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Official Durrrr Jungleman Thread Official Durrrr Jungleman Thread

10-29-2010 , 02:00 PM
We agreed on 5k hands/month on the condition that there is some sort of hiatus (vague obv) to avoid what happened last challenge
Official Durrrr Jungleman Thread Quote
10-29-2010 , 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by jungleman
We agreed on 5k hands/month on the condition that there is some sort of hiatus (vague obv) to avoid what happened last challenge
Correct me if I'm wrong but you've played 258 hands this month so you will play at least 4742 hands in the next couple days?
Official Durrrr Jungleman Thread Quote
10-29-2010 , 04:35 PM
Originally Posted by jungleman
We agreed on 5k hands/month on the condition that there is some sort of hiatus (vague obv) to avoid what happened last challenge
weren't both of you talking about getting it done by the end of the year? now you are saying we agreed to try to get it done within 10 months? geeesh...5k hands a month when you guys could do that in a day..

i am a bit surprised you'd agree to such awful terms. for so much money, do you really want this weighing on your head for a year when it could be wrapped up without even rushing it in a matter of a couple monhts?

Last edited by insidemanpoker; 10-29-2010 at 04:53 PM.
Official Durrrr Jungleman Thread Quote
10-29-2010 , 05:47 PM

i think you think about this challenge totally differently than either of the participants.

for a hypothetical:

say you're a hunl specialist making a couple/few million dollars a year. someone offers to do battle with you over a large number of hands and to escrow a decent chunk, and sets up terms to make sure the match runs at a decent pace. if you have a huge edge against the person obviously you'd love to crank it out asap, but you also don't really care (beyond the weight of the escrow) if it takes a bit longer. it's not like it stops you from playing poker on a day to day basis because the other participant isn't willing to play.

so yes, while 5k hands a month is far from a super-fast schedule, you're happy to have someone you believe you have an edge on locked in to play you quite a bit, and you play them when they play, hopefully within the confines of the rules set forth at the beginning.

if you wanted to take it to an extreme, if some hopeless drooler offered to play you 1k hands a day for the next year and escrow 100 buyins on the side, would you really be upset that he wouldn't play you 2k hands a day? (obviously this isn't the same example for a number of reasons, but still.)

basically, while any of the participants in any of these challenges is of course within their rights to be annoyed with the paces, they had plenty of ability to negotiate the rules at the start, and probably communicate better between themselves than they care to post in threads like these. in the current challenge, dwan appears to be in europe playing tournaments and traveling with his girlfriend, both of which would certainly slow down almost anyone. if you look, he's played 68 hands online in the last 2 weeks according to PTR, so it's not like he can be accused of grinding all day online but ducking this match.
Official Durrrr Jungleman Thread Quote
10-29-2010 , 07:42 PM
Originally Posted by citanul

i think you think about this challenge totally differently than either of the participants.

for a hypothetical:

say you're a hunl specialist making a couple/few million dollars a year. someone offers to do battle with you over a large number of hands and to escrow a decent chunk, and sets up terms to make sure the match runs at a decent pace. if you have a huge edge against the person obviously you'd love to crank it out asap, but you also don't really care (beyond the weight of the escrow) if it takes a bit longer. it's not like it stops you from playing poker on a day to day basis because the other participant isn't willing to play.

so yes, while 5k hands a month is far from a super-fast schedule, you're happy to have someone you believe you have an edge on locked in to play you quite a bit, and you play them when they play, hopefully within the confines of the rules set forth at the beginning.

if you wanted to take it to an extreme, if some hopeless drooler offered to play you 1k hands a day for the next year and escrow 100 buyins on the side, would you really be upset that he wouldn't play you 2k hands a day? (obviously this isn't the same example for a number of reasons, but still.)

basically, while any of the participants in any of these challenges is of course within their rights to be annoyed with the paces, they had plenty of ability to negotiate the rules at the start, and probably communicate better between themselves than they care to post in threads like these. in the current challenge, dwan appears to be in europe playing tournaments and traveling with his girlfriend, both of which would certainly slow down almost anyone. if you look, he's played 68 hands online in the last 2 weeks according to PTR, so it's not like he can be accused of grinding all day online but ducking this match.
i don't disagree with you. but what is confusing is A: wouldn't you think both Dwan and jungleman would want to agree to terms that were faster than a snails pace? i mean if they both feel they have an edge, then shouldn't they both have wanted faster terms? and B: since this challenge is 50% about publicity and attaining poker world fame, don't you think respect, somewhat along the lines of jungle posting here with some clarification, in the way of an occasional status update from dwan could be in order? and yes, for the millionth time, NO they don't have to, but yes it would be a courteous thing to do for the poker world they make so much off of.
Official Durrrr Jungleman Thread Quote
10-29-2010 , 10:31 PM
Guess he doesn't think his edge is as cute anymore.

Dwan is either clearly dodging, or he just isn't in shape enough to play and sustain another big downswing.
Official Durrrr Jungleman Thread Quote
10-29-2010 , 11:08 PM
The Durrrr Challenge is the biggest joke ever.
Official Durrrr Jungleman Thread Quote
10-30-2010 , 02:59 AM
Originally Posted by jungleman
We agreed on 5k hands/month on the condition that there is some sort of hiatus (vague obv) to avoid what happened last challenge
seems a bit off relative to what tom posted almost two months ago. why would he agree to such a slow pace if he is/was hoping to be done sunday?

Posted by Tom Dwan | Filed under Uncategorized

so far jungleman and i have played somewhere around 7,000 hands and im down right about 700k. I cant seem to find the ftp page with exact results, so i’ll ask someone to make that a little easier (or explain to me why im dumb). Anyway obviously the challenge hasn’t gone too well so far, but luckily theres still 43k hands left and i’m hoping they will go a little bit better than the first 7k. We’re obviously playing this challenge a lot faster than patrik and i played the last one, so hopefully we’ll be done with it in a reasonable timeframe. Dan’s going to london too and said he might be busy there- which i also will be some, so there might be a slight lull for 3 or so weeks- but hopefully we’ll still play a few thousand hands in that time. I’d really like to finish this by the end of october or so (and hopefully be up at least 700k by then). Have to run now- but i’ll try to get a more detailed blog up sometime soon.

(4 votes, average: 4.00 out of 5, rated)
Read more | Comments (46) | August 31st, 2010 Play Online Poker at Full Tilt Poker
Official Durrrr Jungleman Thread Quote
10-31-2010 , 08:09 AM
I mean, durrrr does what he wants, what can I say?

Hopefully we will play in November.
Official Durrrr Jungleman Thread Quote
10-31-2010 , 09:07 AM
Why can't Jungleman can't just ask Durrrr to provide him with some times he'll definitly be free and play the times that work with his schedule too if it's such a big issue?

Obviously it's none of our business demanding they do anything and I feel bad for Jungleman here if he really is geting shafted but after seeing the urnotindanger chat I don't think anyones knows they aren't both trying to hustle for some sort of extra edge or if durrrrr is actually dodging.
Official Durrrr Jungleman Thread Quote
10-31-2010 , 10:55 AM
Originally Posted by betsevendeuce
Why can't Jungleman can't just ask Durrrr to provide him with some times he'll definitly be free and play the times that work with his schedule too if it's such a big issue?

Obviously it's none of our business demanding they do anything and I feel bad for Jungleman here if he really is geting shafted but after seeing the urnotindanger chat I don't think anyones knows they aren't both trying to hustle for some sort of extra edge or if durrrrr is actually dodging.
At this point it seems pretty obvious that there's something going on other than scheduling problems.
Official Durrrr Jungleman Thread Quote
10-31-2010 , 11:10 AM
obviously this challenge is not going to be done by tonight. Lets hope by the end of November, even this seems unlikely at this pace. I'm predicting its not finished by by the end of 2010.
Official Durrrr Jungleman Thread Quote
10-31-2010 , 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by ike
At this point it seems pretty obvious that there's something going on other than scheduling problems.
be careful my response to a thread in nv"g" got me almost banned, and topic locked...
Official Durrrr Jungleman Thread Quote
10-31-2010 , 03:57 PM
in b4 ike is perma banned
Official Durrrr Jungleman Thread Quote
10-31-2010 , 07:19 PM
Originally Posted by FionnMac
in b4 ike is perma banned
i'd been looking for a reason to ban myself
Official Durrrr Jungleman Thread Quote
10-31-2010 , 07:30 PM
the chances of Ike being banned from this site are about even with this challenge getting done before january.
Official Durrrr Jungleman Thread Quote
10-31-2010 , 10:06 PM
Originally Posted by ike
i'd been looking for a reason to ban myself
just ask if someone is ******ed in the sporting event forum, that works like a charm.
Official Durrrr Jungleman Thread Quote
10-31-2010 , 10:25 PM
Im pretty sure Durrrr is aware of the time and is only going to play when it is good for him. It is his money he is risking.
Official Durrrr Jungleman Thread Quote
10-31-2010 , 10:53 PM
Originally Posted by Novelty
be careful my response to a thread in nv"g" got me almost banned, and topic locked...
lol. you got a 10 point infraction for your post the Kirby stalling 2-7 thread
you wish to live under his scrotum you're on his dick so much... argument means nothing, he doesn't respect the game, and the .50 cent players here can't understand the higher stakes ethos. There isn't one real pro or high stakes player that has said "oh yeah that's fine tactic"

If everyone did that the game would crawl to nothing but a blind fest at end it's angle shooting, and he's a douchebag who's forever going to be associated with it... congrats at winning online being a dickhead, enjoy showing up in person with a room full of players who all will quickly get to put a face with scumbag for the rest of their life.
Ike, if you want to call someone out in NVG for wishing to live under Kirby's scrotum because they're on his dick so much I promise I won't ban you.
Official Durrrr Jungleman Thread Quote
10-31-2010 , 11:22 PM
seems like durrrr got some coaching from cowboymarco
Official Durrrr Jungleman Thread Quote
11-05-2010 , 02:46 AM
what kind of odds can i get this this is over by end of year??

and ill bet that durrrr wins also with more odds
Official Durrrr Jungleman Thread Quote
11-05-2010 , 02:50 AM
Originally Posted by viffer
what kind of odds can i get this this is over by end of year??

and ill bet that durrrr wins also with more odds
Ending this year is unpossible. Tom will be too busy with your annual toy drive.
Official Durrrr Jungleman Thread Quote
11-06-2010 , 04:59 AM
Originally Posted by PhosphoricAcid
Ending this year is unpossible. Tom will be too busy with your annual toy drive.
Official Durrrr Jungleman Thread Quote
11-06-2010 , 07:29 AM
can i bet 5k on tom +300? i just won some money and want to gamble more
Official Durrrr Jungleman Thread Quote
11-07-2010 , 12:30 PM
Looks like they might be playing this month some more but most of the challenge trackings are off. Durrrr won about 1500 2 sessions ago and a late night win of almost 35k is not included for him either. Im sure it will be updated but good to keep in mind for people betting. Should be a line on what % of sessions Durrrr can actually win with an opening line of maybe 25%
Official Durrrr Jungleman Thread Quote
