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04-07-2011 , 12:08 PM
Originally Posted by DonkeyFishFight
04-07-2011 , 12:34 PM
Lol FML.... Just miclicked live for 300bb's....
04-07-2011 , 12:38 PM
Originally Posted by G_Dollaz
Lol FML.... Just miclicked live for 300bb's....
obv more details required!
04-07-2011 , 12:58 PM
did he had a straight flush
04-07-2011 , 01:00 PM
Playing 5/10/20, 1 limp, I make it 100 from co, btn flats (btn has 8k), bb (12k stack) who is spewy live pro, who I have a very good read on makes it 500, I call, btn calls... I have T9o...

Flop comes AT2 rainbow, spewy reg checks, I check, btn makes it 750, live pro makes it 1800, I had a stack of chips that has 5k chips @ the bottom and 1k chips on the top, I forget that I just changed a 5k chip for someone and gave them 5 1k chips, so instead of having 6 1k chips on the top of that stack, I only have one 1k chip and underneath is the 5k chips... I reach to grab two chips to call the 1800 bet from the bb b/c he has air very often in this spot and the btn is gonna fold anything other than the stone cold nuts, but I obv grab a 1k chip and a 5k chip and accidentally raise to 6k and btn shoves for a total of 7800 and bb folds so I'm stuck calling off the last 1800.....

live pro's are absolute angle shooting jackasses as a whole b/c I certainly would not have held someone else to the 6k bet in that spot b/c as soon as the chips hit the felt and I saw that I threw 6k in I immediately said "oh ****, I only meant to call".... and I'm quite sure that if the btn had 67s he would not have cared if I took it back and called..... but @ the end of the day it is my fault but it's still annoying that I wouldn't ever hold someone to that bet but I get held to it.....
04-07-2011 , 02:37 PM
Did he have a set or did you have a chance of sucking out?
04-07-2011 , 02:52 PM
I don't know I'd be surprised if anyone let you take back your bet. It be rare
04-07-2011 , 02:56 PM
Originally Posted by G_Dollaz
Playing 5/10/20, 1 limp, I make it 100 from co, btn flats (btn has 8k), bb (12k stack) who is spewy live pro, who I have a very good read on makes it 500, I call, btn calls... I have T9o...

Flop comes AT2 rainbow, spewy reg checks, I check, btn makes it 750, live pro makes it 1800, I had a stack of chips that has 5k chips @ the bottom and 1k chips on the top, I forget that I just changed a 5k chip for someone and gave them 5 1k chips, so instead of having 6 1k chips on the top of that stack, I only have one 1k chip and underneath is the 5k chips... I reach to grab two chips to call the 1800 bet from the bb b/c he has air very often in this spot and the btn is gonna fold anything other than the stone cold nuts, but I obv grab a 1k chip and a 5k chip and accidentally raise to 6k and btn shoves for a total of 7800 and bb folds so I'm stuck calling off the last 1800.....

live pro's are absolute angle shooting jackasses as a whole b/c I certainly would not have held someone else to the 6k bet in that spot b/c as soon as the chips hit the felt and I saw that I threw 6k in I immediately said "oh ****, I only meant to call".... and I'm quite sure that if the btn had 67s he would not have cared if I took it back and called..... but @ the end of the day it is my fault but it's still annoying that I wouldn't ever hold someone to that bet but I get held to it.....
"making +EV call downs with T high" imo
04-07-2011 , 03:16 PM
Originally Posted by G_Dollaz
but @ the end of the day it is my fault but it's still annoying that I wouldn't ever hold someone to that bet but I get held to it.....
I believe you, but if you've never played with the guys at the table they have to assume you wouldn't let them take it back.
04-07-2011 , 05:48 PM
if you do that in vegas and just insta grab the big chip as soon as it hits the felt you can generally get away with it.
04-07-2011 , 06:14 PM
I would almost never give back the money in that spot unless I was either friends with the guy or we were both friendly live regs and I'm almost sure he'd do the same.
04-07-2011 , 06:15 PM
yea they could just as likely be angling with the oops meant to call, i would never let them get away with it unless it was hu and I knew the person very well.
04-07-2011 , 06:23 PM
I wouldn't say me and him were "friends" by any means but I've def played with him before.... Not being argumentative but how could I possibly be angling in that spot,'how could doing that benefit me in any way?

I mean like I said at the end of the day I realize that it's 100% my mistake and all that, still frustrating though

And also, smartalec.... If u had total air otb there u still wouldn't let the guy take it back? Fwiw I did turn a 9 vs his 22, would have been the most epic suckout of my career, lol.... Didn't get there on the riv though....
04-07-2011 , 06:46 PM
if you know for a fact that they're gonna hold you to a raise then saying oops just meant to call could easily be used as an angle.... you need me to elaborate?
04-07-2011 , 07:07 PM
Yeah, in a vacuum you are def right pc... Me and the guy had def 100% played enough together that he knew I wasn't angling.... You are right though, I guess my post was based upon knowing I had like 50 hours of play with him and in his mind there is literally a 0% chance that I'm angling, me and him would often talk about random sports stuff etc when I did see him etc etc.... You are def right though it's obv possible that I could be angling in a vacuum..... Blech...
04-07-2011 , 07:28 PM
i'm just sayin i would just go by the rules of the game in that situation unless the pot was heads up and i knew the person really well.
04-07-2011 , 08:25 PM
Fair enough.... Dumb mistake on my part....
04-07-2011 , 09:41 PM
Originally Posted by optionsguy
"making +EV call downs with T high" imo
ohh. now icwudt
04-07-2011 , 09:48 PM
you never will get a rulling in your favor. You better off staying quite and not tell people it was mistake.

last wsop in bellagio 10-20 game I meant to call 100$ open and threw in 4 20s, and 1k chip which is similar color. Everyone folded to the original raiser he was asking me if it was mistake or not, I did not answer and was preying for him to fold. Even if you say its a mistake it will have to stay in.
04-07-2011 , 10:28 PM
this already makes its way over here?

cliffs: sweeden says mtts are skill, cash games are luck.
04-07-2011 , 10:46 PM
If you had just called would you still have gotten it in on the 9 turn? Id try to convince myself I would have to make myself feel better at least.
04-07-2011 , 10:54 PM
04-07-2011 , 11:20 PM
jesus gorlom, terrifying


do you guys remember this hahahaha
04-07-2011 , 11:27 PM
Originally Posted by sasha
you never will get a rulling in your favor. You better off staying quite and not tell people it was mistake.

last wsop in bellagio 10-20 game I meant to call 100$ open and threw in 4 20s, and 1k chip which is similar color. Everyone folded to the original raiser he was asking me if it was mistake or not, I did not answer and was preying for him to fold. Even if you say its a mistake it will have to stay in.
Yeah I wouldn't ever expect a ruling to go in my favor as I understand that I made the mistake, I would have certainly expected that specific player to let it slide as the other player was fine with it being a call and this guy I would have expected would have let it go too....

Originally Posted by JReezy
If you had just called would you still have gotten it in on the 9 turn? Id try to convince myself I would have to make myself feel better at least.
Not rly sure tbh, this particular player is def shoving though otb with his set
