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** Official November Brew ** ** Official November Brew **

11-30-2009 , 02:34 AM
11-30-2009 , 02:34 AM
Originally Posted by thac
11-30-2009 , 02:36 AM

-5 buyins
11-30-2009 , 02:37 AM
im gonna eat some food and watch some weeds. then attempt to write my tr for my first shrooming experience
11-30-2009 , 02:37 AM
Originally Posted by thac

-5 buyins
11-30-2009 , 02:38 AM
Originally Posted by kaz2107
im gonna eat some food and watch some weeds. then attempt to write my tr for my first shrooming experience
didnt this happen like a week ago?
11-30-2009 , 02:41 AM
Originally Posted by d_smith77
didnt this happen like a week ago?
ya zak writes his trs like a week late lol
11-30-2009 , 02:41 AM
yeah he's about to write the summer in vegas tr after the shrooms one i think
11-30-2009 , 02:45 AM
anybody know how tiebreakers work in our league? like if i beat ian next week (assuming i win this week against dj) we'll both be 7-5 and 1-1 in head to head play, so im trying to figure out what variables i need to be aware of
11-30-2009 , 02:51 AM
Originally Posted by d_smith77
anybody know how tiebreakers work in our league? like if i beat ian next week (assuming i win this week against dj) we'll both be 7-5 and 1-1 in head to head play, so im trying to figure out what variables i need to be aware of
it's called the mossy factor. he runs bad, you run good, so will just give you the win. simple as that
11-30-2009 , 03:10 AM
Originally Posted by d_smith77
didnt this happen like a week ago?
Originally Posted by MillimeterPeter
ya zak writes his trs like a week late lol
Originally Posted by thac
yeah he's about to write the summer in vegas tr after the shrooms one i think
cmon guys. u know im super busy these days with all my responsibilities
11-30-2009 , 03:36 AM
ok. here is part one...
Ok. So Thursday my fake gf’s mom rented a hotel for us in denver because my fake gf had to fly out of denver at like 6am fri morning and she didn’t want who ever was gonna driver her up there to have to wake up at like 2am to get her to the airport. It was a super nice hyatt. Me and a couple buddies went up and stopped for liquor on the way. I really wanted to try that new patron citronge stuff that is an orange liqueur. The 2 places we went didn’t have any but third one was a charm. I got a liter of it for only 25 bucks which seemed like a steal to me. My 2 buddies got a bottle of jager and a bottle of absolute peach. At the checkout the owner started talking to us and mentioned how she has just got a mini shipment in that day of 4 mini bottles of absenthe. We had never tried it and tonight seemed like a good idea to try it. So we bough all 4 bottles of it and rolled out (we got a little carried away with the alcohol buying. We had 4 liters of liquor and there were only going to be 10 people partying with us and 6 were lite weight girls)

This spelled serious trouble for the group obv. Haha. We got up to Denver just in time to go downtown to a sports bar and catch the unc vs osu basketball game and get some dinner. Unc obv won and I shipped a quick 50 spot on the game from sports betting fish thac. When we finished dinner the young girls were just getting to the room. So we drove to it and met up with them. Everyone was there except Kevin who was coming down from his breck house. We showed off all the cool liquor we got. All the girls were super pumped and we insta started takin shots. After about an hour and 6 or 7 shots Kevin showed up. He said he had been working on getting some drugs from a kid we went to hs with. The kid called about an hour later so we went down and met up with him. He had a solid ounce of weed and an ounce of shrooms for us to pick up. JACKPOT!

We go back to the girls room and continue driking. We r all pretty drunk at this point and getting rather rowdy. When all of a sudden a knock on the door. I go over and open the door and it is a renta cop standing there flexing at me trying to look like a tough ass. I say hello what is the issue. He says there was a noise complaint. I say sorry. He says “do u know that that means?” I am rather confussed at this question but answer with “I guess we should quite down or something.” He says “first time is a warning. Second time everyone that is not listed on the room has to leave. And third time everyone has to leave.” I say ok and shut the door on him and tell everyone the news.

Kevin then informs us that he got another room so once we get the 2nd complaint we can just navigate over to his room which in on the other hall. Lmao. So the party continues and we get drunker and louder obv.

About an hour after the 1st warning we get another knock on the door. It is now like 11pm or so. I just get up and put on my shoes and grab my backpack. I open the door and bfore the renta cop can say n e thing I just start walking out of the room towards kevins room. Lol.

I am followed by everyone except my fake gf who is already passed out hahah. The security guard sorta follows us and now realizes that we have another room. Bahahah. He doesn’t say n e thing and we keep the action going but attempt to keep it down a little bit now.
We run out of chasers and all go to the vending machines. This was not a good idea obv. We get a bunch of drinks and snacks and me and my buddy Jaime r the last ones walking back when we see none other then the renta cop. I say “officer boone! Nice to see u again” he shakes his head at me and says something about another complaint. I say ok. We know the drill. Strike one! We will calm it down. He then informs me that we already got strike one and that we all need to leave unless we have a room in our names. I lol at him and call the black girl I have been talking to a bit and get her to come pick me and Jaime up so we can leave this hotel without being arrested by officer boone. She comes and gets us around 2 and we go back to her place. Jaime insta passes out and me and the black girl talk for like 2 hours. I am too drunk and dumb to figure out how to make a move that will succeed so I just don’t make n e moves and end up sleeping on the couch

I wake up around 10am and go pee. When I hit the flusher handle thing it flushes the toilet and the handle immediately falls off. Ugh! I attempt to put it back on but it wont work and I am to tired to deal with this. So I go lay back down. But a min later the black girl wakes up. I throw the handle at her and tell her it fell off. So she goes into the bathroom to try and fix it. She fiddles with it for a few mins and comes back out and says she doesn’t know what she is doing and is gonna just call the maintenance people to handle this issue. Now the toilet is continuously running but doesn’t seem to b over flowing or n e thing.

Then like 5 mins later we hear a noise and go in there and water is shooting out of the back part of the toilet ALL OVER. I turn the water off and she cleans up the mess. The maintenance dude finally shows up and fixes the issue. Of course I get blamed for braking the toilet even tho I did minimal damage. And it was clearly the girls fault!

We go get breakfast with another girl and while at breakfast Kevin calls saying him gabe and another poker player who we will call chud r doing shrooms in breck that night if we wanna come up and partake. I say obv. So me and Jaime and the other girl all decide we r gonna go do this. A couple of the young girls also decide they wanna go do this too.

I have no clothes or n e thing so we go to the mall in Denver and I buy some boxers n socks and a new shirt n ****. Then we go to the sarah girls place to rest up before we go to breck. I somehow get to sleep in sarahs bed and watch about 40 mins of twilight bfore falling a sleep for a few hours.

me, jaime and the emo shannon girl in the hotel

emo shannon doing her best lights impersonation to try to get with me obv

the girls wilin out in the hotel

more wilin out

samk and sarah

Last edited by kaz2107; 11-30-2009 at 03:54 AM.
11-30-2009 , 03:46 AM
11-30-2009 , 04:06 AM
We take 2 cars up to breck. It is me Jaime, sarah, samk (kevins gf), Shannon (a hott emo girl) and jarred. We get up to breck around 10pm. It is gonna b me, Jaime, samk, Shannon and jarred’s first time doing shrooms. We r all kinda nervous and excited at the same time. Sarah Kevin gabe and chud have done them bfore. We pretty much immediately all eat 1 mushroom each. We eat them with snickers or reeces cups. Somehow I won/lost (im not sure if it was a good or bad thing) getting the weirdest looking shroom of the entire batch. So I eat it with a snickers. It tastes fine. The texture is kinda weird but the taste is a non issue. Then I play a game of fifa waiting for this **** to kick in. after the game nothing is going on. Everyone feels fine. Gabe and chud go to a liquor store and we r left just chillin. Me and Jaime r getting restless and decide we should just eat more to get this **** going. I grab another and just throw it in my mouth. Mistake. It tasted like utter ****. I immediately go looking for a some chocolate. I find some recees and eat them to avoid n e more issues. Me and Jaime each eat 2 more. And Kevin has some more too. Almost instantly after we finish our 3rd one we start feeling it. Me and Jaime cannot stop laughing. Everything seems sooooo funny. We r the only 2 getting ****ed up so it is kinda weird. Then it starts kickin in with sarah and Kevin. So we r all just talking and laughing and **** progressively getting more and more ****ed up.

Gabe and chud get back and turn on the last 30 mins of forgetting sarah marshal. The puppet scene at the end is really tripping and ccccrrrraaazzzzyyy. Then we gabe turns on a movie with clive owen called shoot em up. This movie is completely out of contol. There is this baby in the middle of all these shooting scenes. We r all freakin out for the baby n stuff. And paul giamatti is the bad guy in the movie. And as the movie goes on he gets more and more ****ed up looking.

We finally have had enough of movie watching and everyone is ubbber ****ed now. Essentially chaos ensues from here. The best thing I can think to describe it is if a bunch of monkeys broke in to the house they would have acted in a similar fashion. All hell was breaking loose. Gabe was making weed milk shakes, me Kevin and Jaime were eating more shrooms for some reason and the girls were just running around the house.

We ended up in one of the bed rooms talking a for a good bit of the night. All of us were having our own conversations essentially. Sarah kept asking if she was wet. I got stuck in a suite case. Jaime and Shannon were wearing ray bans all night.

Shrooms make u over analyze stuff kinda. As the night wore on I lost touch of reality. At the beginning I knew I was just ****ed up on shrooms and that is why everything was happening. But as the night wore on I got more and more confused. I eventually convinced myself that the way it was right then was the way it always was and always will be. I thought nothing mattered. It was as if I was in a real life dream world. And I was under the impression it would never end. I didn’t think money mattered. Nothing mattered!?!?!!!!

Another thing was thinking about other people who were not with us. Like my parents or other friends. If they weren’t in that house that night it seemed as if they were in a different world. Almost as if they were like movie stars or people that essentially didn’t affect my life at all.

I would see **** out of the corner of my eye. And think it was alive. And I would have to really concentrate to realize it was just a stick or something. There were times in the night were everything looked like they were from a scanner darkly. Like cartoony but real still.

like this...

After 4 or 5 hours of this feeling I was finally come off my trip. Then it kinda sucked. When I was in the middle ground I couldn’t figure **** out at all. I was the most confused at this point and just decided to go to bed to end this night. I woke up the next morning and felt just fine.

It was an experience that is hard to explain. It is one of those things that I guess u just have to do. And once u do it u understand it. I would recommend trying them. But it is important to only do them in a place u r super comfortable with and with a good group of friends. U can have a bad trip if there is a bunch of negative people or people u don’t know around.
11-30-2009 , 04:14 AM
tl;dr ldo.

hook it up with that sam chick.
11-30-2009 , 04:17 AM
Originally Posted by TITANSMASH
tl;dr ldo.

hook it up with that sam chick.
she dates my bff kevin. butttttt she literally has the biggest boob to body ratio i have ever seen. it is redic how big her tits are. and then she is like 5 foot tall 90lbs. crazy ****
11-30-2009 , 04:17 AM
morning brew, what's cooking?

Last edited by kazana; 11-30-2009 at 04:17 AM. Reason: some mushroom soup or smth?
11-30-2009 , 04:20 AM
Originally Posted by kaz2107
she dates my bff kevin. butttttt she literally has the biggest boob to body ratio i have ever seen. it is redic how big her tits are. and then she is like 5 foot tall 90lbs. crazy ****
you could have just told me one of these things. maybe the first i suppose. but all three? FFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
11-30-2009 , 04:20 AM
lolz pretty good tr zak....i approve...esp of those females and i hope ur banging at least one of them, if not 2....
11-30-2009 , 04:26 AM
Originally Posted by TITANSMASH
you could have just told me one of these things. maybe the first i suppose. but all three? FFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
Originally Posted by leom24
lolz pretty good tr zak....i approve...esp of those females and i hope ur banging at least one of them, if not 2....
one of them is my fake gf. duh!
11-30-2009 , 04:29 AM
11-30-2009 , 04:50 AM
Originally Posted by kaz2107

one of them is my fake gf. duh!
fake gfs ftl
11-30-2009 , 04:57 AM
ive slept a max of 4 hours in the last 6 days.

should i expect to die soon?
11-30-2009 , 04:59 AM
*** poker this weekend.

Can you please
- raise me more?
- have the nuts every hand?
- cooler the **** out of me more?

People chose all of the above. F This S. I'm goin to bed.
11-30-2009 , 05:01 AM
Originally Posted by udbrky
*** poker this weekend.

Can you please
- raise me more?
- have the nuts every hand?
- cooler the **** out of me more?

People chose all of the above. F This S. I'm goin to bed.
So they raised their nuts to **** you cooler?
