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11-06-2009 , 08:03 AM
Originally Posted by herbstl
anyone know the answer of this ?
ask bruce, he rakes that in a week. ge mo fo gen
The Official Betfair Thread Quote
11-06-2009 , 10:46 AM
****ing piece of **** site
The Official Betfair Thread Quote
11-06-2009 , 03:40 PM
This fooking site...I just bought a new laptop and it wont let me open it up in the resizable table mode...stating I need to upgrade...on my old years old laptop no problem...
Its ajoke it states that its only for new computers but only works on my ancient laptop and newish desktop but not on my brand new laptop...
The Official Betfair Thread Quote
11-06-2009 , 03:51 PM
Originally Posted by ShipItHertoDub
This fooking site...I just bought a new laptop and it wont let me open it up in the resizable table mode...stating I need to upgrade...on my old years old laptop no problem...
Its ajoke it states that its only for new computers but only works on my ancient laptop and newish desktop but not on my brand new laptop...
DivX ftw!
The Official Betfair Thread Quote
11-06-2009 , 03:57 PM
I'm thinking you mean directx
The Official Betfair Thread Quote
11-06-2009 , 05:28 PM
sik, u god enuf playah to win maneys to bay niw lapptopz?;<
The Official Betfair Thread Quote
11-06-2009 , 06:52 PM
I also played a lot with dirkbouts and vanbommel and i also used to talk a lot with dirk in the chat, their is no reason to believe they are working together.

besides there is a difference between cheating and avoiding each other because you dont think you have an edge an there are worse players on the table.
The Official Betfair Thread Quote
11-06-2009 , 09:22 PM
I played with bruce wayne, he is a nit, he never bluffs, don't ever call his river shoves lol.
The Official Betfair Thread Quote
11-07-2009 , 05:46 AM
I'm the biggest, the best, better then the rest, better then the rest !!
The Official Betfair Thread Quote
11-07-2009 , 07:45 AM
t6rdur is a excellent player imo. His biggest weakness is his inability to recognise what stakes he should play at because playing at 100NL instead of 200NL has cost him about $40k in the last 12 months I suspect, and probably more by not playing 500NL.
The Official Betfair Thread Quote
11-07-2009 , 07:57 AM
martha1989 - Is he one of the best regs or just a massive luck box?
he totally had my pants down last night.
I'll smash the flop with 2 pair he will have a set. wp gg
i'll have KK and he will catch top set. np wp gg

The Official Betfair Thread Quote
11-08-2009 , 12:43 AM
Originally Posted by danped
t6rdur is a excellent player imo. His biggest weakness is his inability to recognise what stakes he should play at because playing at 100NL instead of 200NL has cost him about $40k in the last 12 months I suspect, and probably more by not playing 500NL.

lol, awesome humor
The Official Betfair Thread Quote
11-08-2009 , 12:47 AM
Originally Posted by danped
t6rdur is a excellent player imo. His biggest weakness is his inability to recognise what stakes he should play at because playing at 100NL instead of 200NL has cost him about $40k in the last 12 months I suspect, and probably more by not playing 500NL.
if an excellent player is someone who snap bets/snap calls/snap everything,

who's sizing are simple, 3/4 pots every bet, every board, and also who 3 barrels the worst turn and river cards and gets snapped and cries, then yes he is an excellent player.

If you think he is an excellent player, take this as a warning and review your game asap.
The Official Betfair Thread Quote
11-08-2009 , 12:57 AM
btw its really awesome that most NL200 regs give links to 2+2 and the forums to all the random fishs on the table.

Really really awesome, big brains folks.
The Official Betfair Thread Quote
11-08-2009 , 07:16 AM
Originally Posted by aladin-
btw its really awesome that most NL200 regs give links to 2+2 and the forums to all the random fishs on the table.

Really really awesome, big brains folks.
Sounds like something Dirk Bouts would do.
The Official Betfair Thread Quote
11-08-2009 , 08:50 AM
Originally Posted by bmxbandit
Well, I remember hands from before when I really started suspect that you were soft playing each other. Some situations where you, for example, were three players on the flop. One of you bet, the random guy folded and then it was check check check check between the two of you with hands I would definitely think was value bet hands. What do I know, might have just been some read that I didn't catch. And when someone else wrote about that too I got seriously suspicious.

If you are not colluding I sincerely apologizse.

But please admit that you have been a frequent poker theory preacher in the chat. And please realize that this is a terribly bad behaviour.

What's this Palominos thing?
First, tnx for the apologies. I really appreciate it.

Now about the educate thing.

1. When I started playing here, i have to admit, when I got sucked out, I have unfortunately in the heat of the moment, slaughtered a fish in the chat, and thereby accidentally educated him or her.

I wasnt happy with it, but these things happen because I am only human. I learn too. When players reminded me of it, I knew i was wrong and that they were right. So I stopped it. When I see other player educate in the heat of the moment, I tell them to STFU too, no offence. I know they are only human too ( except Spackers, cuz the mofo is owning like a god again now he doest chat anymore...;-).

So these were educating chatlines by accident and are in the past.

2. I relatively talk alot in the chat. When you see me chat, maybe you should think of why I say things. Am I really stupid enough to educate a fish or a reg?(if you think so, be happy to play with me, hell, I would be happy to play me ;-) Especially when it is a quiet moment of the game and it is not an emo-chat, like I described above. I cant tell you more unfortunately, because I might be educating.

3. The Palominos thing. Players were saying that you could be Palominos. So I took a look at it. Same stats, same country, same hours, same table selection, same chat activity and Tendertrap is gone. So I thought maybe it is possible that Tendertrap could be Palominos. Because Palo didnt answer in the chat, I thought I ask you here. But you didnt answer. So I ask you again, BMXBandit, are you Palominos?

Originally Posted by Saba
I also played a lot with dirkbouts and vanbommel and i also used to talk a lot with dirk in the chat, their is no reason to believe they are working together.

besides there is a difference between cheating and avoiding each other because you dont think you have an edge an there are worse players on the table.
Tnx for the support.

Originally Posted by aladin-
if an excellent player is someone who snap bets/snap calls/snap everything,

who's sizing are simple, 3/4 pots every bet, every board, and also who 3 barrels the worst turn and river cards and gets snapped and cries, then yes he is an excellent player.

If you think he is an excellent player, take this as a warning and review your game asap.
Aladin or BLouFfPJ (a player that accuses me of educating) Are these your free coaching lessons of this weekend? ;-) tnx.

And I played you again this morning. It was fun. You explained to me that my 5bet shove vs your AK was very bad. tnx. And also why. tnx. I will not explain it here, because I might educate, and ofc always say to me you cannot do it. ;-).

But I forgive you, because you are after all human too. And obv (you lost the flip)

Originally Posted by aladin-
btw its really awesome that most NL200 regs give links to 2+2 and the forums to all the random fishs on the table.

Really really awesome, big brains folks.
So YOU Aladin can educate, but I cant give the 2+2 link? Let me explain to you why I did that:

Originally Posted by bmxbandit
Sounds like something Dirk Bouts would do.
True. When I constantly get questions from players about the stupid accusations, I have no time to explain and defend myself in the chat. It is not funny when players think you are a cheat. They think where smoke is , is fire. And I understand that. But then I tell them where the smoke is coming from (this thread) and let them judge by themselves. It's the only way I can defend myself.

So tnx to SMpro and BMXbandit, I had to tell players where the accusations came from: this thread on 2+2. I dont think anything is wrong with it.

And if you think you are going to loose alot of monies because fish read this forum...? well....maybe you should think of a carreerswitch.

And Aladin/BLouFfPJ. Please stay at 200NL Betfair. I just was just lucky this week. Give it a few more weeks and yout luck will change. Like John Bon Jovi: Keep the Faith!
The Official Betfair Thread Quote
11-08-2009 , 12:02 PM
Why so serious everyone?
The Official Betfair Thread Quote
11-08-2009 , 12:52 PM
I love you Dirk Bouts
The Official Betfair Thread Quote
11-08-2009 , 02:33 PM
Originally Posted by ezdonkey
Why so serious everyone?
The Official Betfair Thread Quote
11-09-2009 , 06:33 AM
Originally Posted by danped
t6rdur is a excellent player imo. His biggest weakness is his inability to recognise what stakes he should play at because playing at 100NL instead of 200NL has cost him about $40k in the last 12 months I suspect, and probably more by not playing 500NL.
Thanks there mate Advice taken, but I have my reasons

aladin, my friend (), please don't educate me - I might learn! But thanks for telling me what I need to improve on I could write a book or two about your leaks, but that would probably be -EV. I'm not leveling your standards by saying that you are the worst players to ever play on betfair, because you are not, but I am going to be more realistic and say that I think it's funny that players who probably aren't in the TOP10(?) in their stakes, take a stab at others. One big different between you and me, Blouff, is that I know I'm not the greatest player in the world, and I don't play to satisify other. I will never stop playing or sit home crying on a saturday night because people might think that I'm a bad player. You might actually be that type.....

What is the point of making such a thread like this anyways? The standard of these posts are so low. Most posts are submitted to please own egos. The "If-I-Tell-Others-That-You-Are-Bad-,-They-Will-Think-That-I-Am-Good"-mentality (Anyone know a one-word version?. Humanity doesn't allow us to think that someone is a better player than ourselves, and if someone is better they will often be told that they are not. What's the point of telling everybody that a bad player is bad anyways? Everybody can spot the really bad players. I would actually go as far to say that some players would probably be happy losing on the tables, as long as people outside the tables (this forum) think that they are good winning players. I would love if that opponents thought that I am a bad, non-thinking-player, a-snap-calling, 3-barreling-bluffing-maniac who loses thousands of dollars every day. It wouldn't affect my play (or life) in any way. Perhaps the other way around....

Another thing. I love how players shout out on the chat that they have made 36bb in the last two days, and they have 18.43bb/100 over 50k hands. If you are that good, tell your friends, your mom, your grandma, don't go around bragging to your opponents. What's the point in that? The "I-Make-Money-Than-You"-mentality (Anyone?) is probably the most ego-pleasing comment. Let people think that you are losing, misguide them, and go on with your rich schoolboy life

To be honest, Dirk, I'm really surprised to see you being so active on this forum I would be proud if someone suspected me of cheating It must mean that you are doing something right at the tables.

Over 'n out,

viva la Fřroyar !
The Official Betfair Thread Quote
11-09-2009 , 06:39 AM
Originally Posted by ezdonkey
Why so serious everyone?
because they are all bad and know that

When I am back from work in the evening I am gonna rape your asses on betfair u lucky bastards.
The Official Betfair Thread Quote
11-09-2009 , 06:52 AM
"When will the rakeback be paid?" Classic!

I have just read earlier comments, Dirk, and I can obviously understand that you defend yourself. But... let it go - be proud

The Official Betfair Thread Quote
11-09-2009 , 09:32 AM
Originally Posted by t6rdur

The Official Betfair Thread Quote
11-09-2009 , 01:39 PM
I love you all NL200 regulars.
The Official Betfair Thread Quote
11-09-2009 , 02:37 PM
Tillerman is funny.

Seriously, is it the real Tillerman? No way he can be that awful. It's just crazy.
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