Originally Posted by sharkbaitOHH
So how much did Snowie pay you to advertise for them?
But a more serious question would be, how do you feel about the players who are clearly using it realtime on Pokerstars?
Actually on 2nd thought, first question is still relevant because you have a referal link in your blogpost.
I don't know why you are taking such an adversarial tone...I fully disclosed in the review that I am an affiliate for Snowie in the spirit of not being shady. I was going to write the review anyway and since I have been dabbling with learning html/how to build web pages and do web marketing on the side for the last 6 months or so, I figured that I may as well take the opportunity to learn how to create an ad banner for my website and make a couple free dollars while I did it.
The truth is that I am being paid exactly zero dollars by Snowie. They did not ask me to write a review for them, nor did they have any say in approving what I wrote. I sent only the part about the design of Snowie to them for feedback so that I could present factual information about how the brain of Snowie works to my readers.
I will probably be lucky if I get 3 subscribers for the 7 hours of work it took me to write that review and figure out how to edit my web page. I get like 6 hits a day on my blog and I have 65 twitter followers. I'm not exactly a super popular, one-man marketing machine over here. How much do you think I'd make playing poker for 7 hours instead? Hell, I didn't even post a link to it on 2+2. Do you really think I have some grand, ulterior profit motive here?
I stand by everything I wrote about Snowie. The brain at its core is an absolutely remarkable creation and the software that surrounds it is buggy but tolerable for the things it is capable of. I do, in fact, use it almost every day and have been doing so for the last couple of months. Is it a silver bullet that makes you magically good at poker? No, of course not. But it is a valuable tool I use along side other ones like Odds Oracle or CRev and it is almost certainly superior in its current and, especially, future potential abilities.
As for your other points:
1. Snowie cannot be used to evaluate real time decisions or even create your own scenarios that don't come from hand histories.
2. Snowie physically will not run when Stars is open. If you open Stars or FTP with Snowie running the program will automatically shut down without warning.
You are making some bold statements, claiming that people are playing with some sort of black-market decision making software. Do you have any proof to back up these claims?
I am not saying that it is impossible that someone out there is using the Snowie engine to play poker. Snowie is sort of the WMD of poker these days. If the brain behind it got into the hands of botters it would be utterly disastrous for the game. But in my experience talking with the developers, I don't believe they are running some botting operation on the side. It doesn't make any sense. Either they would never release the product and just run a bot ring (which would honestly probably make more financial sense) or they would sell the product and not jeopardize its integrity. Doing both is stupid.
I am obviously 100% against people using some black market Snowie to play poker for them and I would never promote a product that did such a thing. However, I see no reason to believe that this is actually happening and people who say these things are not just talking out of their ass.
That being said, I think we need to acknowledge that we are certainly reaching a critical tipping point in the game where technology is going to start rapidly blurring the line between what is and what isn't computer assisted play. Some tough decisions are going to have to be made in the near future.