other two options are solid. PJo is def the bomb, and Mossy, well he is just Mossy, what more can I say.
10-07-2009 , 12:04 AM
Originally Posted by Carmellio

No? I have added one or two ppl on ignore in the brew (not anymore but for awhile) and in 4L I don't know if you ever knew DodginDeuces? He was a major prick and was harrassing me so I reported his posts, got him banned, possibly for good, and then put him on ignore in case he came back.
stop snitchin!

Originally Posted by lilaznboy
or mossy because he's the best rapper itt
10-07-2009 , 12:06 AM
don't sigh at me skinny, have you been working out? cause you're looking good.
10-07-2009 , 12:06 AM
Originally Posted by lilaznboi
don't sigh at me skinny, have you been working out? cause you're looking good.
10-07-2009 , 12:07 AM
Originally Posted by saymond
brky smells like poop fwiw
You're just trying to hog him all to yourself, lol.

Goodnight boys!! 6am comes way too early!! Have a good night and GL to anyone who plays tonight! <3
10-07-2009 , 12:08 AM
i cant even get a chuckle outta this man
not sure what needs to be done
10-07-2009 , 12:09 AM
Originally Posted by saymond
brky smells like poop fwiw

brky also cleaned up at the casino. 2bi in 2 hours
10-07-2009 , 12:09 AM
Originally Posted by mrmossy84
stop snitchin!

stop being angry... oh wait.. he was really horrible to me and kept on.. on a thread that I was active in... so obv I reported him.

Last edited by Carmellio; 10-07-2009 at 12:11 AM. Reason: obv jk mossy <3 I know I'm not your fave person but I still think you're cool
10-07-2009 , 12:11 AM
Originally Posted by Carmellio
stop being angry... oh wait.. he was really horrible to me and kept on.. on a thread that I was active in... so obv I reported him.
its the internet though and its not like you ever met him irl so i mean i would just put him on ignore and let him do his thing.

and im not angry
10-07-2009 , 12:11 AM
Originally Posted by Carmellio
no u
10-07-2009 , 12:11 AM
We really need the Rockies to come through tomorrow.
10-07-2009 , 12:12 AM
Originally Posted by lilaznboi
i cant even get a chuckle outta this man
not sure what needs to be done
yeh its kinda hard imo
10-07-2009 , 12:14 AM
Originally Posted by mrmossy84
its the internet though and its not like you ever met him irl so i mean i would just put him on ignore and let him do his thing.

and im not angry
you right, I just am sensitive and it really hurt me the things he said. And I know you are not angry.. it was a bad joke and I'm sorry.

Btw GL with the diet thing.. it's something I've struggled with my whole life. I've been eating better lately but it's stil hard to avoid the bad foods when they are everywhere, even at school. My personal trainer is putting me on a diet and exercise routine where I am supposed to lost 9-12 pounds in six weeks and if you want I can let you know the stuff he says to do.
10-07-2009 , 12:16 AM
Originally Posted by TITANSMASH
no u
10-07-2009 , 12:16 AM
lol you shouldn't be sorry for anything.

and im ok i know what it takes to lose weight im just very lazy and unmotivated to get it done
10-07-2009 , 12:16 AM
Originally Posted by Carmellio
no u
that's better
10-07-2009 , 12:17 AM
lol speaking of working out/gym some girl tried to start a conversation with me about the tigers/twins game but she had a workout outfit like the principal in matilda so i wasn't feeling it

Last edited by mrmossy84; 10-07-2009 at 12:19 AM. Reason: yes i have seen the movie Matilda
10-07-2009 , 12:18 AM
Originally Posted by mrmossy84
lol you shouldn't be sorry for anything.

and im ok i know what it takes to lose weight im just very lazy and unmotivated to get it done
k if you say so. Heh, yeah knowing what it takes is the easy part. Actually sticking with it is the hard part. I'm lucky to have a personal trainer for awhile. Hopefully he will help me be able to keep myself in line when he's not training me anymore. GL both of us.
10-07-2009 , 12:20 AM
Originally Posted by thac
We really need the Rockies to come through tomorrow.
yup. they're the brew team now afaik

Originally Posted by mrmossy84
lol speaking of working out/gym some girl tried to start a conversation with me about the tigers/twins game but she had a workout outfit like the principal in matilda so i wasn't feeling it
you've seen 3 movies in your life and one of them was matilda. fyl so hard
10-07-2009 , 12:23 AM
stop hatin duncan
10-07-2009 , 12:25 AM
Originally Posted by TITANSMASH
that's better
hehe lol ok now I am really leaving! you guys are just two damn addictive!!
10-07-2009 , 12:26 AM
ive seen matilda too, tho its been a loooong time

nothing wrong with matilda, quit hatin on matilda

f u dsmith for matilda hating
10-07-2009 , 12:29 AM
10-07-2009 , 12:31 AM
I sux at the pokers. What do you guyz do in this here brew?
10-07-2009 , 12:32 AM
Originally Posted by d_smith77

gg twins

pjo, **** you

Originally Posted by d_smith77
they couldnt have just lost 8-1 like they were supposed to could they

Originally Posted by thac
We really need the Rockies to come through tomorrow.
plz lord yes...need a rebound after today gogogo
