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09-10-2009 , 12:27 PM
In other news, the wife just told me she wants to join a boxing gym. That was unexpected.

And not one of those yuppie boxing-themed gyms. It's here in the ghetto, and the brochure describes the equipment thusly: "We have plenty of speed bags and a boxing ring. Bring your own towel."
09-10-2009 , 12:38 PM
Originally Posted by KurtSF
In other news, the wife just told me she wants to join a boxing gym. That was unexpected.

And not one of those yuppie boxing-themed gyms. It's here in the ghetto, and the brochure describes the equipment thusly: "We have plenty of speed bags and a boxing ring. Bring your own towel."
LOL. That's hilarious.

Tell her to do Muy Thai though.

Muy Thai >>>>>>>>> regular boxing >>> karate when it comes to striking.

If she just wants exercise then it doesn't really matter which one she picks, but if she is gonna spend time doing it she might as well learn how to really beat the crap out of perverts.

Muy Thai is also a ridiculous workout. You feel like you are gonna die after about an hour and you can barely hold the 16 oz boxing gloves up anymore when you first start.

This reminds me I need to get back into MMA. I have too many hobbies/jobs.
09-10-2009 , 12:41 PM
She's in it for the workout. The 2 part plan is to get a bike and ride to and from the gym for lowerbody/cardio, and use the gym for upperbody/cardio.
09-10-2009 , 12:45 PM
Muy Thai has you doing tons of kicks, so it is def more full body than traditional boxing. Either one will be a workout though. A lot comes down to the coaches - whether they love to push you or not.
09-10-2009 , 12:48 PM
Originally Posted by Equus asinus
LOL. That's hilarious.

Tell her to do Muy Thai though.

Muy Thai >>>>>>>>> regular boxing >>> karate when it comes to striking.

If she just wants exercise then it doesn't really matter which one she picks, but if she is gonna spend time doing it she might as well learn how to really beat the crap out of perverts.

Muy Thai is also a ridiculous workout. You feel like you are gonna die after about an hour and you can barely hold the 16 oz boxing gloves up anymore when you first start.

This reminds me I need to get back into MMA. I have too many hobbies/jobs.
this reminds me of the last MMA class I went too. Spent bunch of weeks rolling on the ground working on the bags and doing stand up sparring. Then on session we get in with the owner of the gym who is part owner with Dan Henderson's gym up in Temecula (about 50 minutes away), and he is giving us a spill on block leg kicks with the shin of our legs.

Pain is something that is not new to me. I don't consider myself a hard ass, but playing football and sparring with my dad in the boxing ring and taking some karate, I have taken a few hits.

Anyways we practice how to block an inside leg kick by bringing our shin up, then counter attacking...over and over...Finally we get into the ring with guy who trains Dan Henderson for some "simulated" kicks.
I go first, I get in, we dance around for a little bit, throw some faux attacks, then he fires his leg kick towards my inside thigh/knee. Just as instructed, I brought up my shin to block it...Perfect......All of a sudden a lightening bolt went up my leg, through my groin, to my heart and into my ears.

OH MY GOD, that HURT SO BAD. I put my hand up and went down to my knee, trying to cry like a little baby. "that frickin hurts!, did I not block it"

instructor "You blocked it perfectly, and yeah it hurts, you get use to it though, eventually you will build up scar tissue and the nerves will be deaden that it won't hurt as much.

Me: "How bad would it hurt if I didn't block it?"
Instructor; "About 100x more"

That was my last lesson, I still have two more I prepaid for there.
09-10-2009 , 12:59 PM
Originally Posted by Equus asinus
LOL. That's hilarious.

Tell her to do Muy Thai though.
09-10-2009 , 01:00 PM
Everything I know about MuyThai I learned from Ong Bak. Apparently Muy Thai is teh awesome.
09-10-2009 , 01:11 PM

Yeah, there are different training philosophies. A lot of places that train people who are actually gonna fight think you need to beat the crap out of each other. If you aren't trying to be an actual cage fighter and are just doing it for fun/exercise/self defense there is no need to get beat up within your first couple weeks!! Did they give you pads to wear on your legs??? Those guys can kick hard enough to break bones.

The place I was going was cool b/c they were professional fighters, but they had day time (pro) classes and evening (douche bag hobbyists like myself) classes. They put us through the paces at night, and work you till you feel like your heart will explode, but they never just beat us up and wouldn't tolerate any a-holes that you can't trust not to hurt you training there.

Edit: yeah, muy thai is the nuts for stand up. Sammy's story illustrates that. If she wants to get in shape, and be able to completely incapacitate a douche bag guy with one kick (or a couple kicks - they teach you to kick real fast), then muy thai is a good choice. Sammy's story also illustrates that she'd need to be careful to find a place with a good training philosophy though.
09-10-2009 , 01:18 PM
"I hear you're a pretty big poker player, we're going to need to talk"
-Network manager

Part of me is holding out that he's a 2+2 member, and plays real poker...but i don't want to have to excuse myself from playing some $10 home games :-\

He and I have never gotten along until now...interesting, maybe he thinks i'm a fish (i am)!
09-10-2009 , 01:19 PM
the guy stated, pads are for his downtown gym and we didn't need it in "east county". If you know anything about San makes sense.

I don't think he hit me as hard as he could and tried to hold back a little, I just think it really hurts a lot if you are not use to it. To another cage fighter that was probably a love tap, but to use middle age was satan's blow.

They were actually good trainers, but they were physical. One thing we joked about was how when we were rolling on the ground and we pull a move off successfully we always heard the instructor go "very good" then he would giggle and do some counter move on you. That giggle would wake me up in the middle of the night, because something bad would happen to me in like 1 second...

I like to spend my free time golfing now.
09-10-2009 , 01:24 PM
Originally Posted by springsteen87
"I hear you're a pretty big poker player, we're going to need to talk"
-Network manager

Part of me is holding out that he's a 2+2 member, and plays real poker...but i don't want to have to excuse myself from playing some $10 home games :-\

He and I have never gotten along until now...interesting, maybe he thinks i'm a fish (i am)!
playing in home games with work acquaintances (not close friends), sucks big time. Because you either mop the floor with them and are the ass hole, or if they win the beat the "good poker player" and talk about it all the time. I use to hate it, gman and I would have to go over to these other guys houses and play in the $10 SNGs where you start with an M of 7.

Random note
Looking out my window and the parking cop is giving cars tickets for not having their tires turned towards the curb....that sucks.
09-10-2009 , 01:33 PM
be nice to him, he's the network manager..
almost as important as the HR guy (ask brock)
09-10-2009 , 01:39 PM
Time to start getting good at massages, Kurt . . .
09-10-2009 , 01:40 PM
Yeah, it sucks rolling with someone in jui jitsu where you are trying your hardest, and they are totally relaxed, just putting in enough effort to stay 1 step ahead and nothing more. Letting you put them in a bad spot intentionally then working their way out in a flash.

Also, yeah, home games sucks. "I beat the guy that plays online *all* the time lol lol lol." Then trying to explain having a $1000 stack and $100 blinds to start, and players who never fold means that the game is mostly luck. Then I suggest maybe we should play a NL $10 with 10 cent big blind. No way man, we gotta make the blinds at least 50 cents! OK, let's play with $50 stacks then. No way man that's too much... Sigh.
09-10-2009 , 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by SammyG-SD
I use to hate it, gman and I would have to go over to these other guys houses and play in the $10 SNGs where you start with an M of 7..
Jeez . . . does everbody have a coworker game like this? And why the frack do they have to start with m=7? What they will tell you is that it helps get the game over with, but what it really does is lower the skill component and increase the luck factor.

I tried to explain once to the guy (he is like a programming project manager) whose game it was about blind levels and how a normal tournament was run, and he looked at me like I was speaking Vietnamese. He couldn't understand why it made any difference.
09-10-2009 , 01:56 PM
I do have a work one where these guys actually are running a league (with point standing) and they have timers, two tables going, and a printout sheet of how the blinds should be structure, plus its a rebuy/KO tourney. That one is fun, and I am not a regular so I can come in and play spoiler.
09-10-2009 , 01:57 PM
Originally Posted by Equus asinus
Then trying to explain
Don't explain.

"Wow, you guys are good. See you next week."

If its worth the time, that is.

No way man, we gotta make the blinds at least 50 cents! OK, let's play with $50 stacks then. No way man that's too much... Sigh.
Nothing you can do about getting people out of their comfort zone. If they're there to hang out and don't have gamble in them, they're not going to be putting hundos on the table.

One game I play is 50 cent bb and $20 buyin. It works though, because the booze starts flowing and people start chasing their losses and taking out more and more money (twenty or fourty bucks at a time) and there are stacks of several hundred on the table by the end of the night.

If you want to try and get them to play cash not stupid $10 sitnGos, I would emphasize that aspect: "One bad beat and you have to go home. That suck and is no fun! Let's try ring so you can rebuy and stay as long as you want, or leave early if you have to. Whaddya think?"
09-10-2009 , 01:58 PM
Originally Posted by SammyG-SD
Looking out my window and the parking cop is giving cars tickets for not having their tires turned towards the curb....that sucks.

You get a ticket for not turning the wheels, seriously?
09-10-2009 , 02:01 PM
yeah, on a hill you need to turn your wheels toward the curb....problem is this is a very slight hill....
09-10-2009 , 02:03 PM
Originally Posted by pele02

You get a ticket for not turning the wheels, seriously?
We have some serious hills in san francisco, and they do get pissy about properly curbing your wheels. Apparently it used to be a real issue before e-brakes were reliable and cars would go flying.

09-10-2009 , 02:16 PM
I was at a home game, where some old dude started to brag about how much "play chips" he had at Stars....he never played for real money. I wasn't sure how to react besides 3betting him. (when I am confused, I 3bet/shove...even if its not poker).
09-10-2009 , 02:24 PM
LOL yeah, some good home game advice ITT.

The guy I was suggesting we play 50 stacks with is my roommates boss. He is a huge gambler and plays live at the 2-5 spread games, so it's not like he plays with bigger action than what I was offering.

LOL, that reminds me, that night when he came over, he was like "So I hear you are into jui jitsu now, want to grapple?" What he didn't know that I already knew is that he is the state champion in judo, lol. He asked very casually, somehow forgetting to mention that he's a bad @$$.

Hmmm, maybe I don't want to beat him at poker for much money....
09-10-2009 , 02:29 PM
Originally Posted by KurtSF

One game I play is 50 cent bb and $20 buyin. It works though, because the booze starts flowing and people start chasing their losses and taking out more and more money (twenty or fourty bucks at a time) and there are stacks of several hundred on the table by the end of the night.
Our home game in high school was $.5/$1 with a $10 minimum BI, and $20 suggested BI


Saying I learned in Drivers ED about tires and hills "Up Up and away!" If hill is uphill, tires go away from curb!
09-10-2009 , 02:32 PM
Originally Posted by Equus asinus
Then I suggest maybe we should play a NL $10 with 10 cent big blind. No way man, we gotta make the blinds at least 50 cents! OK, let's play with $50 stacks then. No way man that's too much... Sigh.
"But if we play with 10 cent blinds, the pots will never get big."

Nice to see I have the same discussions as others.
09-10-2009 , 05:00 PM
A video for ya'll to enjoy.

Silly asian kids.
