Originally Posted by nuggetz87
anyone ever have success staking friends for anything (cash or tourneys) mid-long-term? i keep doing this and they just keep backing up my belief that anyone who needs a stake needs it for a reason.
the worst part about it is the resentment that i feel towards all of them now. i'm starting to think of them as lazy, stupid fvcks. i just can't understand their behavior. they come to me because they are broke and i give them an opportunity to put in hours and dig themselves out of a hole. i'll even talk strategy and coach a few times even if it's of no use to me. and without fail they find excuses to never ****ing play.
i am definitely done with any type of loaning/staking friends except for loans with a select few who i know can/will pay it back quickly. just had to rant.
I staked/staking my best friend for 4 years.
First 2 years he was in the whole 50k with out ever being up.I knew he had the talent , just ran bad in big private games. I stuck with him, we added online into the stake. He got that 50k back , and has made me 150k on top.
You just need access the talents of your stakees, if you think they are winning players and just running bad stick with them, as long as you trust them.
During the first 2 years i fealt the same was as you, everytime he skipped a game, I was feeling resentment, thinking hes lazy , hes going to play basketball/drink,etc instead of trying to get out of make up. I feel your frustration.