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***The OFFICIAL 2013 Stars Regulars Thread*** ***The OFFICIAL 2013 Stars Regulars Thread***

05-23-2013 , 11:15 AM
ok no backbone than, you and your high horse can be very proud
05-23-2013 , 05:36 PM
Originally Posted by cashy
sounds like you have no backbone
is this you promising that you will NEVER use a script, no matter what happens becuase you truely believe they are scummy?
05-23-2013 , 05:47 PM
why would I ever do something I despise and berate? I'm no hypocrite
I have said 5 years ago bumhunting/seat hawking is scummy and still haven't done it myself and never will
(scripts basically just brought seat hawking do another level)

people who don't stand by what they say are just a joke
05-23-2013 , 05:57 PM
is your screen name outed? what games do you play?
05-23-2013 , 06:12 PM
currently rebuilding at SSNL (bustoed my roll 3x this year due to real life expenses)
most of my lifetime volume was played at 2/4 followed by 5/10

im a table starter at whatever limit I play and have never refused action(at 6max tables) to anyone ever(tcorbin still dreams of playing my fishy ass i reckon lol)
05-23-2013 , 07:16 PM
Originally Posted by cashy
currently rebuilding at SSNL (bustoed my roll 3x this year due to real life expenses)
most of my lifetime volume was played at 2/4 followed by 5/10

im a table starter at whatever limit I play and have never refused action(at 6max tables) to anyone ever(tcorbin still dreams of playing my fishy ass i reckon lol)
Me too

Can confirm though that the rest is true, not a leach on the games.
05-23-2013 , 10:44 PM
Originally Posted by cashy
currently rebuilding at SSNL (bustoed my roll 3x this year due to real life expenses)
most of my lifetime volume was played at 2/4 followed by 5/10

im a table starter at whatever limit I play and have never refused action(at 6max tables) to anyone ever(tcorbin still dreams of playing my fishy ass i reckon lol)
Im sorry but I really dont get all the pride in being a "table starter" or especially in having "never refused action(at 6max tables) to anyone ever". There is nothing to be proud of here imo.
05-23-2013 , 11:25 PM
05-24-2013 , 01:30 AM
Originally Posted by cashy
why would I ever do something I despise and berate? I'm no hypocrite
I have said 5 years ago bumhunting/seat hawking is scummy and still haven't done it myself and never will
(scripts basically just brought seat hawking do another level)

people who don't stand by what they say are just a joke
The thing is. A couple of month ago, most people thought ASS was not yet decided from Stars. Since then Poker Stars Steve has publicly written, Stars has no intention of cracking down on them. It is also a fact, fx. TST is on the list list of allowed software. Also getting seats manually last couple of month have been a lot tougher than before. So please dont blame those who changes their mind. Always being able to adjust is the key to success in poker.

Me myself. I tried a script. It did not give me much seats. So I prefer to play with out it. Instead, I filter my lobby to hide full tables. I hope Stars soon will release a version, where ASS lose their power. Fx. FTP has a good system, but not sure how it would work with a bigger player base as Stars.
05-24-2013 , 04:58 AM
Originally Posted by Alpha 5.20
Im sorry but I really dont get all the pride in being a "table starter" or especially in having "never refused action(at 6max tables) to anyone ever". There is nothing to be proud of here imo.
I don't believe in black and white statements like this.

There is many things you can be proud of, playing everyone at your limits (succesfully) is certainly one of them. Diffrent ppl have diffrent goals, some want to make the most money (in my experience that one is not gonna make anyone happy...), others want to be he best at everything they do, some just want to enjoy life as much as possible and be very effective and make money with very little time investment.
Some don't even care about winning, from a certain perspective you can say trout236 is one of the most succesful players, he plays for fun and I am sure he gets everything he wants out of his sessions.

/random thoughts
05-24-2013 , 06:42 AM
totally agree with allwind
05-24-2013 , 09:58 AM
Looking for a script too.

I'd rather not use them, but since Stars allows them I'm probably better off adjusting to the new environment. That's what poker is all about right :s

PM if you can help me out.
05-24-2013 , 11:56 AM
sorry if this has been asked a lot but does HEM take RIT into account in your EV graphs etc.?

or does it only use the first run?
05-24-2013 , 12:01 PM
I think it does
05-24-2013 , 01:15 PM
Yes it does
05-24-2013 , 01:27 PM
05-24-2013 , 02:41 PM
I just saw two regs (paulus_rus, russia), iznak (UK) sit down to the immediate left of a weaker player, before the weaker player appeared on my screen. I'm guessing they have a faster connection to the pokerstars server? Seems like it doesn't matter what kind of script you have if you don't have the information in time.
05-24-2013 , 02:43 PM
It might be that the information is available before you see it on the screen.
I didn't do any research on that so it's just a wild guess.
05-24-2013 , 03:03 PM
Originally Posted by punter11235
It might be that the information is available before you see it on the screen.
I didn't do any research on that so it's just a wild guess.
True, that is another possibility.
05-24-2013 , 04:14 PM
In before rent prices for buildings next to Pokerstars Office's at Isle of Man goes up 200%, maybe then the employees will see a problem with scripts
05-24-2013 , 04:42 PM
Originally Posted by Klakteuh
In before rent prices for buildings next to Pokerstars Office's at Isle of Man goes up 200%, maybe then the employees will see a problem with scripts
Followed shortly by PokerStars renting out terminals inside their server headquarters with identical lengths of cable

Fortunately, I'd guess Stars changes their seating rules or methods before things go full blown NY stock exchange.
05-24-2013 , 11:08 PM
Originally Posted by harangutang
I just saw two regs (paulus_rus, russia), iznak (UK) sit down to the immediate left of a weaker player, before the weaker player appeared on my screen. I'm guessing they have a faster connection to the pokerstars server? Seems like it doesn't matter what kind of script you have if you don't have the information in time.
was the weaker players seat reserved?
05-25-2013 , 07:11 AM
Wow, so strong field in 21k HU. Probably the strongest tournament in history of poker and first I am going to watch
05-26-2013 , 07:33 AM
Originally Posted by harangutang
I'm guessing they have a faster connection to the pokerstars server? Seems like it doesn't matter what kind of script you have if you don't have the information in time.
Fastest way to update the names in the lobby is to have the table open. Then there is no delay when finding the table in the lobby. Other wise the people with the slowest connection never get the seats.

It also seems, the scripts have come to an even newer level. When somebody sits down it will show reserved Immediately, other seats will show "Reserved" or "R" as well. It is either start the table with other tough regs or it is too late to get on the wait list.

I do find the scripts very frustrating. Lack of action taken from Stars, gives me the feeling, that Stars does not care much about me as a regular, my playing experience. I might quit on Stars for just that reason. But then again, how long will it take before the jesus scripts to evolve on the other sites?

I have no clue, what Stars might do to this. Banning the scripts and enforcing would be the best solution. And I do think they could use methods to crack down on this, as they do on bots. I do hope Stars find a solution quick. Like global wait lists in the client would be cool. The same as FTP. Perhaps with rotation, so that all on the wait list will get a chance to play.

Last edited by allwind; 05-26-2013 at 07:40 AM.
05-26-2013 , 01:03 PM
Originally Posted by isunkurbttlship
was the weaker players seat reserved?
I had the table open and on my screen the seat went from seat open directly to the weaker player buying in. What I'm guessing might of happened is that the other regs saw the usual "R" reserved icon and autoseated when they saw that.

It seems like autoseating in response to a reserved icon is happening more often and the scripts are bouncing off of each other a bit, making it hard to have any open seats at some tables. Eg. observed 3 players trying to start a game and a shorty reserves a seat - right away the other 2 seats are reserved. Slowly the first reserved seat is vacated, followed by the other two. This repeats until the table starters get annoyed and leave the table :/
