Originally Posted by mpethybridge
I know you are teasing a bit,
Internet Serious Business!!
but the serious answer is that there wasn't any luck involved.
However, the consequences of losing at trial, or just screwing up some paperwork vastly exceed losing to a two outer at 100NL..
The things that cause me to really blow up are the things that are out of my control.
Rather than looking to punish yourself by doing laps I'm thinking you'd be better served going after the underlying issues here. If you've previously been to the point of getting you're tossed in Federal PMITA Prison when things went badly, this obviously isn't really a new issue for you. It's just that the capriciousness of poker brings out whatever control, perfectionist, and possibly anger management issues you may have.
Obviously I don't don't know you well enough to even armchair pop-pyschoanalyse you. And I'm not saying you're a raving lunatic or anything. But, if you have some control freak type tendencies, that may even rarely ever occur in your normal life, I could definitely see poker bringing them right to the surface.
Do you read the
Psychology forum? It's actually a really good, high quality forum with lots of tilt related threads and advice (I used to be a semi-reg there in my early days on 2+2). And I expect if you spend five minutes Googling you could go all Dr Phil and come up with all kinds of control/anger management exercises and whatnot.
Okay, maybe not Dr. Phil so much... All's I'm saying it that it seems like you're trying to treat the symptom, not the underlying cause. Now that underlying cause may not normally be any kind of a big deal (then again, do you find yourself arranging things all the time so they're perfectly place/aligned? Do you wash you hands a lot? Are you always counting everything?) but poker is just pushing the right buttons. So this "issue" is something you might otherwise never have to really deal with (or very rarely, as when a judge screws you over). But if it's a recurring problem for you with poker, you may have to go a little deeper with the whole "self-examination" thing than just "drop and give me twenty".
Last edited by Cry Me A River; 10-16-2008 at 12:58 PM.