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*** Official 2014 Pokerstars Regulars Thread *** *** Official 2014 Pokerstars Regulars Thread ***

08-03-2014 , 04:21 AM
interesting discussion in the thread. CR wanted me to make videos for them and were throwing amounts at me that are hard to turn down. But you have inspired me tehstone i won't do it

*** Official 2014 Pokerstars Regulars Thread *** Quote
08-03-2014 , 04:22 AM
Everyone has their price. Am not sure what mine is but I almost certainly do have one.
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08-03-2014 , 04:41 AM
yeah im learning about mine , esp when making a vid is minumal effort.

*** Official 2014 Pokerstars Regulars Thread *** Quote
08-03-2014 , 05:47 AM
Re the coaching discussion, I think people are missing out on one of the benefits which is adding to the player pool at certain stakes. Someone who gets coaching at the micros and moves up to small stakes is probably gonna be a meh reg or a regfish, not a crusher. Coaching improves people's game but how many improve to end up being at the same level skill wise as the person who has coached them?
*** Official 2014 Pokerstars Regulars Thread *** Quote
08-03-2014 , 06:02 AM
Originally Posted by Husker
Re the coaching discussion, I think people are missing out on one of the benefits which is adding to the player pool at certain stakes. Someone who gets coaching at the micros and moves up to small stakes is probably gonna be a meh reg or a regfish, not a crusher. Coaching improves people's game but how many improve to end up being at the same level skill wise as the person who has coached them?
At SSNL you have to be a pretty terrible reg for other regs to have any edge at all on you after rake.

Granted fishregs aren't too bad for the games but I doubt many who get coaching instantly just jump up to those stakes and lose loads.
*** Official 2014 Pokerstars Regulars Thread *** Quote
08-03-2014 , 06:18 AM
Originally Posted by raikkonen3
At SSNL you have to be a pretty terrible reg for other regs to have any edge at all on you after rake.

Granted fishregs aren't too bad for the games but I doubt many who get coaching instantly just jump up to those stakes and lose loads.
100percent accurate.

Its not like u get any (significant) money out of guys like mossified or momess while massgrinding while at teh same time they take 16-24 seats...
*** Official 2014 Pokerstars Regulars Thread *** Quote
08-03-2014 , 07:35 AM
True. I can barely recall playing a hand vs Mossified in 5 years where i thought "wow he's played that super awful".

Have to have a Mayo-esque playstyle IMO in order to truly abuse players like that.
*** Official 2014 Pokerstars Regulars Thread *** Quote
08-03-2014 , 07:37 AM
Originally Posted by magorko
i thought if u table camping u have to play anyone who sit in 3 handed +

if you wanna battle scripts ohcanada because you feel they are scummy why dont you help start some tables every once in a while??
oh wait scripting while also starting tables is scummy but bumhunt extremely hard without script is perfectly fine??? makes sense
*** Official 2014 Pokerstars Regulars Thread *** Quote
08-03-2014 , 07:52 AM
Originally Posted by RKi v2
True. I can barely recall playing a hand vs Mossified in 5 years where i thought "wow he's played that super awful".

Have to have a Mayo-esque playstyle IMO in order to truly abuse players like that.
once again couldn't agree moar. mossie has different huuuge leaks though i obv will not comment on in a public forum and he is prolly as bad as a 200fullring reg can be these days but that being said he is not teh kind of guy who pays your bills (unless u r mayo) and if there would be only mossifieds and nothing else i wouldnt play poker for a living...
*** Official 2014 Pokerstars Regulars Thread *** Quote
08-03-2014 , 09:24 AM
Cant really argue with what Tim has said. He has said the same thing regularly since I started posting here years ago, and judging by how the games have progressed he's been spot on for the most part.

Dont really agree with this though:

Originally Posted by TimStone
Wat i dont really understand is why everybody jumps in like "awesome guy, awesome player, highly recommended, yadayada" while u getting zero benefit and only negatives out of tis unless u r affiliated with him. Every player he can get from nl50 to 200+ is bad for ur own bottom line.

On teh other hand all this shows howuch potential midstakes still have bc if games were really that tough people would either shut it and not recommend or even asking why teh ****...
There is also the reason that maybe people posting this like the guy and want to see him do well even if it does slightly affect their bottom line. (Unless when you say 'affiliated with' you are using the term loosely and just mean 'friends with')

Even in todays poker world I think there's more to life than making sure you get every single penny out of the poker world and into your bottom line. You can still make a perfectly good living by trading some poker EV for general life EV. Although this probably explains why I live in a 1 bedroom flat in the UK and Tim lives in mansions in Malta
*** Official 2014 Pokerstars Regulars Thread *** Quote
08-03-2014 , 09:25 AM
Originally Posted by Slugant
it is
Sitting out at tables may be against the current TOS, but weren't these terms set before scripting became a problem and so perhaps they need revisiting with either banning scripts or changing the terms to allow sitting out.

It just feels like the TOS are out of date to me.
*** Official 2014 Pokerstars Regulars Thread *** Quote
08-03-2014 , 09:30 AM
Originally Posted by pontylad
Jrock, didn't you and gutter used to stake/coach too though?

It's all whatever, I think the effect of a single coach is generally overblown... the cumulative effect of all coaches/training sites has obviously been awful but 1 more coach added to that list will make a reasonably small impact.
Plus for every good coach, isn't there about 10 scammers that can't beat the games anymore and teach -EV strategies, so coaching hasn't been all bad for the state of the games.
*** Official 2014 Pokerstars Regulars Thread *** Quote
08-03-2014 , 09:48 AM
Originally Posted by TimStone
yeah, that couldn't be moar wrong tbh.

are you leveling here? is that some sort of joke? who is left who played NL200 2009, 2010 even 2011? maybe 10% of teh people. who of them is still winning? maybe 50%, maybe less. And those people are gone, they didn't move up, if anything they had to move or went busto or had to stop playing aka went busto. When i started playing in 2009 MeleaB never played anything else than 200 ever and today he is maybe playing 1% 200 and teh rest lower while being significantly better player than back in teh days? so education is overestimated????!!! how did other players who are now at 200 became better than him, even though he was already around forever back then? bc of self education???!!!
Black Friday is what has made the games tougher. If you remove half the players from a pool and then put back in only the regs we know what will happen.

I would estimate that precisely no one at 200NL is now better then me due to coaching alone. New, capable players have come along than would have been playing much higher stakes prior to BF, and others have moved down. Without coaching, many of the players with potential would not have been able to improve to such a good standard, but that group is relatively small- and it is unrealistic to expect that there could be a poker environment without coaching.

"how did other players who are now at 200 became better than him?"

I would also argue that this is inaccurate- not because I want to defend my ability, but because it's being used to strengthen a view (that coaching has led to all players at 200 being better than me) which I don't believe is correct. I like to think that I'm still better than most regs at 200- hopefully I can now play more volume there and back that up.

You're my wigga Tim Stone, and you know I'm a fan. Hopefully we can continue this discussion sitting round a table with a large bottle of vodka one day.

Last edited by MeleaB; 08-03-2014 at 09:59 AM.
*** Official 2014 Pokerstars Regulars Thread *** Quote
08-03-2014 , 11:14 AM
Originally Posted by Slugant

if you wanna battle scripts ohcanada because you feel they are scummy why dont you help start some tables every once in a while??
oh wait scripting while also starting tables is scummy but bumhunt extremely hard without script is perfectly fine??? makes sense
If you want to explain how playing hu or 3 handed helps battle scripts I would love to hear it. I play a game where I can pay a bunch of rake and have little to no edge until a fish sits at which point a bunch of scripters snap sit N(likely with a better seat)

That will sure show them!
*** Official 2014 Pokerstars Regulars Thread *** Quote
08-03-2014 , 11:16 AM
Many people here do

Could get a 2p2 league going, and get some $ involved maybe. Let me know and I'll set one up.
*** Official 2014 Pokerstars Regulars Thread *** Quote
08-03-2014 , 12:20 PM
Originally Posted by riksanchez
Many people here do

Could get a 2p2 league going, and get some $ involved maybe. Let me know and I'll set one up.
Play the Ultimate Fantasy Premier League game instead, it's far better.
*** Official 2014 Pokerstars Regulars Thread *** Quote
08-03-2014 , 12:26 PM
Originally Posted by TimStone
runitonce asked me to produce videos, i replied that they are teh scum of teh industry and should never ever get in touch with me again.
*** Official 2014 Pokerstars Regulars Thread *** Quote
08-03-2014 , 01:19 PM
i think private coaching is ok but producing videos is a terrible idea

its not like youre walking down an empty street and see $20 sitting on the ground and "if i dont pick it up someone else will". thats just flawed logic. ive said it before but the #1 reason people produce videos is to give their ego a handjob. ego is a helluva drug. players do the videos for the relative chump change, they do it for the recognition and validation. these training sites find poker players and exploit them. hey why dont you produce a video series and have 90% of the reg pool at your level and below tune in and plug a leak or 3? good idea? we wont pay you much but imagine the glory bro. coaches are giving out way too much info for way too little. its just a terrible idea.

other than regulation, segregation, etc training sites have made the games worse than anything. theres quite a bit of reg turnover and yet the skill at each level is increasing. and its not like a majority of these regs that leave have climbed the ladder to higher stakes. these new regs keep replacing old ones who have more experience. imo this is because its 1000x easier to get good/decent nowadays. as a poker player you have to realize that youre somewhat limited by your talent (but not entirely). the games keep getting tougher and you have to keep improving. eventually your improvement will get closer to your full potential and it will slow dramatically while the games close the gap. these training sites are handing over your hardwork and experience to someone else for super cheap and easy for new players to close the gap. right now a decent micro grinder can spend $100 and get more solid info than the midstakes regs making 250k had 7 years ago. today 25nl is probably closer to 400nl or 600nl when i joined 2p2 in 2007. anyone with any sort of poker competency can learn a **** load of info super easy and super cheap.

i also think people are underestimating how bad it is to have players from the level below you move up. the whole meh reg theory doesnt make sense to me. if you have a player pool that consists of regs, meh regs, fish and everyone is being raked how does it not hurt you to dilute the number of fish? youre edge vs a meh reg post-rake is lol and hes now eating your fish. its bad
Originally Posted by TimStone
runitonce asked me to produce videos, i replied that they are teh scum of teh industry and should never ever get in touch with me again.
why cant be moar people like me???
do they have any idea how thick your accent is?
Originally Posted by TonnaMunz
haha yes, horVeech is a c**t. A nasty boy, a bad egg. He likes to fire shots in these thread so w/e just don't encourage him.
yeah horveech reminds me of the schoolyard bully. the schoolyard bully goes around being a total dickhead but doesnt actually know why. theyre insecure and socially ******ed. in most cases they have shltty parents and have been bullied themselves. none of the kids involved know whats up but adults seeing this behavior are just watching this bully thinking what a screwed up and broken person this is. theyre a mess and making a fool of themselves

horveech is being socially ******ed and going out of his way to big a dick for a reason. perhaps he has some legit mental conditions or chemically imbalanced or maybe hes full of anger due to circumstances. his attitude could be the result of his mom being a drunk who ignored him or an uncle who used to perform home prostate exams on him. it could be anything. either way hes behaving like a broken person and although his dicky comments directed at you might be annoying, its probably far less annoying if youre aware that its just coming from a social disaster whos nasty and bitter for a reason

oh and could someone pm me the russian ptr? my link broke somehow
*** Official 2014 Pokerstars Regulars Thread *** Quote
08-03-2014 , 01:22 PM
has any of you guys tried playing on from italy? i'm going there on holiday for a week and i was wondering if i can grind sometimes. i know i can't log in/open the client from there but if i leave it open before leaving it might work. what about other issues? will they block/ban/suspend/freeze my account?

*** Official 2014 Pokerstars Regulars Thread *** Quote
08-03-2014 , 02:07 PM
One week man. Even i can go a week witout poker...
*** Official 2014 Pokerstars Regulars Thread *** Quote
08-03-2014 , 02:11 PM
I'm making 10 coaching videos for card runners. For the right price i'm sure a ton of you guys would do it too. I like money, and don't intend on being a pro poker player for much longer. Absolute SNAP call for me
*** Official 2014 Pokerstars Regulars Thread *** Quote
08-03-2014 , 02:43 PM
Originally Posted by BenaBadBeat
I'm making 10 coaching videos for card runners. For the right price i'm sure a ton of you guys would do it too. I like money, and don't intend on being a pro poker player for much longer. Absolute SNAP call for me
Boo! Don't do it!
*** Official 2014 Pokerstars Regulars Thread *** Quote
08-03-2014 , 03:31 PM
Originally Posted by juan valdez
horveech is being socially ******ed and going out of his way to big a dick for a reason. perhaps he has some legit mental conditions or chemically imbalanced or maybe hes full of anger due to circumstances. his attitude could be the result of his mom being a drunk who ignored him or an uncle who used to perform home prostate exams on him. it could be anything. either way hes behaving like a broken person and although his dicky comments directed at you might be annoying, its probably far less annoying if youre aware that its just coming from a social disaster whos nasty and bitter for a reason

*Not 100% original, but who cares?
*** Official 2014 Pokerstars Regulars Thread *** Quote
08-03-2014 , 03:44 PM
i just dont get it. Eventually you'll piss off the wrong person who may have a screw loose. You literally put yourself at physical risk. Being a dick on a forum is fine, but when it comes into real life he could actually get kicked the **** out of. Why even risk that? Not to mention being a nice guy is actully +ev
*** Official 2014 Pokerstars Regulars Thread *** Quote
08-03-2014 , 04:42 PM
I also dont get why people would produce education

People gonna people
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