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*** Official 2015 uFR Pokerstars Regs Thread (NSFW) *** *** Official 2015 uFR Pokerstars Regs Thread (NSFW) ***

04-07-2015 , 06:47 PM
Originally Posted by Exothermic
Hey people, does anybody here not drink alcohol?. Feel like i'm ready to give it up, found myself at the strip club with my mate saturday & was bored out my mind, the women there didn't give me a hard on, my liquir tasted like crap & i had an epiphany type of moment where it's like, fuark i don't want my life to be like this anymore hahaha.

For anybody here who don't drink how do you enjoy social situations without it?, I can't imagine myself going to the beach, night club, dinner or pretty much any social setting without it & would love to hear success stories from anybody who enjoys social situations without alcohol.
Originally Posted by Exothermic
^^^ We can just talk here bro, not like i have problem drinking(at most once per month), but just wondering more than anything else if i just stop going out to public events in general due to abstaining from alcohol cause tis the only thing made them bearable for me. Would love to know how/what introverts to still have fun while going out without alcohol.
*** Official 2015 uFR Pokerstars Regs Thread (NSFW) *** Quote
04-07-2015 , 10:10 PM
Meh, almost every time I meet friends, we drink. It's a cultural thing, that serves no purpose actually... but it doesn't need to be problematic. I can limit it to one or two beers, so I don't think of myself as an alcoholic.
Not drinking anything on the other hand seems pretty hard to pull off though. But as long as you're not doomed to get hammered any time you take a sip, I think it's fine.
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04-07-2015 , 11:17 PM
There is no problem, just drink juice/soda and people will get used to it pretty much instantly.
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04-07-2015 , 11:49 PM
^ Very true actually. A friend of mine drank no alcohol whatsoever for a year... at first, we thought he was FOS, but after a while, everybody accepted/admired it.
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04-08-2015 , 05:47 AM
I can understand being a white boy like youfaiil and having to drink for Dutch courage before dancing, but having to drink to actually enjoy yourself is just sad. Try a conversation for once.
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04-08-2015 , 06:26 AM
Whenever i go out to my local these days .. all i see is the same old alcoholics that never seem to leave.

Most of my friends drink way way less than we used to ... i reckon that is the case with most people these days.

Internet and mobile phones has changed the pub culture and people's drinking habits forever.

Its much easier to enjoy life these days without having to drink that much alcohol.

The only downside i see is most people can afford to buy alcohol cheaper at supermarkets and some develop a drinking problem in the privacy of their own home.
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04-08-2015 , 07:35 AM
I can understand being a white boy like youfaiil and having to drink for Dutch courage before dancing
lol my dancing has been described as mum/dad dancing on a few occasions

confirmed cant dance sober
confirmed cant dance drunk
*** Official 2015 uFR Pokerstars Regs Thread (NSFW) *** Quote
04-08-2015 , 09:22 AM
Take up Ultra Marathon running. You will be alone most of the year and will only need to have a beer or speak 3-4 times a year when you race.
*** Official 2015 uFR Pokerstars Regs Thread (NSFW) *** Quote
04-08-2015 , 11:42 AM
As long as you can pull of the shuffle dance YF all is good.

Im pretty sure i nailed this many times although nobody is prepared to admit it.

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04-08-2015 , 03:08 PM
Originally Posted by JMKPUNTER
Take up Ultra Marathon running. You will be alone most of the year and will only need to have a beer or speak 3-4 times a year when you race.
I have added high intensity cardio into my workouts & very much am thinking about training to jog around my island of jamaica in the near future tbh, it's 110 miles from kingston to montego bay, so all together 220miles to and from. Will do more research but would be fun/challenging, even if it's just the 110 miles, i'de love to train for it.
*** Official 2015 uFR Pokerstars Regs Thread (NSFW) *** Quote
04-08-2015 , 03:40 PM
Drinking nits itt. Alchol is awesome

*** Official 2015 uFR Pokerstars Regs Thread (NSFW) *** Quote
04-10-2015 , 04:42 PM
I very rarely binge drink, but unless I'm ill I drink between half and 2/3rds of a bottle of wine a night, every night.

For me its a relaxation thing. I find a lot of clarity of thought and motivation for the day/week/month ahead comes from a gentle drink and relax. I'm going out on a limb here but I reckon that if you stuck my gently relaxed mind that I get through drinking a small quantity into my sober mind/body I'm fairly sure I'd be a better and more successful person in life, not that I'm a failure or anything, its just some of my flaws are probably being too uptight, too stressed and not socially open enough.

Alcohol does different things to do different people. There's no "one size fits all" advice or solution.
*** Official 2015 uFR Pokerstars Regs Thread (NSFW) *** Quote
04-10-2015 , 06:45 PM
Zoom was/is like 2008 poker with the server troubles. Really hard to not tilt tho

Also, I bought the stollar/breville smart grinder pro for ~170e. So much better shots than with the old ****ty grinder with same beans, def worth it
*** Official 2015 uFR Pokerstars Regs Thread (NSFW) *** Quote
04-10-2015 , 08:47 PM
Originally Posted by Finnisher
Zoom was/is like 2008 poker with the server troubles. Really hard to not tilt tho

Also, I bought the stollar/breville smart grinder pro for ~170e. So much better shots than with the old ****ty grinder with same beans, def worth it
Maybe a reason for stars to reduce table limits even further, like max two entries for zoom, wonder if that makes games alot better.
*** Official 2015 uFR Pokerstars Regs Thread (NSFW) *** Quote
04-10-2015 , 10:41 PM
Originally Posted by Exothermic
Maybe a reason for stars to reduce table limits even further, like max two entries for zoom, wonder if that makes games alot better.
no i'd die without 4 tabling zoom! but yea i'm having similar issues with lag
*** Official 2015 uFR Pokerstars Regs Thread (NSFW) *** Quote
04-11-2015 , 12:14 AM
Originally Posted by Exothermic
I have added high intensity cardio into my workouts & very much am thinking about training to jog around my island of jamaica in the near future tbh, it's 110 miles from kingston to montego bay, so all together 220miles to and from. Will do more research but would be fun/challenging, even if it's just the 110 miles, i'de love to train for it.
I find running the most satisfying and enjoyable thing in life. The longer the goal the better. Having a plan in place for an event, following it and achieving the end result planned for is a massive high.

Long distance off road events are awesome. Pain and absolute joy all at the same time!
*** Official 2015 uFR Pokerstars Regs Thread (NSFW) *** Quote
04-11-2015 , 05:57 AM
Originally Posted by Exothermic
Maybe a reason for stars to reduce table limits even further, like max two entries for zoom, wonder if that makes games alot better.
Quick intuition would say it would lower the ratio of reg:fish which is already lower at zoom than normal tables, or could be. Maybe zoom isn't that appealing to all fishies and regs fold more so there's more seats that don't leak any money at zoom
*** Official 2015 uFR Pokerstars Regs Thread (NSFW) *** Quote
04-11-2015 , 03:24 PM

*** Official 2015 uFR Pokerstars Regs Thread (NSFW) *** Quote
04-12-2015 , 04:36 AM

Anyone else down?
*** Official 2015 uFR Pokerstars Regs Thread (NSFW) *** Quote
04-12-2015 , 05:48 AM
Originally Posted by Exothermic

Seems first 4 episodes leaked and rumours about 5&6 also in the air.
*** Official 2015 uFR Pokerstars Regs Thread (NSFW) *** Quote
04-12-2015 , 06:21 AM
Originally Posted by -andres-
Seems first 4 episodes leaked and rumours about 5&6 also in the air.
Can confirm about first 4. About to watch them.
*** Official 2015 uFR Pokerstars Regs Thread (NSFW) *** Quote
04-12-2015 , 07:34 AM
I've never seen a single episode of GOT. Also never seen Breaking Bad but it's starting on a new channel on Wednesday so I think I'll give it a go seeing everyone seems to rave about it.
*** Official 2015 uFR Pokerstars Regs Thread (NSFW) *** Quote
04-12-2015 , 07:58 AM
Breaking Bad is just levels above GOT .... frankly its not even close.
*** Official 2015 uFR Pokerstars Regs Thread (NSFW) *** Quote
04-12-2015 , 08:04 AM
Yeah GOT doesn't appeal to me at all.
*** Official 2015 uFR Pokerstars Regs Thread (NSFW) *** Quote
04-12-2015 , 08:14 AM
Originally Posted by Husker
Yeah GOT doesn't appeal to me at all.
Checked my emails and at the same time I was making this post I received mail from TravelRepublic advertising this:

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